The Ever Evolving IMAO

I guess it’s official; spacemonkey finally got our Trackbacks working again. Yay him.
Anyway, I’ve made the “Digg this” link less obtrusive and added links ala Blackfive. I’ve just begun playing with, and it adds some buttons to your Firefox browser (the official browser of IMAO) that allows you to quickly bookmark sites and then you can share your bookmarks or something. I’m not sure how it all works, but maybe I can use it to get a blogroll up again (or a “Here’s What Frank J. is reading” list). My username on it is Frank_J (someone already stole FrankJ), BTW.
Now to get the horrendous mess of old junk that is our sidebars…
Oh, and I know I had a post idea for today…


  1. i <3 firefox! and i can do the <3 thing bc i’m smart. unfourtunetly not smart enough to get people to read my blog besides friends. and i’m not an evil genious smart so i haven’t perfected my plot to brainwash people…. maybe i should get a jew friend to help me.

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