Yeah, They’re Still Trying to Kill Us

So where are we? Terror plot foiled (hopefully) about blowing up planes between the U.S. and the U.K. and there are still a bunch of Egyptians illegally in the country for who knows what reason (are they just cutting class or what?). All the while, most of us are getting wary that the war in Iraq is going nowhere and the “War on Terror” is nothing more than a phrase.
Let’s stand back and look at the facts: There are a bunch of murderous @#$% out there who want to kill innocent people.
Now there are a couple of approaches to this problem:
1. You do your best to not make them angry. You leave the Middle East, you stop supporting Israel, and you hope that makes them so happy that they’ll just give up being murderery (“We have to focus on the root causes of terrorism”,”Why do they hate us”,etc.). We’ll call this the “dickless” approach.
2. You focus on stopping attacks in America. You pour all you can into intelligence hoping you’ll stop attacks in this country, but you don’t just stomp off into the Middle East to get the terrorists because that will cause a “quagmire.” In other words, you wait for them to come to you… really hoping they won’t, though. We’ll call this the “hung like an infant” approach.
3. You put a bullet in a terrorist’s head before the terror plot even gets there. You go after them, and you kill them and stop them now. We’ll call this the “kill the @#$%ers” approach.
Now, as we all know, it’s really easy to say “kill the @#$%ers” but harder to implement in practice. We were hardly in Afghanistan a couple of hours before people started shouting, “Quagmire!” We’ve been in Iraq for years, and we have killed a lot of @#$%ers, but no one sees an end in sight. We’re worried it’s only going to get worse, and there’s lots of talk about when are we getting out of there.
Only problem is the murderous @#$% are still out there and they still want to kill. So leaving isn’t an option at all.
Do we ramp up the conflict? Won’t that only get us into a quagmire?
Far as I’ve seen things in my limited ability to analyze military actions (and granted I’m not even good at chess), the way you get in a quagmire is you get yourself in a situation where the enemy doesn’t think we have it in us to attack them harder so they keep hurting us until we just decide to give up.
And do you think the enemy believe we’re ready to really massacre the @#$%ers? When you watch TV, is the number one concern on everyone’s mind, “Why aren’t these @#$%ers all dead?”
No. You look at America right now, there is no reason to take us seriously. Our military is plenty serious (just look at this guy). The only problem is they are constrained by our fickle nature. If the public isn’t serious, then the politicians will make sure the military isn’t deployed seriously. They will try to protect the troops by essentially holding them back from getting the job done.
Which protects no one.
We have to get in there and we have to kill all the @#$%ers. Yes, this will make many other countries mad. But, who cares? There are @#$%ers who need killing and that should be our largest concern. If people in the Middle East get mad at our presence, we simply tell them, “Well, we wouldn’t have to be here if you just killed your own damn @#$%ers.” And we’ll set solid conditions which we’ll leave, that other countries can hold us to, but those conditions will always be in the form of “we’ll leave when these certain @#$%ers are dead.” And we’ll name the particular @#$%ers, and upon their demise, we will leave. And thus we can all work together to one goal that will make everyone happy– except, of course, the @#$%ers who have no reason to ever be happy.
So how to get there? For that, we need serious politicians. We need people who aren’t going to back down until all the @#$%ers are dead. We need people who, when they see the current bills before Congress, will exclaim, “Minimum wage? Estate tax? How the hell are these things going to help us kill the @#$%ers?”
Because the federal government wasn’t made to give us handouts and wipe our noses; its purpose is to protect us from the @#$%ers out there in foreign lands. Now there are plenty of dickless people out there who will argue against this. If you’ve been following just the lefty blogs over the past month, you’d think that Lieberman was a much bigger threat to the world than Hezbollah. That’s because the dickless out there are a bunch of gnats; annoying little things to be ignored and swatted on some occasions but pointless to debate. The dickless want to minimize that there are terrorists out there and focus on winning a few elections and forwarding their agendas full of piddling crap. Basically, there is a gun battle going on around them, and they’re trying to cover their ears and continue playing Chutes and Ladders.
Useless. Dickless. Not worth our time.
What we need is to get candidates out there who will run under a platform of “We must kill all the @#$%ers.” That’s the only issue the Republicans should push forward right now. But let’s not be like those annoying little gnats and think the goal in politics is getting “our people” elected. The goal is to kill the @#$%ers. If some hippie Democrat smelling of patchouli oil runs on a platform of “Free healthcare, saving the environment, gay marriage, more handouts for the poor, and killing all the @#$%ers” he’d get my vote over anyone else out there.
The point is that there are people out there who have murdered thousands of innocents and they will keep trying and trying until they murder thousands more. Are we going to be able to keep focuses on that fact until all the @#$%ers are dead?
I dunno, but we have to try. We might as well start this election cycle.

