Wiki! Wiki! Wiki!

Shout it loud really fast; it’s fun!
Anyway, Wikipedia is a site I use on a nearly daily basis run by dumb goobers who don’t think my blog is notable. One great thing about Wikipedia, though, is that its founder is not caving to Chinese censorship – unlike about every other big website and tech company out there.
Since I’m not sure Wikipedia actually makes money, I don’t know if finances were actually at stake, but it’s nice to see at least one company stand up to the ChiComs and tell them if, they want to allow their citizens access to any information, they have to allow them access to it all.
Also, I found through a link on Instapundit yesterday a paper on a peer-reviewed journal about the accuracy of Wikipedia. It’s name? “Puppy smoothies: Improving the reliability of open, collaborative wikis”. Guess what that’s about.
Hey, since I inspired the name of a peer-reviewed paper about Wikipedia, can I have my article now?

Moderate Muslims: Have I Just Been Missing These Stories or Is No One Publishing Them?

In response to a post I did about the fabled moderate Muslims, reader Josh wrote this:

Here is a personal moderate Muslim sighting I thought you might be interested in. My best friend growing up in NW Pennsylvania is Junaid. His father and mother had emigrated from Pakistan before him and his younger sister were born, and his father is the local ENT physician in the town, and a role model for me to pursue my studies in medicine.
Junaid himself joined the United States military and was in boot camp when the 9/11 events took place, and as a practicing Muslim, they made him VERY VERY angry that this was done in the name of Islam. He served a tour in Iraq, serving in the infantry before his officers discovered that he spoke English, Spanish, but more importantly also Hindu and at least three dialects of Arabic. After that discovery he served in Iraq in various translating and intelligence roles. Currently he is back in the United States from his tour but still on active duty. He is taking more college classes so he can soon enroll in the Army’s intelligence college and use his background and language skills to keep us all safe. Sgt. Junaid is not only my friend, but also a personal hero of mine.

Also, in the NYPost, here is an editorial from an Arab American apologizing for the role his culture had in the 9/11 attack and speaking frankly of the problem Islam has with extremists and their interpretation of the Koran. (hat tip to Malkin)
There are a lot of Americans (and citizens of other nations) wondering whether every Muslim secretly supports terrorists and the overthrow of the West, and then there is CAIR which seems to be set on convincing everyone that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. The constant, trite and often ironic reassurance that “Islam means peace” only aggravates the problem. What’s needed is more stories like that of Junaid. I really don’t know why we haven’t seen such stories that in the media because you’d think they’d be interested in talking about heroic followers of Islam (as opposed to how they recoil from good stories about our troops).
Maybe bloggers need to pick up the slack. Islam has a huge PR problem, and only by people hearing stories of great American who follow Islam can that be improved. We hear constant platitudes of how most Muslims are peaceful, but we know few examples.
Oh, and we need a better term that “moderate Muslim” because A) I hate the term “moderate” as it makes me think of people like Hagel and B) In context, a moderate Muslim sounds like someone who is somewhere between being a nice person and being a terrorist.
BTW, I nominate the Syrian who died today protecting the American embassy as “Muslim of the Day.” Somebody get that guy his 72 virgins, because he earned it.

All the world seems in tune on a spring afternoon when we’re poisoning pigeons in the park.

Life may be Skittles and life may be beer, but not in Texarkana when you’re a pigeon

The city’s annual festival was marred by dead pigeons nose-diving into pavement and others dying on downtown sidewalks after they ate poisoned corn from the roof of a nearby bank branch.

Um… it’s cheaper than fireworks? And biodegradable!

Authorities said they cleaned up more than 25 sick or dead birds following miscalculated pest control efforts at a CapitalOne Bank branch.

“What have you got in your wallet?”
“Pigeon poison!”
“Um… I’d rather be screwed by absurdly high interest rates.”

“The death of these pigeons was more than an unfortunate accident,” city president for CapitalOne Bank Lacy McMillen said in today’s online edition of Texarkana Gazette.

Oh boy. Get the company’s name mentioned twice. That should offset the expense of stadium naming rights and sponsoring state fair baking contests.

“It was not the intention of the bank to harm any of these birds.”

Yeah, most people putting out poison for animals don’t mean any harm to them. They’re hoping that the animals enjoy extreme physical discomfort and death, vomiting and wobbling into oblivious with delight.

McMillen said the bank hired an exterminator to handle its pigeon problem after a bird entered the bank and defecated on a customer.

Only bank managers are allowed to crap on customers, dammit! Kill that flapping bastard!

The Shreveport, La., company hired to do it, Anti-Pest Co. Inc., said the aim of the treated corn was to sicken pigeons and divert them from the rooftop but that death was sometimes an “unfortunate side effect.”

When was the last time you’ve heard “Death” listed as a “side effect” in a pharmaceutical commercial?
“Side effects include nausea, blurred vision, stroke, and death.”
“Hey, doc, can you write my wife a prescription for that stuff?”
“No, Mr. Clinton.”

Vera Martin, working at a handbag booth at the city’s weekend Quadrangle Festival, said the poisoning sends a bad message to children.

Here’s what I got out of it: “Don’t eat corn you find on the roof.”
Here’s another: “This is what happens when you ban discharging firearms within city limits.”
And finally: “First they came for the pigeons, and I said nothing…”

“I think it’s cruelty to animals,” she said. “What other animals could be killed in the process of doing this?”

