It’s Like Those Monkeys at the Beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey Trying to Figure Out the Black Obelisk

There is a sign available for Democrats who support Michael Steele that says “Steele Democrat.” You have to see this discussion of it at DailyKos; it’s priceless.
When a couple of the monkeys figure out it’s meant to be a sign for Democrats for Steele, one of them asserts it’s too confusing because “Black guy + Democrat + Blue logos + Steele => Steele is a Democrat”
Yeah, the Democrats own the color blue and being black. The Kos Kids really need to venture out of the echo chamber every so often, because, reading this discussion, you’d swear all of them just stepped off of the short bus.

Sweet Home Al-Aboomboom

Sweet Home Al-Aboomboom
I didn’t make this, but I sure do like it.

A Post for People Who Don’t Like Terrorists

“I’ll slap you on the belly and insult your mother until you tell us everything you know!”
Actually, I’m not sure the CIA is allowed to insult the mothers of terrorists, but, with the new rules on interrogation, you can expect many pink bellied terrorists in the future.
Now, I believe many IMAO readers don’t like terrorists. If this is true, then you should buy the new IMAO Know Thy Enemy: Terrorists t-shirt (now shipping!).

If you do like terrorists, then the number one way to show that is to not buy the shirt.
Otherwise, you should buy the shirt. Remember, a good portion of the proceeds go towards feeding our dog Rowdi.

I’m so hungry, and SarahK beats me.

Since it keeps getting asked, we are still working on editing the first IMW compilation and it should be out soon. Editing is a bigger job that I thought, and SarahK is working hard on it as, obviously, I’m not very good at proofreading. When it is done, I will tell you and you can order it and give us more money.
Also, there are a couple new designs in the Cool Quotes section of the IMAO Store. We hope to do more with the store in the future (and finally get out another newsletter).
Remember: IMAO loves you and your money.

At least I’ve still got my faked moon landing theory

Face of Mars proven to be . . . not a face . . . previous conspiracy theory
and Mysterious Object Keeps Shuttle Crew in Orbit

Ducky is here to stay

After much consideration I have decided to stay as one of the IMAO bloggers.
Why the change? Financial reasons.
Frank J offered me a lucrative financial package which would let me retire in a mere 99 years.
Yay for me!!
I will be starting a new series on Monday so make sure to tune in.
In the meantime, I have set up my own little snark site as a means of declaring my indepedence and grown-up-ness.
Please visit. The name and hosting company will change in the coming months, but at least you can be entertained for now.

RWD News.

Now That’s Rich

Kos refused to go on a TV show to talk about Hugo Chavez because his site is “focused on important things.”
When did that happen?
Isn’t this the same site that spent months focused on nothing but the dangers of Joe Lieberman? That spent the run up to the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks focused on nothing but Disney because of the miniseries it financed?
Anytime something big happens in foreign affairs or new news come out about terrorism, you know you can turn to DailyKos to find that completely ignored in favor of some minor polling data on a few local elections. I swear, the average teenage girl blogging about her day is focused on much more important things than Kos, and she’s not trying to funnel poo-flinging anger into an election issue.
Much like the cockroach avoids light, maybe Kos is getting wary of more media focus. He probably realizes how he comes off as little dingus to most Americans and feels much safer in his protected echo chamber. Well, I want the media to know Frank J. is ready to appear on TV at anytime to talk about anything. There’s nothing so unimportant that I would turn down publicity rather than talk about it at length.
Really, just e-mail me if you have a roundtable seat in need of filling. I also do birthday parties.

IMAO Bonus Point Awarding!

Let’s see who wins IMAO Bonus Points!
First, we have the caption contest of the screaming jihadi.
The winning entry is…

Continue reading ‘IMAO Bonus Point Awarding!’ »

Just in case you have a few bucks to spare…

In case there are a few deranged folks out there that are here just for the Friday Catblogging…

Continue reading ‘Just in case you have a few bucks to spare…’ »

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Every other IMAO blogger would be catblogging today, but they are too busy baking me the World’s Biggest Challah for Rosh Hoshana. (I keep telling them that Rosh Hoshana is Rush Limbaugh’s stepbrother.)
Anyway, it’s time for Nardo, King of Pants:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog.
Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness.
There’s also Flickr Groups called Furry Friday and Friday Catblogging.
Anybody I miss?

Most Elected Democrats Would Probably Be Banned from DU and Troll-Rated at DailyKos for Their Views

I saw Sen. Chuck Schumer on FOX & Friends this morning really rip into Hugo Chavez. I wish I had the transcript, but he basically said that Chavez is a demagogue whose made his country poor and most likely simply isn’t smart enough to last much longer. It seems most Republicans are just not dignifying Chavez with a response, but it’s still cool to see the thug called what he is by our politicians.
Far as I see it, even the worst Democrat politician out there still has plenty of standing to look down on that moron Hugo.
I know some people think some of the Democrats speaking out about Chavez are just posturing (and some probably are), but what I liked about Schumer’s remarks were it was exactly what I thought about Chavez (I don’t think a Republican could have made the point more forcefully) and he didn’t temper the remark by adding some criticism of President Bush. If he was just acting angry about Chavez, it was really good acting.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Snake often says, “Excellent!” when things are going his way
2) What does Martin Prince always have in his breast pocket?
3) What college does Lisa fear she may end up at?
4) According to Bart, how is Homer like Thomas Edison?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Hugo Chavez doesn’t just stop with cheap, tained heating oil…

So we’re all familiar with Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez’s use of gifts of cheap gas and heating oil to poor Americans through Citgo, but did you realize that he’s also using Citgo for even more nefarious attempts to win the hearts and minds of unsuspecting dupes?
That’s right. For instance, Saturday’s game at Minute Maid Park in Houston is running a special promotion:

Fan Appreciation Day: Roger Clemens bobbleheads for the first 10,000 Fans
And it’s sponsored by… CITGO!
Take a big whiff of these wobbly-necked Satanic icons, people. I bet you’ll smell the infernal reek of sulfur.
I refuse to accept such cheap trinkets from a petrofascist scumbag. Especially when it looks like Roger’s been given the Mary Kate Olsen treatment… not even Randy Johnson’s that thin.

It’s only all-American fat Roger Clemens bobbleheads for my kittycats.