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  1. Man, this is awesome.
    As I’ve long said, it all comes down to what “peace” is. One side thinks that “peace” is what happens when people aren’t shooting at each other. The other side thinks that “peace” is what you get when all the bad guys are dead. That’s the modern world in a nutshell (especially regarding the Middle East.)
    Good to see that once again Frank J. is on the right side. (And let’s nuke the moon while we’re at it.)

  2. Dude,
    Great rant, and I share your rage. Came in to work in a good mood and now after reading all the news about liquid explosives and stolen Trac phones all I wanna do is yell at all the shortsighted, self-absorbed little gits I work with. “Wake up, you morons! Worry less about your fantasy friggin’ football and worry more about planes exploding over towns and farms. You shiftless, spineless, myopic little ass-hats!” Why am I always the only one who’s scared, worried and seething when news like this comes out? Apathy will kill this nation, you can bet on that.
    Thank God for the troops. They’re the thin camouflage line between us and the hordes who wish to annihilate us.

  3. FrankJ:
    Sorry, but I can’t help respond to this post. It reaches a new low, even for you.
    First, I don’t think the amount of “dick” in a political policy is the proper way to judge the strength of said policy.
    Second, you seem to be basically advocating Islamic genocide here, since it is not that easy to find and kill the “terrorists”, as our occupation of Iraq demonstrates. This is especially true when the presence of an occupying army in a country tends to make more “terrorists”, when you are dealing with centuries of tribal grievances and religious strife, etc.
    Given this, the only way to kill all “@#$%ers” would be to also kill all the Muslims. I really don’t think that genocide is a good “final solution” to the problems in the Middle East. Do you?
    Third, we need to find a way to live with people who do not share our values, at least as this time. We need to do it in a way that protects ourselves from the radicals who reject our values. And we need to do it in a way that encourages others to embrace the values that we think make human life more fullfilling and worthwhile.
    I really don’t think a policy of “kill the @#$%ers?” is the way to do this.
    Thank God that most Americans don’t agree with you on our policy. And God help us that some Americans do.
    Monkey Faced Liberal
    P.S. As a Christian, aren’t you supposed to ask yourself what would Jesus do?
    Do you really think his answer would be “kill the @#$%ers?”

  4. Personally, as a Catholic, I am tired of people using the old “What Would Jesus Do?” crap.
    Jesus wasn’t the leader of a nation/state, he was a religious leader. Jesus didn’t specifically go into issues of tax policy, economic policy or foreign policy. Jesus taught how individuals should conduct themselves.
    I never read anything where Jesus said, “If a group of thugs decide to kill everyone, everyone should just let them.”
    If we want to ask about Jesus, let’s take the golden rule and apply it to the jihadis. They have done unto us as they would have us do unto them.

  5. Speaking of gnats…
    keith (not a gnat),
    Well, I wouldn’t say eye for an eye with the terrorists. We would never do to them what they want to do to us. We’re not going to kill their children. We don’t want to wipe out all Muslims. We just want to kill those who want to kill us, and that in no way puts us near their level.
    Otherwise, I really agree with what you said about the WWJD thing.

