Straw Poll!

Just to bide our time for two more years, here’s a straw poll you can participate in on Republican candidates for president in 2008.
SPOLIER: Everyone hates Hagel.
UPDATE: Oh. I can just add it to our site and see IMAO specific results. If anyone votes for Hagel, I’ll punch you.

As expected, Hagel is by far the first choice of lefty trolls.


  1. Newt for President and Condi for VP…then we take Anne Coulter and ship her over to the Department of State and let her clean out that vipers nest!!! Very Cool and could actually get my conservative juices flowing again…other than Newt…the rest of these guys will tell you whatever you want to hear but once elected they won’t do a damn thing!!!

  2. Chuck Hagel impressed a lot of us Nebraskans when he came to Bellevue University (near Omaha) immediately after 9-11. It was a time when most of us were afraid to fly. He did an outstanding job with his reassurances to a frightened and anxious audience.
    There was a day years ago when Hagel was a decent republican, and I have to admit that I voted for him. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!
    Not only did he tick off most of the conservative red state of Nebraska with his anti-war stand, he developed one of the worst “immigration” policies ever.
    Ben Nelson is our other senator, and he’s basically a DINO. Maybe they should switch parties.

  3. James,
    Crawl back under the rock you crawled out of and take your nasty, spiteful, hateful little comments with you. What do you know about sacrifice? What do you know about pain? You insignificant little worm. I sincerly hope you never have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but if you do, I pity you.

  4. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

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