We all live in a Jewish submarine

A lot of you have been wondering why I haven’t said anything about Israel buying two more Dolphin-class submarines from the Germans.
Well, aside from the fact that the Zionist Conspiracy would have me rubbed out as a traitor, there is now the problem of Paul McCartney wanting to rub me out, too…

In the town where I mitzvahed,
Muslims pushed us all into the sea,
Oy Gevalt! We will return
To the Holy Land, with submarines,
So we sailed to Miami Beach,
In the offseason, what, are we rich?
And we loaded up with borscht
In our Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
And our family’s all aboard,
Even Sylvia (that vicious whore),
And the band begins to play. [TRUMPETS]
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
Bagels, lox, and good cream cheese,
Everyone of us has all we need (has all we need)
Flag of blue, (flag of blue) and lots of green (lots of green)
In our Jewish (in our Jewish) submarine (submarine)
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,
We all live in a Jewish submarine,
Jewish submarine, Jewish submarine,

(Meryl’s going to kill me for not posting anything this week on her site…)


  1. Thats great News, Now when Al(whatever)
    decides to make his next military blunder ( attack Isreal Indirectly ), retaliation shall be swift, in 2009.
    I guess Einstein was right, Sticks and Stoned…

  2. Paul McSimons newest single goes … When I find myself in times of trouble … Mother Mary comes to me … Speaking words of wisdom … Israel, let Her be … Let Her be … Let Her be or else die.

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