Make Fun of Jews and They’ll Make Fun of Them Back

A government newspaper in Iran held a holocaust cartoon contest, so an Israeli responded by having an anti-Semetic cartoon contest open only to Jews, and they’re much funnier. I especially like this parody of The Giving Tree.
(hat tip to Allahpundit from Hot Air)

Who Wants To Be A Progressive Talk Radio Star?

With the imminent demise of Air America – leaving thousands of radio-hours of dead air to fill – Clear Channel announces that it will be conducting a talent search to find new Loony Left radio talent.
So… coming soon to The Reality Show Network (which itself will be coming soon – please contact your cable service provider):
In season one, contestants take their best shot at discussing the demise of Air America. Here are some highlights:

Democrat Soldier – “Didn’t Rush Limbaugh have a television show that flopped harder and faster than Air America radio? Surely his being bad on TV makes liberals superior.”
Denver Oasis – “I’m not a fan of Clear Channel, but their support shows a need in the market for the liberal format. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t think they’d make a lot of money. I mean, look at how much they made with Air America!”
Craig – “The Repugnican Noise Machine is well-entrenched in radio. Look at Rush and Michael Savage and other hyenas of similar background. We lose the radio wars and it’s just another method for the wing nuts to spew their venom without anyone to counter their distortions. Why can’t those ass****s be polite & civilized, like liberals, instead of always resorting to petty name-calling?”
Badmoodman – “R.I.P., Air America. If it had been a right-wing network, this administration would have secretly funneled millions of dollars into it. You know… if they happened to do that sort of thing… if they weren’t too busy reprogramming voting machines in Ohio or blowing up the WTC, which it’s been proven was an inside job.”
Lib4 – “Even though Air America may go under, Rethugs better not think that they are going to be any closer to victory in November. After all, without progressive talk radio around to showcase the unhinged radical left, the Democrats will appear this close to being sane.”
Kenosha Marge – “This country needs to have a place for people too smart to listen to the right wing noise machine. Those who will dance in the streets and cheer the demise (premature) of Air America only show that they are not in favor of a free country where everyone has a right to speak and also to hear their kind of politics. Why are Conservatives so damn afraid of Air America? I mean, WE never complained about Rush Limbaugh!”
Len Smith – “Getting a left wing noise machine in place to counter the right’s is really the only hope we have in this country. It doesn’t matter how great our policies or candidates are if we don’t have the medium to get our message out. We not only need Air America, we need a liberal version of FOX News as well. You know, like CBS or NBC or ABC or CNN or MSNBC or PBS… except not crappy like them.”
Trunary Suka – “Rush proves that talk radio is a very important medium. Too bad he became a drug addict. Besides, his hate-baiting style is going out the window, since Air America has already proven that it doesn’t work for liberals. Oh, and Rush is fat and bald, too.”
Facts Support My Position – “I can plainly remember Al Franken saying he had been on the air for 1 1/2 years, and had not been accused of lying. They’ve got a GREAT call screener at Air America!”
Brian – “Air America may not be doing well, but there is plenty of evidence that it’s not having problems with ratings. For example – this memo typed on a genuine IBM Selectric typewriter.”

Yes, with talent like this, Progressive Talk Radio will soon be changing reaching dozens of listeners all across America.
You Rethugs better watch out!
[Author’s note: for bonus amusement, click this link to find out how much of each statement was lifted directly from the individual’s comment]
[Hat tip to IMAO reader Shimauma for sending me the link]

Fun Facts About North Carolina

The IMAO Podcast is still on hiatus, but I have an irresistible urge to finish up the rest of the states in the Fun Facts About The 50 States series, so I’m going to forge ahead – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
Should the podcast return, this is the list from which I’ll pick & choose my favorite items to record.
(continued in extended entry)

Continue reading ‘Fun Facts About North Carolina’ »

I’m Not Sure Who Is Angrier About This

E.D. Hill, or me. But considering that E.D. censored herself and said “what in the world” are we doing over there, and considering that her head didn’t explode when she was telling the story, and in light of the fact that she didn’t stand up and yell, “THIS IS WHY WE’RE GOING TO LOSE THIS WAR!” and run into the other room, leaving Steve and Brian agog in her wake, it’s possibly me who is angrier about this. BTW, from the picture, there were at least a hundred Taliban honchos.
I’m not sure whom I need to contact. Is it my senators, who aren’t doing anything on illegal immigration? Is it my congressmen, who aren’t doing anything on illegal immigration? Is it my President, who isn’t doing anything on illegal immigration? Because last I heard, they can’t focus on illegal immigration right now, because they have to worry about national security. And they’re not concerned about the airports, because they’re still profiling gatorade, crossstitching implements and Grama, so I’m assuming that national security must mean war abroad. Only they don’t seem to know that fighting war abroad means killing our enemies abroad.
Anyway, here’s the thing. I don’t know if I need to get out my Crayolas and sit the politicians and bureaucrats down with a sippy-cup of Kool-Aid in order to explain this to them, but if you’ve got over a hundred of your enemies gathered up nice and neat, celebrating the death of a guy who died trying to kill one of your guys, and you know for sure that if the tables were turned, their guys would wipe out the funeral and laugh. LAUGH. They would. We should do it and not laugh, but move on to the next target. Finish the job. Good grief, what is it going to take for the bureaucrats to figure out that you can’t win a war if you’re the only one playing nice? We play nice, they don’t? They win. Because they will do anything, including kill INNOCENTS on purpose to win. But that was just a funeral full of Taliban. No innocents. Just enemy.
I don’t see the problem.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Homer and Marge appeared naked at the Springfield Football Stadium
2) What’s the name of the multiplex movie theaters in Springfield?
3) Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel, is married to who?
4) What is Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel’s last name?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Never Spam the Devil Himself

What happens if you try and send spam e-mails to Karl Rove? He hunts you down and has you arrested in front of your 7-year-old daughter.
Presumably, he then eats your soul.
Rove is perfectably comfortable with the size of his penis, so leave him alone or face the consequences, spammers!
(hat tip to Jay Tea of Wizbang)