
My sister the costume designer did some work in the CSI that comes on tonight. Extra IMAO bonus points for whoever figures out what outfit in the episode my silly sister made (it won’t be some random costume in the crowd or something like that).
Yep, it was in the episode. In the previous post I wrote about this, there’s a hint about what outfit she made.
You can’t have missed it, BTW.

The Power of Blogs

I should give a shout out to John Hawkins and the gang for reaching their fundraising goal with Rightroots. I don’t know how they did it (they were a bit from the goal last I checked yesterday), but they did it, and because of that the RNC is going to send out a promotional e-mail for Rightroots on their giant e-mail list.
Anyway, kudos for helping those Republican candidates raise needed funds and for continuing the fight. There are many arguments out there that Speaker Pelosi (or Murtha) in 2007 would actually be best in the long run for the GOP, but I’m not quite buying it. Also, now Republicans might pay blogs more attention (well, no one is paying me anymore attention).
If nothing else comes of this, John McCain got a kind mention from John Hawkins; that’s not something you see every day.

No More Foreign Leaders!

Seeing Hugo Chavez and Ama-dibba-dobble-dooble on TV all the time has made me realize one truth: Foreign leaders are a nuisance that must end.
Foreign leaders smell, talk in funny languages, and get in America’s way. They contribute nothing and should be done away with. We should all sign a petition urging our government to end the practice of there being foreign leaders.
Or, alternatively, it could be required that the guy who translates thuggish foreign leaders speeches live for TV be a flaming homosexual, because that would be funny.
“Iran is super! Thanks for asking! And I’d just like to add, I think suicide bombers are fab-u-lous!”
Just throwing some ideas out there.
BTW, do you think the whole “it smells of sulfur here” comment from Chavez was to try and cover the fact he let out a huge fart? Does he do that back in his country?
“Do you smell that? I guess Satan was sitting here earlier.”
Really, if you’re going to spend all your time saying Bush is the devil and reading Chomsky, then start a diary on Kos and leave running a government to more serious people.

All Oil Companies Suck

This I know, for the Bible tells me so. No wait, that’s something else. Oh yes. Jesus loves me. But anyway, I know that all oil companies suck, because I feel it in my soul, whether the Bible says it or not.
But there is one that sucks more than all the rest. That one is Citgo. And we know why. Citgo is Hugo Chavez’s baby. And yesterday, Hugo said that America is on its way down, “insh’allah” (God willing in Arabic). Citgo smells like sulfur.
I’ll be honest. I’m not a boycotter. I’m just not. Sometimes I say it’s because they don’t work. You can’t get big enough participation in a boycott to actually make it work. Plus, with a boycott of a nutjob like Chavez, some loony nutter on the left is going to round up all of his friend and the two of them are going to fill up their hybrids like twice a day at Citgo just to show their support for the great happy fun sunshiny place that is communism. Of course, driving the hybrids around to expend that gasoline between fillups will cause global warming and make the earth burn to cinders within 30 minutes, so then we won’t have to worry about the threat of Iran and Al Qaeda anymore, so maybe a boycott will do some good.
The truth behind why I don’t boycott is that I’m just lazy. Lazy lazy lazy. Boycotting requires work, it requires going out of your way, and in the case of food and products, it sometimes requires eating products that don’t taste as good or consuming products that don’t work as well. (As an aside, I do wear undies that are made in Israel. And to prove my point, yes. They’re stinking uncomfortable and should be used by the CIA in interrogations of terror suspects.) And if I start boycotting every country that has a stupid leader or every cuckoo singer that comes out with their tongue hanging out of the side of their mouth saying that Bush personally drowned 6500 black people standing next to the levees in New Orleans, I’ll be stuck wearing clothes made out of cotton I can grow in my own yard (I don’t know the first thing about that!) and loading my mp3 player with recordings of myself singing “Hugo Chavez is a Big Fat Bobblehead”.
But this is gasoline. Gasoline is gasoline. They can make all their little commercials and claims about how one gasoline is better than the next. Whatever. Cars are gonna fall apart no matter what gasoline you put in them. And it’s only about another mile between the Citgo right next to our house and the next sucky oil company (bp).
Screw him. Screw Citgo. My boycott is on, you bobbleheaded pincushion.
(Frank, in case you are wondering, your boycott is on, too.)

Quote of the day!!!!!

President Nutjob from Iran:
“If the nuclear bomb could have saved anyone, it would have prevented the collapse of the Soviet Union.”
Oh my goodness, I am howling with laughter at that one. (Sorry, I’m catching up, I had to pause the TV for a call from my mother who was profiling Arab-looking kids at the airport. They turned out to be in the Army, but you can never be too careful.)

I Hope My IMW Book Will Get This Sort of Product Placement


It’s a great read about America’s imperialistic excesses. Plus, you can beat dissidents with it.

I’ll announce the winner of the previous caption contest soon and award him or her the IMAO bonus points.

Waterboarding USA

To show what the horror of waterboarding, Andrew Sullivan turned to a clip from the scifi show The 4400. Unfortunately, the government stepped in to keep him from revealing the truth.
Last night on The O’Reilly Factor, though, ABC investigative reporter Brian Ross gave exclusive details on who the CIA has used waterboarding on and what information was gained and who broke down crying like a little girl. Reportedly, an attack against a huge target was thwarted from information got by waterboarding Khaled Sheikh Mohammed.
So, people like Sullivan have to ask themselves how many lives saved justify waterboarding Al Qaeda terrorists. The answer for me is .005 people; if waterboarding KSM might save one person from skinning his knee, I’m all for it.
Anyway, make sure to watch this important video over at Hot Air.
Other Interesting Hot Air Videos:
* If you want a journalist to stand up to a dictator, have the dictator question his journalistic integrity. Watch Anderson Cooper zing Ama-dibble-dooble-dibber in an interview.
* Glenn Beck was right; we’re going to get nuked.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who thinks it is “unpossible” that he’d fail English?
2) In “Homer Alone”, where does Marge go to get away from it all?
3) (T/F) Baby photographer and airline steward are two of the jobs Marge’s dad once had
4) Marge once worked as a carhop at which burger stand?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.