Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Homer tells his mother that people think he looks like Dan Akroyd?
2) When Homer gained a lot of weight, what did the theater manager offer him if he would leave?
3) When Homer gained a lot of weight, what did he use to push buttons and tap windows?
4) In “Bart On The Road”, we learn that Nelson really admires which famous singer?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

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  1. when I don’t like what’s on the internet I change the channel or watch some good old healthy TV.
    Amen to that. I’ve never even seen an episodes of the Simpsons (the fact that I’ve never had a television probably has something to do with that), but I really like the daily Simpsons trivia. I don’t much go for catblogging, but I just skip past that. It’s not as if I’m stuck in the Daily Kos and can’t get out.

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