  6. MFL you ignorant, dickless slut! What typical dickless liberal monkey-faced tripe, but then what should we expect. FrankJ, that rash young rascal, was not advocating genocide of the Muslims. He is advocating genocide of terrorists. But the problem boils down to Islam. If they are intent on taking over the world, creating a caliphate and killing all the infidels, well they have a huge problem. But we can’t expect appease monkies like you to take a stand with our country, and other countries that recognize the threat. Your ilk, you know, the take-it-in-the-arse and suck up to the terrorist crowd would rather blame us over your soy mocha latte while waiting for your hybrid yota gets its oil changed.
    Until “moderate” Muslims, if they exist, stand up an support tolerance and fight the terrorists, they risk becoming targets. This will become more likely the longer this war goes on and they sit on their hands.
    But you Dicklesscrats just keep on fighting our military efforts as much as you can. Sept 11th really didn’t happen, it was another trick by Karl Rove.
    Sincerely, eat shit and die.

  7. MFL, when they decide they can live with people who don’t share their values, we’ll consider doing the same. until then, i say kill the !@#$ers.
    unfortunately, i don’t see any politicians on the right running on any other platforms than gay marriage, flag burning, stem cells, spending as much money on welfare as they possibly can, and sticking it good to insurance companies over hurricanes. no one’s running on killing terrorists and taking personal responsibility.
    it’s all welfare and a bunch of stuff that should be waaaaay on the back burner.

  8. Frank J.:
    I can’t help respond to this. I mean really, what else am I going to do with my time?
    It’s not like I have a serious job or anything, so, when you think about it–not only am I capable of starting fights with a random blogger who makes fun of my politics in the middle of the day, on a weekday–It’s actually the best use of my time!
    Face it. I have no life. So it’s either this or watching “The Warriors,” but damnit man, pay attention to me!
    I won’t be ignored, Frank,
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  9. Yup, they are still trying to kill us. And from this quote from a distressed traveler in England, they probably will — “It’s a massive inconvenience, I can’t take my makeup on the flight.” Almost as good — “Eight hours without an Ipod, that’s the most inconvenient thing.” Good grief, is there any reason to hope with a West this decadent?

  10. Monkey Faced Liberal –
    The folks who wanted to blow up those planes aren’t “terrorists”; they’re terrorists. The folks who have been firing missiles into Israel are terrorists. The man who shot six Jews in Seattle earlier this week is a terrorist. They want me dead, because I believe in freedom. They want me dead, because I am not a Muslim. They want you dead.
    The fact that you put the word terrorists into quotation marks engenders an anger in me, and probably in many others, that makes it very difficult for me to pay much attention to the rest of your argument.

  11. MFL, I can see where you are coming from.
    Unfortunately for you, I am of the “Daddy Spank” persuasion.
    This means an insult is answered by a spanking that evryone will remember, every time. Only then will they quit trying to overrun us, when they KNOW that what they and all of their kin will receive is at least 100 times worse than whatever they dished out.

  12. Hey, MFL is back!!
    Frank J.-way to go, well said. Hooah!!
    I for one am happy to be taking all of your tax money (except MFL who probably doesn’t work) to kill @#$%ers. I’ve been to Iraq twice and it looks like Afghanistan this fall and I tell you what – there is no better feeling in the world than putting holes in my countries enemies. Bunch of @#$%ers.
    I think we can sum up the two points of view here with a quote from Gen Patton: “It is not your job to die for your country. It is your job to make the other dumb bastard die for his country.” Offense vs Defense. The left loves to always have a victim but I have some personal issues with that approach to life.

  13. Terrorists are not that hard to find.
    Hezbulallh is right there with all their missles. The states that support them are obvious (Iran, Syria, Ven. N. Korea, etc.).
    The idea that killing terrorists/people who oppose you creates more terrorists does not seem to hold water….if enough of them are killed (and their families and their towns etc.). Ask Iran with its Sunni arab minority. Ask Syria when it took out a town of 25,000. Or ask Tibet. Why had there not been effective long-running terrorism (related to WWII where the allies did many more worse things to civilians than today) in Japan? Germany?
    Terrorism spreads when terrorist wannabes & fellow travelers do not suffer the consquences of associating with terrorists. Like the endless children standing next to the various hammas fighters shooting at Israel troops. Due to Israel concerns about not killing human shields, they learn that they too can win glory (in their culture) by attacking Isreal’s. If Isreal took Syrian methods and simply killed everyone near the terrorist (and international outrage be damned) or in a town that had terrorists, I think that they would have second thoughts about how successful terrorism is.
    Why doesn’t the Free world simply say screw the usless talking and declare war on the various nation states that openly support terror?
    It won’t and 10 years (or less) some group is going to get nukes and take out multiple Western Cities. Millions will die.
    Then the West will engage in genocide or surrender as willing slaves.
    I don’t like the idea at all but if the choice becomes our innocent babies vs. the innocent babies of the culture that the terrorists reside in….well, what real choice do we have?

