Still on Vacation

Man, I wanted SarahK to post I was captured by Mormon extremists here in Idaho and then put up a video of me converting to Mormonism at gunpoint, but I’m on vacation, so no time for sketch comedy. I do have some rants brewing, but I’ll get to them when I get back to Florida (stupid Earnesto trying to ruin our vacation).
Anyhoo, if you’re wondering what the lovely and talented SarahK and I are up to, Sarah has been blogging it (with pictures).
Be honorable, ronin.
UPDATE: BTW, the new shirt design for has been finalized on, and will premiere soon.


  1. Frank, do you get to have more than one wife? Are there any good looking ones out there that you are thinking about adding to your “stable”? Do you have to wear that funny underwear we’ve heard about?

  2. Mormon extremists are more than likely going to invite you to dinner and Family Home Evening or ask you to attend church with them.
    We don’t have “extremest” in the church.” If someone like “Jeffs” (who IS NOT a member BTW) engages in activities that are inconsistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they are asked to leave.
    Oh, just for the edification of those of you out there who are confused. Mormons DO dance. Anyone watch ” So You Think You Can Dance” ? Benji, the winner was a Mormon, so were Heidi and Allison. Yes Victoria, we can dance, sing, celebrate holidays and we believe in Jesus Christ.
    My husband’s attitude toward polygamy is ” What would I want with another wife, I have a enough to do to keep up with the one I already have.
    I never know whether to feel insulted or complimented when he says that!

  3. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

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