Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) The Simpsons cat is named Snowball I
2) Who is Abe Simpson’s favorite TV hero?
3) What is the name of Springfield’s minor-league baseball team?
4) A real-life replica of the Simpsons house is located in the suburb of what US city?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
Bonus question:
5) Do the Simpsons support killing the @#$%ers?


  1. 1) The first cat is retroactively referred to as Snowball I.
    3) The Springfield Isotopes
    4) dunno, but I remember that contest; then again, the layout of the house changes as is necessary for the episode, so an exact replica is impossible
    5) Homer and Grandpa probably would

  2. 4) The one built as part of a contest was outisde of Las Vegas, though I believe there have been several unofficial fan made ones.
    5) Herman from the military antiques store would be all about killing @#$%ers, as would Mr. Burns. Cheif Wigum would if he could find them.

  3. 1) False (Snowball II, although they did have snowball III, snowball IV and coltrane at one point).
    3) The Isotopes (‘Topes Win! ‘Topes Win!)
    4) Las Vegas, Nevada
    5) Of course!

  4. 5: Nope. Maybe Herman and Mr Burns, because Herman wants to kill everybody and Mr Burns is evil. The rest would probably start talking about “root causes”
    Mmmmmm, root causes (drooool).
    Haven’t any of you been watching the last few seasons? “He has lower credibility than the US has on the international stage” is a quote. Mr. Burns wanted his prison to be worse than Abu Ghraib, he only needed a poncho, some wires and somebody who can really point at genitalia.
    It’s barely funny anymore as it’s become too preachy. Either they have BDS or they’re just sick of doing it and they want to make it suck so it gets canceled.

  5. Veeshir is probably right. Then again, I haven’t watched the Simpsons since Maude died.
    What happened to the days when half of Springfield was a member of the NRA? And Marge was walking around with a gun tucked in her belt?

  6. Homer flip-flops. He recently referred to Iraq (and maybe Afghanistan) as a “military quagmire” and called Bush something like “Commander Crazy McCoo-Coo”
    (I’m probably totally off on that)
    BTW, while we’re on the subject, someone commented on one of the first Simpsons Trivia threads (I think) saying that the episode where Homer buys a gun is full of liberal propaganda. He must have been seeing something that wasn’t there, because I read that the writer for that episode believes in gun ownership.

  7. BTW, that quote with Mr. Burns referring to Abu Ghraib [sic?] was pointing out how silly it was to think that that was such a big deal…like he said, “Get me someone who can REALLY point at genitalia!”

  8. bgrx: I read the same thing. If you watch the episode, Homer is kicked out of the NRA — and rightfully so — becuase he was behaving irresponsibly and treating his handgun like a toy. And don’t Moe, Agnes, Lenny, and Dr. Hibbert save the day in the end because they know how to pack heat? It was more a story about gun safety than gun control.

  9. BG and El,
    That episode was on a channel here in Phoenix the other night. It really isn’t anti-gun. It does show that they are useful tools and to not be irresponsible with them. It also shows, in some respects, the Libtard knee-jerk reaction to any firearms.
    But The Simpsons of yesteryear are gone, replaced by preachy MFLs in Animated Form.

  10. Official Trivia Card answers:
    1) False; sorry, it’s Snowball II
    2) Matlock
    3) Isotopes
    4) Las Vegas [712 Red Bark Lane, Henderson, NV]
    Alice – you’ll have to cite a source for your spelling choice. Meanwhile, I’ll defend myself by saying “I just copied it off the trivia card”.
    Oh, and the answer to #5 is “No, because they were all blown up by terrorists because our President has yet to get serious about killing the @#$%ers”.
    Come on, W, more dead terrorists, please. Take the gloves off before it’s too late.

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