Getting away from politics and religion: The Poll

As I was breaking out a new box of garbage bags, something fell to the floor. Not knowing what it was I knelt down to take a closer look. It turned out to be a bunch of those little twisty-tie things that were stuck together. Have you seen these? They also have them at the supermarket in the produce section. Me? I never use the suckers. Instead, I like to tie a knot in the plastic bag and be done with it.
I AM capable of writing a post that doesn’t offend half the country.
Tell me. What is your preference?
Please participate in the poll below the fold.

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Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Patty got married to Sideshow Bob
2) Who falls in love with the new girl, Samantha Stanky?
3) Homer’s half-brother Herb regains his fortune by inventing a machine that does what?
4) Who directed the musical “Streetcar”, which featured Marge as Blanche?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Links of the Day

I always hear moonbats – usually in defense of Clinton’s missed opportunities – going on about how President Bush missed his chance to get Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora, and the concept just sounded moronic on the surface. Really, if there was an easy opportunity to get Osama during the time he was the most hated person in the world, would President Bush really go, “Eh. We’ll get him later.”? Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive looks into the facts about Tora Bora.
Would the Democrats winning the House this coming election be the best thing for the country and the GOP? Ilya Somin of the Volokh conspiracy discusses.
The Rightroots candidates, 16 running for the House and 5 for the Senate, having gotten a number of donations now through this blogburst, but still have a ways to go to get 100 donations for each one (see statistics and donate here). I like the idea of candidates we can root for, but the only one of the 21 who has surpassed 100 donations so far is definitely getting that support because of who she is running against. I would just like to remind people that I helped campaign against Murtha, telling people he wasn’t a friend of the military, back in 1998 before it was the cool thing to do.
Jihad Links: If you want to know what’s the hump of Islam, go here. Also, it hard to be the human.