IMAO Podcast Lost Episode: The Rove Boat

This is one of several “Lost Episodes” of the IMAO Podcast that never made it beyond the scripting stage.
I posted “Mining Accident” a few months ago when it was decided it would be in bad taste to mock the West Virginia mining accidents in such a fashion.
Well, this one never quite made it because cruise ships didn’t exactly factor in this summer’s headlines like they have in the past. Plus, everybody is still lazy and tired from a long hot summer. And gras prices are way too high.
I’m sure that my “Bargain Hunter” parody of Steve Irwin will end up in the discard bin now. It was a good one too, with me risking my life by going to huge holiday sales and taunting wild and dangerous shoppers. “Sixty percent off? Oy Gevalt! And such nice material!”

So get yourself a beverage, sit back, and enjoy the still-rough draft of “The Rove Boat”

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Crikey :(

I, like many people, am quite sad to hear about Steve Irwin’s passing. I’ve never heard of death from a stingray (I swam with them myself recently). Anyway, I’ve been getting a lot of google hits for this old IMW starring him, so I’ll put a link up to it as my tribute.
If there are crocodiles in heaven, I’m sure Steve Irwin is taunting them as we speak.

The J Is Back, Yo

I’m back to Florida, and a lot has happened in the news in the past week and a lot has been brewing in my head, so expect a burst of blogging starting tomorrow.
While waiting, please pre-order my new t-shirt. My dog needs food (actually, since the dog spa boarding her is closed today, I don’t get to see her until tomorrow 🙁
BTW, if you have a blog and want to help in a tribute to the victims on 9/11 for the fifth anniversary of the attack, go here to sign up as there are still some names left to be assigned to bloggers.

Labor Day….Off

Happy Lazy, err, Labor Day, fellow ronin!
I’m at home today. Slept late. Wearing my pajamas. Sitting around doing nothing. In other words, it’s just like a regular day at work.
I wished.
Who else thinks it a bit ironic that we get the day off for LABOR DAY?
I mean, on Earth Day do we all load up and go to Mars? Course not.
I happen to think it’s pretty goofy, but only if I ignore the little fact that union workers are getting anywhere from 2X to 3X time pay if they happen to be fortunate/unfortunate enough to be on the job on this blessed holiday. Wicked smart, those union contract negotiators.
Go America! Your conrtract with destiny is currently being renegotiated!