IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Have Captured Their Greatest Threat and Placed Him in Gitmo!

World is now declared safe.
(fauxtography by cadet happy)

Maybe I’m Just Hungry… for Freedom

I just saw this ad on while watching Glenn Beck on CNN Headline Prime, and I think it must be the coolest local ad ever.

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They Want to Kill….Us.

They want to kill… us. (Video link)
And they want US to kill THEM.
At least that part we can agree on.
See, there is common ground.
Ground for them to be buried in.

It Was Rove Who Wanted to Sink “Path to 9/11” All Along!

Now the Rove plan is revealed! While the anti-Clinton part of “Path to 9/11” will air on Sunday, President Bush will pre-empt the anti-Bush part with his primetime 9/11 address on Monday, effectively quashing the miniseries without saying a word about it.
So the Democrats get to look like pro-censorship Stalinists as they throw their hissy-fit, and Rove actually suppresses the miniseries without saying a word. It’s pure Rovian genius! I bow to our secret Emperor!

Ninjas that Look Like America

Dean Barnett has a “Path to 9/11” FAQ, including an answer to whether Clinton was referring to ninjas dressed in black or African-American ninjas.

Fun Trivia

Why might ABC lose its broadcast license?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Excerpt from the Script to The Path to 9/11

We’ve just obtained a portion of the script to The Path to 9/11 that contains one of the controversial scenes. See for yourself what the hubbub is over:

BILL CLINTON: Hey, Madeline, you think we should do something about this Osama guy?
MADELINE ALBRIGHT: I don’t have time to worry about that; it’s almost bikini season and I need to prepare!
CLINTON: Whatever. You want a hit off my joint?
ALBRIGHT: Is it okay to mix that with cocaine?
CLINTON: I dunno. I need some munchies.
[Clinton looks around the empty burger wrappers and drug paraphernalia that cover the floor of the Oval Office. Eventually, he finds an empty Cheetos bag]
CLINTON: Huh? Sandy! Did you shove all the Cheetos down your pants again?
CLINTON: You’re going to get powdered cheese all over the classified documents in there! If I keep returning that stuff with unusual stains on them, the CIA says they’re going to revoke my clearance!
[Phone rings. Berger answers his cell phone.]
BERGER: Speaking of the devil, the CIA is calling. [listens to the phone for a moment] They say they’ve surrounded the terrorists and want the go ahead order from you.
CLINTON: I don’t want to deal with this now. Let’s pretend we’re not here.
BERGER: [into phone] Dave’s not here, man. [Berger drops the phone] I heard gunshots and it was scary so I hung up.
CLINTON: Good. I know what we should do now.
[Huge orgy begins involving Clinton, Albright, Berger, and many chubby interns.]

If you read the 9/11 Commission Report, all of that’s in there. Seems pretty accurate to me.

Propaganda ABC

All day long I’ve been hearing the dims say that ABC and Disney are just propagandizing for the Republicans to help them win elections.
I agree. It’s in their nature to push the Republican agenda. It’s all they’ve done for years. Every night, I come home, cook a pot roast, open my Bible to the New Testament, turn on ABC, get Jesus and my preacher grampa on a conference call, and we have a big old conservative hoedown.
In fact, ABC is currently undergoing a moniker change. Oh, they’re sticking with A-B-C, but they’re going to change what A-B-C stands for. I mean, other than good Christian fun. Names they’re considering:

Continue reading ‘Propaganda ABC’ »

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Without these Friday Catblogging posts, commenter Bilbo would have to post his “You like cats. This means you’re gay” comments in Frank’s posts, and Frank wouldn’t be satisfied with just deleting the comments or altering them to some random silly phrase. No, he’d ask SarahK to hunt down and kill the little creep.
Actually hunting down and killing a nuisance is not what a keyboard-riding chickenhawk does. It would set a bad example to all the other bloggers out there, and we’re all about peace, love, and understanding here, right?
Anyway, it’s time for Piper the Tired:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Piper is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog.
Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness.
There’s also Flickr Groups called Furry Friday and Friday Catblogging.
Anybody I miss?

