Why I Support the IDF

Besides, of course, the fact that they kill terrorists, there are 3 good reasons:
Girls with guns

Girls without guns

Girls-on-girls without guns

And here’s a good reason to actually join the IDF

You’re not “groping”, you’re just “checking to make sure her weapon is secure”.
Anyway, here’s plenty more reasons to love the IDF.


  1. Now I know where I am taking my next vacation!
    Thank god I am a half jew!
    Or as my African Gray Congo Parrot calls me…
    (really… no joke. She says that to me whenever I come in the door, the room, or whenever she looks at me. you thought it was funny about Mel Gibson’s Anti-Semetic Parrot, I literally have one!)
    But I digress…
    Thanks for the linky! Now, excuse me while I whip this out!

  2. This is pretty goddamm revolting. This is a military that is currently killing tens and even hundreds of innocent civilians every day.
    Those of you who think exclusively with your dick, go ahead and jiz over this shit, the rest of us get one more reason to really start disliking the IDF and everything it stands for.

  3. “…killing tens and even hundreds of innocent civilians every day.”
    That’s very true, Coog. They’re not all easy going & fair, like hezbollah. Did you know that the Katyusha rockets they lob into Israel are designed to hit only adults? You should petition the IDF to use those rockets instead…
    Cougar needs a hug.

  4. “..the rest of us get one more reason to really start disliking the IDF and everything it stands for.”
    Hot chicks is a reason to dislike the IDF? Why would hot chicks give you one more reason? Unless you hate hot chicks. Especially hot JOOOOOish chicks.

  5. “Hot chicks is a reason to dislike the IDF? Why would hot chicks give you one more reason? Unless you hate hot chicks. Especially hot JOOOOOish chicks.”
    That is unless Cougar is a Homo anti-semite. Actually, I think he thinks he is Pro-Semite because he got it confused with pro-Semen.

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