What to get Laurence Simon this Ramadan

Or any of your friends who are part of the Zionist Conspiracy for that matter.
One of these.
It, I dunno, just works on so many levels doesn’t it?


  1. Hmm, I’d get one for myself, but I would eventually eat it, just like several regular leather wallets I’ve owned. I now keep my money in a wallet with Michael Moore’s face embossed on it to drive away my appetite and the risk of consuming the wallet.

  2. THAT’S IT, KNAVE! You just inadvertantly pinpointed the soon-to-be most effective weight loss program EVER! Overweight people could just put pics of Michael Moo-er on their fridges & food pantries, and before they know it, they’re as slim as Mikey’s chances of making sense.

  3. This is perfect; we can’t tell if the guys that bought the store across the street from my office are raghead terrorist arabs or just plain old dot indians.
    I’ll be sure to lay this new wallet on the counter, and if they freak out and start screaming “Ululululu!” we’ll know we’re supposed to shoot ’em.

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