Couple Things

  • Dr. Bob Bowman, who is running for Congress in my district against Republican Dave Weldon, has agreed to an interview. Considering his views on the government’s involvement in 9/11 and other issues, that should be interesting. I’m writing my questions for him now.
    Weldon’s people (I couldn’t find a direct e-mail for him) have yet to respond to my interview request.
    Questions are sent.
  • Huge troll-fest in this post and its follow-up (one actually says this about the Democrats’ actions: “It might be censorship, but it’s not fascism.”). If you want some entertainment, go ahead and jump in. You can also play Faux-Troll Patrol.
  • George Bush is for the genocide of black people… according to a candidate for the U.S. Senate. I knew it! (the link also includes more from Hugh Hewitt about The Path to 9/11)
  • Sexion has a slate ABC can use to avoid the wrath of the Democrats.
  • John Podhertz has a negative review of The Path to 9/11 and says it does slander some people in the Clinton administration… but not Clinton himself. I don’t know if this admission is enough for the Democrats to let Podhertz still write columns if they gain power.
  • Buy my new shirt or I’ll sick the federal government on you!

Thank You, Kos and Kids; You’ve Finally Motivated Me to Care About this Election

When I was at Carnegie Mellon University, our College Republican events often got tailed by an old guy with wild hair who handed out a photocopied, thick document which used wildly varying large fonts to emphasize his evidence about a huge lesbian conspiracy led by Hillary Clinton. Our response was to do our best to avoid eye contact.
With the Democrats today, it’s the crazy conspiracy guy that’s running the show, and he’s trying to avoid eye contact with the quieter, rational people (or shouting, “Traitor!” at them). That would be laughable if it were just some college group that had been taken over, but these guys are now running the show for the Democrats in Congress.
Just look at the posts on the front page of DailyKos today; the nutroots have finally found a greater threat to this country than Joe Lieberman. They are freaking out over the ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11 like hornets that just took a baseball bat to their nest. In one part of it, the movie uses a fictional event to portray the Clinton administration an impotent on terrorism and passing up an opportunity to get bin Laden for political reasons. Since the miniseries uses only one missed opportunity to get bin Laden to represent all the times he dropped the ball, it apparently makes Clinton look more competent than he actually was. Still, stopping this movie from airing has become priority number one for the nutroots, surpassing even their usual activities of diagramming how Karl Rove is to blame for today’s weather and eating their own feces. Normally, we’d be like, “So what?” But, when the nutroots say jump, the Democrats in Congress now say, “In how gay a manner?”
Look at the front page of the DNC website to see what their number one item is right now. And, in an unprecedented step, the Democrats, led by Minority Leader Harry Reid, have actually threatened to take away ABC’s broadcasting license over this miniseries.
Yes, something has finally motivated the Democrats to act in an intimidating manner, and IT’S A @#$% MINISERIES!
The nutroots have been crying about the government taking away free speech, and they’re finally getting what they wanted. In there world, terrorism is an overblown threat that’s only the worry of Republicans, but DISSENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Kos and kids were funny up until now. Really, with the whole Lieberman/Lamont thing, they perpetrated brilliant humor I could only imagine to aspire to. But now the inmates aren’t only running the asylum, they’ve turned it into a headquarters to run part of the government. It’s now time to squash this bug. This insane weiner posse doesn’t have enough rational thought among the group of them to be involved in decided what topping should go on a pizza, not to mention what should be the priority of the government. The American people have to see the face of who is currently behind the Democratic Party, and we need to drum out of office anyone who is actually beholden to these hate-filled, THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMaying patty cake.
The 2006 election is on, and the gloves are off, bitch.

Links of the Day

Michelle at You Can’t Make it Up has the most awesome thing… you’re gonna need a tissue… no, really, you are… you kids under 30 will probably experience this for the first time, but for me Michelle brought back a bright, shiny memory. Ok. Feed the Kitty. (h/t Sheila)
_Jon has something many of us can relate to… Should’ve used duct tape.
I actually would like one of these, sans face hood, because recently I went to the emergency room for an allergic reaction to who knows what, and I stumbled around drunk on Benadryl looking for a bathroom. Lemme tell you, it’s a little demeaning walking around half naked, showing off your tushy to the hyperventilating drunk teenager who suh-wears to the sheriff’s deputy that she only had half a beer and that girl she was fighting with started the whole thing.
I think I can hear the angels clearing their throats and practicing their scales. The first felony spammer has lost his first appeal and is getting closer to prison. (via Glenn Beck’s page 2)
And oh. Don’t you just love it when someone tries to beat someone up… and that backfires… and so they try to get the guy arrested instead… and that backfires too… Some morons just never learn. Bwah! (also Beck)

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) What does Moe do for the underprivileged and bedridden in his spare time?
2) What does Petrochem Petrochemical Corp make besides Caustic Polypropylene?
3) Sideshow Mel cannot eat what without getting sick?
4) What is the secret to Krustyburger’s secret sauce?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.