  14. The problem is, we can’t try to “show” the terrorists the best way to live in this world. We have tried peaceful approaches to dealing with terrorists, we have tried to live and deal with life without stopping the problem. However, when we try to do that, we receive an unprovoked attack that consists of planes smashing buildings.
    But, the thing is, we do provoke attacks, and it is all our fault. It was provoked by this simple fact: We are infidels. We are Christians. We are capitalistic. We are materialistic. And all of these reasons will continue to provoke and infuriate the terrorists regardless of whether we are hunting them or not. We can go with “hung like a baby,” and unfortunately a lot of people in this nation want to do that.
    THAT WILL NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. The fact is, these people hate us. We could pull out of the UN, remove all of our troops from every part of the world, vacate North America and move our entire country to Antarctica, and these people WILL CONTINUE TO COME AFTER US. They cannot be taught, because they have already chosen what to believe. And that is why we must remain aggressive.

  15. If I recall my Bible correctly one of the events of Jesus’s next return is to destroy the immoral of the world by fire. Sounds to me like Jesus is the kind of guy who dishes out punishment on the evil and what more would you consider a bunch of guys intent on bringing down a plane or landmark full of innocent people, but evil?
    As usual the mfl critter has its monkey head up its monkey butt where perception of reality is concerned.

  16. MFL,
    First of all, the amount of dick is a shorthand way of saying “Grow some balls”, and it is very relevant to a political policy, especially where the Middle East is concerned. Middle Eastern societies, while they have their religious side and requirements to live within certain religious guidelines, operate on the principle of “Follow the Henchman”. The strongest guy on the block isn’t the one who TALKS the nicest… it’s the one who is willing to kick the ass of the others and make them do what they want them to do, preferably with their actions couched in some sort of religious rigamarole so that the religious leaders can save face by going along with it. That is what your “centuries of tribal grievances and religious strife” looks like and has always looked like.
    The presence of the occupying army is breeding more terrorists because we aren’t kicking the ass of the henchmen and couching it in terms that the religious leaders can stand behind. It’s even worse when the henchmen are coming from another country (read Iran, Syria) and have a specific goal of whipping up the local population into terrorist fighters… apparently they are so good at it that it seems like you are actually falling for their crap too.
    “We need to find a way to live with people who do not share our values…” Perhaps, but when their values are so radically different, then what?? How do you find a way to live with people who’s stated goal is your complete and utter destruction? I am sooooo sick and tired of MFL’s like yourself stating the obvious, but not having anything to back it up… it’s almost juvenile. Your third statement is so, ummmmmm, loving… but THEY don’t care and wouldn’t give you enough time to open your mouth and try to explain even THAT, let alone allow you to launch into some diatribe about “can’t we all just get along?? …sniffle…”. Unless of course they needed some time to plot the ambush to kill you later, then you would just be playing into their hands.
    You understand, of course that I am talking about the henchmen and not entire populations? In my mind, kill the @#$%ers refers to those who would undermine OUR authority. You get rid of the henchmen, institute the changes you would like to see made and FORCE them to like it (albeit in nice and loving way… that’s why we need you MFL’s) FORCE (in a nice and loving way) is the key here.
    Everytime a new henchman rears his ugly head, you (the MFL’s) would pull your head out of the sandbox and run straight to the pricipal’s office to tattle about it, whereupon the henchman gets stomped on… publically (like we send him to guantanamo or something), so that the masses can see that you still have a dick and a big set of balls, and they won’t want to @#$% with you. That allows YOU (MFL’s) more time to complete the social engineering programs that you love to play with.
    So you see, actually, “kill the @#$%ers?” IS the way to do this.

