Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) In “Bart the Daredevil”, what happens right after Homer is whisked away in an ambulance?
2) The monstrous truck at the Monster Truck Rally is called what?
3) What is on the back of every Happy Sumo restaurant menu?
4) What is the state motto of the state Springfield is in?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. Let’s see…
    1) The ambulance crashes into a tree, and Homer rolls out the back, and falls into the gorge
    3)a map to the hospital
    4)Learn to Fart (OK, that’s Bart’s proposed motto in a later episode)

  2. 1) He falls out of the ambulance and tumbles back down Springfield gorge on a stretcher.
    3)A Map to the Hospital
    4)Not Just Another State (as opposed to the Motto of Springfield: A Noble Spirit Enbiggens the Smallest Man) (Enbiggens is a perfectly crapulent word).

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