Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Again

I remember the first time Osama was dead. What a happy day that was.
The guy is like the reverse of Elvis; the tabloids are full of people who swear they just saw bin Laden dead at the mall. Until I see him dancing around in dead puppet theater like Uday and Qusay, I ain’t believing nothing.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) In “Bart the General”, what does Abe tell Bart he can’t do to his soldiers?
2) Why did Homer once pawn the family TV set?
3) In one of his nightmares Bart dies, and Nelson does what to him at the funeral?
4) In “There’s No Disgrace Like Home”, Homer learns that the answers to his life’s problems are found where?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.