  17. Even assuming you all are the studs you make yourselves out to be the rest of the West most certainly does not behave like they are. What’s your plan to deal with a population that looks to believe that peace is nothing more than the lack of war? They appear ready to run up the white flag as long as their makeup doesn’t get mussed.

  18. It is said that Captains should study Tactics, and Generals should study Logistics. Most of the Terrorists are being paid to fight, if this pay, training, and supply was interdicted, many Terrorists would have to go find work. At the present time, Iran is the largest funding source in the world for Terrorists, contributing as much as $1 billion in money, arms, and training every year.
    I believe this would significantly improve our strategic position in the War on Terror.
    We should destroy the Iranian oil industry. By Bombing all oil transportation facilities, pipelines, storage tanks, tanker trucks, rolling stock, refinery’s etc– we can cripple the funding of numerous terrorist organizations, Hezbollah, Hama’s, Sadr’s militia, Syria, as well as make it more difficult for Iran to buy missiles and such from North Korea, China, and Russia.
    It would remove Iran’s threat that if we attack they will shut off the oil. Making the threat ridiculous and demonstrating that they are a single product state and without oil, and no other product that the world wants, they are nothing. Additionally, by declaring that we will destroy any reconstituting oil industry as long as the Mullacracy remains in charge, we can focus the Iranian’s blame for the situation, on the Theocracy and their support of Terrorism.
    This will also bring home to all the other oil producing countries like Venezuela, Libya, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, etc– that they are very vulnerable to the same tactic.
    In addition, this will gain us time for the Iraqi’s to stand on their own, and free up troops we would need if we have to go into Iran, North Korea or somewhere else.
    Sure the price of gas will rise, but this will also demonstrate to the world that the USA is not in Iraq for the Oil, and the onus can be shifted on to the Democrats for not allowing more domestic production.
    “It’s not the control of the spice but the power to destroy the spice that is the real power. [From Dune]”
    It has recently been said that the nuclear production facilities in Iran are so deep underground that we can’t reach them with conventional weapons. Perhaps so, but maybe we can starve those facilities of funds. Nuclear weapons are terribly expensive to build, and if Iran now needs all its money to repair vital life supporting infrastructure, it may have to slow or stop its attempt to build an atomic bomb.
    Finally, Iran is a state sponsor of Terrorists, it must be punished, and it must be seen to be punished. Iran’s continued sponsorship of terror is a slap in America’s and President Bush’s face, and it must be answered.
    The following was written in response to an objection I received about having to pay more for fuel if this strategy was followed.
    I think you are overly concerned about the economic considerations, and not concerned enough about the need to prosecute the War on Terror to the utmost.
    1. The US has a full Strategic Petroleum Reserve of 700 million Barrels, and we aren’t the only nation with an SPR. What good is it if you never use it? The average price paid on that 700 million barrels was $27, so the nation would actually make a profit selling it now.
    2. The only reason the US isn’t energy independent now is because of political factors. 2 Trillion Barrels of oil in oil shale (see Any organic matter can be turned into fuel (see The US would and should be using much more nuclear power, (if it wasn’t for the Ecofreaks). There are also many areas in the US that are now off limits to drilling. All it takes is the political will to develop all of these. Higher fuel prices will provide that political pressure.
    3. Iran is using diplomatic processes, just like the Nazi’s before them. So talking to them is a waste of our time, and just gives them time to develop nukes.
    4. Iran subsidizes gas at $.10 a gallon, so by destroying the Iranian oil industry not only do we instantly remove 20% of their GDP. We put them all on foot, and in the dark.
    5. The mullahs want to take their world back to the 7th century, we should assist them.
    6. My recommended solution for American energy independence: a combination of tax breaks, loan guarantees (all energy development is capital intensive), and the government purchase of the patents held by Oil-Tech, and Power Energy, and making them open source.
    The following further expands on the idea.
    Iran exports 2.5 million barrels of oil a day, Iranian as well as the rest of the Persian gulf oil producers, produce what is called heavy sour crude which typically sells for ~20% less than the benchmark sweet light crude quoted on the spot markets. So, with that understanding we can roughly calculate the gross income Iran’s economy generates from oil exports. At a price of $75 Barrel Iran will get 80% of that price for its low grade crude, or $60. $60 x $2.5 million barrels x 365 days = $54.75 billion. Now from the CIA world fact book we can see that Iran has a GNP of $564 billion. So by destroying Iran’s oil industry their GDP is cut by 10% just from the lost exports. But, the damage is much deeper than that, Iran subsidizes gasoline at $.10 a gallon and Iran consumes 1.425 million barrels of oil a day. With the oil industry destroyed the cars, trucks, trains, and power plants no longer run. That means no machinery, no electricity, and no modern economy. I can’t estimate what Iran’s GDP would decline to, but even the poorest nation on earth still has running cars and electricity. I think much of the population would either revolt or start walking for the boarders. They couldn’t import oil because we would destroy tankers, pipelines, and rolling stock. They couldn’t attack us in Iraq either, because with out gas they can’t logistically supply an attacking army. We on the other hand could perform a ground attack anywhere and they would be incapable of maneuvering in response. Not that I think we should do a ground attack, I don’t, but we would be well positioned if we needed to.

