What’s Next? Cats and Dogs Living Together?

Grim at Blackfive actually found a post at DailyKos worth reading. It’s true! Go check it out.


  1. I’m confused. The loss of our soldiers is sad, and alas, a part of war. We are at war and our soldiers are dying to keep us free and kill those terrorists scum away from our shores. Do these brave and valiant fallen warrriors deserve more attention or pity because they were females? No, they were soldiers. Yet the feminazi author says that you have a problem with feminism you shouldn’t because they died doing a man’s job. I never learned in civics that the women of our country have no repsonsibility when it comes to protecting and defending the US in times of war. I do recall deaths in WWI and II, Korea and Vietnam among females soldiers. I think it is wonderful paying tribute and recognizing the sacrifice of these brave soldiers, but to drag feminism into it and politicizing it is just another bullshit way the moonbats look at everything. God bless our troops and God [protect our country and our troops from these panisies.

  2. Was it not the daily kos that a few weeks ago had an article responding to the soldier whose father owned a gun store and was a sharpshooter for his company. Something about having a high confirmed kill ratio, and being an excellent soldier. It seems that I remember some of the respondees on that site calling into question his humanity, his sanity, his manhood, etc. He should be “locked up” one poster said while a different poster put him on the counch and began diagnosing his “mental disorders” from the safety of his armchair.
    So apparently, its perfectly fine and laudable to be hit by roadside bombs, but not ok to kill terrorists. It would seem that the use of the U.S. Military, so far as the moonbats are concerned, is cannon foder and touching sentiments.
    I am glad that people give their lives defending my freedom, but I am also glad that they take lives to do it as well. It is such an emotional and illogical double-think to simutaniously try to honor fallen soldiers and denegrate the fellow soldiers who serve along side them.
    “The object of war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his” G.S. Patton
    Pax Christi…Luther

  3. I thought it was a good thread/diary thing until I started reading some of the comments. It went from “such a sad story” to “blame Bush”. Sad, how they can’t just let that be what it was supposed to be: a memorial to strong woman.

  4. It tears my heart out to think about our country having to lose our best and brightest such as these brave women and the brave men that have died for the freedoms that we each enjoy every minute of every day here in the United States! God Bless every one of them and all current active duty members of our military. As for these pricks at DKOS…these soldiers died so that they have the right to publish this screed but if I ever run accross one of these cretins, I’m going to punch them in their dumb monkey faces for real!

  5. The Kos Kids are shameful. Using the war for their own political ends. I thought only hateful, dishonest, neo con republiccans did terrible things like that.
    The prince of darkness will tell 1000 truths to get one lie past you. Be ever vigilant, ever faithful, ever watchful. Know thy enemy.

  6. It would’ve been worth the accolades they were trying garner if only it were a realistic homage. EVERY fallen American military hero gets honor & praise for their sacrafice, regardless of gender or any other distinguishing social status. If they don’t see it on their MSM, it’s their own fault; we honor all of our defenders while they berate the career choices of our military personnel.
    This wasn’t just a womens issue.

  7. Not to seem vengeful, but is there some agency we can contact to make sure that if we die in the AOR and they use our names and pictures for things like this they’ll be killed? Or at the very least have their lives destroyed? I feel like being memorialized by those people would be like having one’s name inscribed in a memorial of crap. That’s just my personal opinion, though.

  8. I found the listing moving for the right resons even though they were put up for partly the wrong reasons. I did take offense at one of those moonbats using a quote from my cousin Will Rogers. (yeah, I’m name dropping)
    “Don’t squat with your spurs on”
    – Will Rogers

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