Here’s a list of animals that won’t be killed in the process: stingrays, moose, dragons, emus, coelocanth, and Pete Doherty.
Let’s face it. At this point, Doherty could speedball a Wallgreens and still walk in a straight line.
Now before you persist in blaming Tom Lehrer, keep in mind that:

  • The bank has admitted to hiring the pest control company.
  • This incident took place in the Summer, not Spring.
  • The method of poisoning was corn, not peanuts. (“When they see us coming, the birdies all try an’ hide, But they still go for peanuts when coated with cyanide.”)

Of course, that John Mark Karr guy said he killed Jon Benet Ramsey, and we all know how that turned out…

Terrorists Continue To Fight Dirty

CNN terrorist weapon.jpg
New Baghdad Police Academy graduates recoil in horror during a briefing on the latest innovations in terrorist weaponry: the Sony HVR-Z1U 3CCD video camera and the CNN journalist.
[Hat tip to CENTCOM for the pic]

Terrorists Need to Be More Like Kos
An Editorial by Frank J.

 This morning, terrorists tried to storm the U.S. Embassy in Damascus while shouting, as Reuters put it, “religious slogans” (according to the sources of blogger Mary Katherine Ham, the religious slogans were “Jesus loves me, this I know.”). Three of the terrorists were killed and one was wounded while they succeeded in only killing one person, one of Syria’s anti-terrorism forces, and failed to even harm a single American diplomat.

 Sounds like a “moral victory” for the terrorists to me, a Kossian triumph, if you will. Their goals were not accomplished, more harm was inflicted on them than they inflicted, but they stuck to their principles while mindlessly fighting overwhelming odds, and that’s worth something. I’m not sure what it’s worth – that’s more of question for Kos, the Queen of Moral Victories – but, as terrorists find real victories much harder to attain, I think they should learn from these principled gunmen and focus on the moral victory.

“I’m sure Kos would be glad to help as long as none of the terrorists watch anything on ABC.”

 Despite what some may say, effective terrorism isn’t that easy. If orchestrated attacks against America were a simple thing, we’d certainly have seen much more of it in the past five years. What is easy and doesn’t take a lot of planning – planning that can be picked up by intelligence services – is simply charging the infidels with guns blazing.

 You can’t just charge any infidels, though; for a real moral victory, one you can clutch to in your times of darkest misery, you have to take on overwhelming odds. Unfortunately for the terrorists, they can’t hire Kos as a consultant since he’s busying trying to flip Sen. Joe Lieberman over to the Republicans – his magnum opus of moral victories – though I’m sure he’d be glad to help as long as none of the terrorists watch anything on ABC. Still, I have my own advice for terrorists who want to really show their worth by sticking to their beliefs while picking a battle they can’t possibly win: Attack heavily armed U.S. Marines head on.

 Now there are some overwhelming odds… especially if the Marines have tanks and stuff. The terrorists might think you have some chance since the Marine will probably keel over laughing when they see you charging them, but the Marines are trained to fire from keeled over positions. Actually, the only hope of victory for them is that the Marines would all suddenly have heart attacks and spontaneously drop dead; it’s extremely unlikely, but it’s hope nonetheless, and that’s all you need to pick a fight and gain a moral victory. And what a moral victory that would be for the terrorists; they would be fighting the best armed, best trained fighting force in the world. Though they would be slaughtered wholesale, they would die knowing they didn’t let rational fear keep them from attempting an unattainable victory. As they’re cut to pieces, they could rest assured they stuck to their principles.

 So, stick to your beliefs, terrorists, and go for the moral victory. Stop cowering in the shadows when you can instead fight for what you believe in against the overwhelming force of U.S. military might. Then, you can know you weren’t a cowards but instead gave it your all for what you believed it, and that’s something that you can hold onto even while you’re stuck in flames that burn but do not consume. Maybe Kos will even take a break from leading the Democrats to extinction through his own moral victories to cheer you guys on; just don’t point out that he seems a bit… well… “off”. That causes him to go completely nuts.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on He is also the author of such books as “Understanding the Mind of a Terrorist (Now with Color Photos from the Dissection)” and “The Pied Piper of the New Age: More Proof that Kos Is Actually Karl Rove”.

Polls Are Fun!

Another presidential straw poll… now with more questions:

Results for IMAO readers here.
Blogosphere wide results here.
If you vote for Hagel, make sure to tell me so I can hit you in the head with a hammer.
Just for the record, I’m leaning towards Mitt Romney right now… despite him being one of those craaaaazy Mormons. From what I’ve seen, he seem like a real conservative and will be tough on terrorists. I’d love to hear arguments for the other candidates, though.

Just a Reminder

I really don’t like terrorists and think we need to eliminate them all.
Don’t have much else to add to that right now, but I think it’s something worth reiterating once a day.
What are your ideas for eliminating all terrorists? And don’t say just turn the whole Middle East to glass; be a bit more creative.

The Hypocritical Conservatives

There has been much outrage on the right-wing side of the blogosphere over a British movie depicting President Bush being assassinated (it’s also part of the topic of today’s Vent), but I don’t remember a peep coming out of conservatives when the shoe was on the other foot.
Remember this movie:

Continue reading ‘The Hypocritical Conservatives’ »

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who once attacked Lisa when she was cross-country skiing?
2) Of what profession are Dr. Hillbilly and the Iron Yuppie?
3) What does the blind man rename Santa’s Little Helper?
4) What did the Springfield Cat Burglar steal from Bart?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.