  19. Karl Maier,
    Uh… yeah. What you said.
    Actually, I didn’t read it, to be honest. I just skimmed. But I saw the words “Bomb” “Bombed” “Attack” and “Destroy”.
    Me likey.
    BTW, please change your handle. At first, I thought your name was Karl Marx and that you were being sarcastic-ish.
    Maybe you should call yourself, uh, Karl the Super-fantastic or, perhaps, Karl Not-Marx.

  20. I’m not back FrankJ. I never left.
    I could never leave my Frank.
    I yearn for you FrankJ in the most biblical way.
    Darn you SarahK stealing my man away.
    At times like these I have to ask myself the important question: WWCD; What would Chthulu Do?
    Then I go trample on my set of Barbie…I mean GI Joe “action figures”
    Hail Chthulu,
    Monkey Faced Liberal.

  21. “Attention people of the Middle East. This is the United States Military. We are here to kill all the terrorist @#$%ers. All innocent civilians should stand as far away from the terrorist @#$%ers as possible. If you are unable to get a safe distance from the terroist @#$%ers, possibly because they have you trapped in your homes, please try to take cover as best as you possibly can. Although our weapons are extremely accurate, they cannot selectively kill certain people in the room while leaving others unharmed. We are working on it though. In the interim, please try to keep low and under cover.
    “If you are an employee of the New York Times, Reuters, or any mainstream media outlet other than Fox News, please take cover under the nearest terrorist @#$%er.
    “If you are a member of the ISF attempting to act as a human shield for the terrorist @#$%ers, please get all of your affairs in order, and make your peace with which ever God you pretend to not believe in.
    “Thank you for your co-operation.”

  22. Frank J, great post. I have one suggestion to add, though.
    Realistically, the Lefty Liberals will not ever allow the right thing to be done in almost any issue, especially the one of confronting and wiping out the #1 Enemy of Humanity worldwide.
    So why not hold a referendum to divide the US, once and for all, into the Lefty and Conservative portions. This way, the Conservatives can finally take action instead of being constrained by Lefty traitors.

  23. Frank J and other fellow Rightwingers, do take a look at what Robert Spencer, Hugh Fitzgerald say about this subject at JW. And for something really eye-opening, read what Ali Sina says in all his Op-Eds and debates at FF. Google these names if you don’t know the web sites.

  24. //So why not hold a referendum to divide the US, once and for all, into the Lefty and Conservative portions.//
    We did that in the election of 2004. If you recall the map during the election coverage, apparently most of the outer rim states are leftland while the meat and heart and common sense of the country is Righteous.
    Gotta be something in the ocean water for the coastlines to be so looney (fault of Aquaman, no doubt), but I think with the northward lefty states, we’re just too close to Canada.

  25. Great post, Frank! My IMAC has been off-line for a couple of days and I have been without your wisdom to guide me! I don’t know who I’m voting for in November…not happy with either party…but it IS going to be for someone who wants to fight these PRICKS…not someone that wants to either run away from them or negotiate with them!

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