Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Bart’s school science project was “Wasting squirrels with a BB gun”
2) Homer had to overcome a giant spider in the plant basement so he could escape work and go where?
3) What vegetable did Abe once wear on his belt, because it was the style at the time?
4) In “Whacking Day”, who is seen wearing a red devil’s costume, dancing, singing, and playing the maracas?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. 1) False – For at least one science fair, he sticks a hamster in an airplane
    2) The Duff Brewery
    3) An onion
    4) I think it was Evil Homer – the bad side of Homer’s conscience (Doesn’t he dance around singing “I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer!”?)

  2. 1a) False – Bart puts Lisa’s hamster in an airplane to get back at her for her experiment “Is my brother dumber than a hamster”. The hamster also has a scarf and goggles.
    1b) False – Bart has a dream where his science fair project is “A go-go ray”.
    2) “To defeat the spider’s curse, simply quote a bible verse” the directions given to Homer so he could get past the spider on his way to a tour of the Duff brewery.
    3) Onion
    4) After telling Lisa that there is a struggle between good and evil inside all people, there is a cut scene to “Evil Homer” dancing on the grave of “Good Homer”.

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