Short Shameful Confession

For the past three weeks, I thought I was playing that America’s Army combat training and simulation game, but it turned out I was playing America’s Salvation Army.
Now the whole “Hit the mouse button to ring the bell, repeat.” instructions that came with it makes a lot more sense.
Although I did manage to get the Bigger Kettle power-up.
Oh, and the ski mask and gloves, too. Those were kinda cool.

I tried the multiplayer mode, but Harvey kept setting me on fire.


  1. One of my cousins married someone whose family was Salvation Army. Right up until the wedding I thought the organization was a service group. Discovered it is a separate Christian Denomination with a very military structure. The preacher did the wedding in a dress uniform and most of the Brides side was in uniform also. It was VERY creepy as the uniforms looked like some third world army. I know they are good helpful people in reality, but I kept expecting to be led in a pledge to the Glorious Leader or get caught up in a coup de etat.
    and FIRST!

  2. Brian-
    Just be glad it wasn’t the S.A.’s liberal opposition that your cuz married into:
    The Salivation Army, aka The People’s
    Their t-shirts are a lot less, but the taxes on them are unbearable, and most of them have pictures of Che screenprinted on them.

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