Book Review

It’s time for Ducky’s Almost Final Book Review. Today’s review: I’ve Always Been A Yankees Fan, by Thomas D. Kuiper with a foreword by Dick Morris.
This book was given to my by Active Christian Media (formerly known as Blogs for Books). ACM received this from World Ahead Publishing.
I’ve Always Been A Yankees Fan
Overview. Have you ever wanted to keep track of every Clinton lie and attempt at spin? Well now you can come pretty close. This book provides a very detailed and illuminating summary of a long series of Clinton lies, spins, and half-truths.
Sample. Hillary Clinton once said–

I supposed I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.
When criticized by Jerry Brown for her ethics during Reagan’s decade of greed.
“This is the kind of thing that happens to…women who have their own careers and their own lives..but i guess its something that we’re going to have to live with.” (Living History)

Spin Attempt:

“I’ve made my share of cookies and served hundreds of cups of tea..
So it never occured to me that my comment would be taken as insulting mothers.”
Hillary in top CYA form after her “cookies and tea” comment didn’t sit well with voters. From the Unique Voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton (page 46.)
Besides i’ve done quit a lot of cookie baking in my day, and tea pouring too.

Good: It’s interesting to have a lot of this put into one book where you can get a true taste of the Clinton Method. Put foot in mouth. Take food out of mouth. Claim foot in mouth was a family recipe and/or part of a right wing attack.
Bad.: After reading the first few pages, I was excited and entertained. After a while though, I coudn’t imagine how somebody would force themselves to read through the entire thing. I did, but out of a sense of obligation. So, I guess this book is good to pick up and read in short bursts.
Also I feel this book took many cheap shots. In one section of quotes regarding the last Minute pardons sold by President Clinton we see a picture where the President is golfing with Hugh Rodham. The caption reads: Hugh Rodham golfing with the President. In other news, four fried chickens were reported missing from the White House kitchen .
Recommendation: If you, or someone you know, have difficulty comprehending the scope and depth of lies during the Clinton era, then this is definitely something you want to put in somebody’s stocking this year.
If you order, click on the toolbar to the right. We at IMAO always appreciate your money.

Newsflash: Cat Stevens says Pope is fallible…

Former singer Cat Stevens today issued a statement saying that the recent scandal with the Pope indicates that he is not by any means infallible.
Said Cat, whose nickname is Wolfy, “This goes to show you that Mr. Pope can indeed make a mistake. Islam by no means was spread by the sword. Sure, we can get violent at times, but that’s only when we’re defending ourselves from deadly invaders such as the US Marines or waitresses at the World Trade Center.”
Cat recently performed at the Kill Them All demonstration where thousands protested the drawing of Mohammed cartoons, the statements by the Pope, and the existence of Israel.
Now known as Yusuf Islam, Cat Stevens performed his hit song Copacabana.

Practice Your New Knowledge

In the comments to this post, there is a commenter obviously suffering from BDS. Try and explain his comments keeping in mind his bushcentric view of the universe.

Fun Trivia

How come President Bill Clinton never found Osama bin Laden?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Crime and Race

Can’t think of anything witty to say about it, but LaShawn Barber looks into FBI statistics on crime and race.
Thankfully, it looks like a lot of people aren’t just ignoring the problem anymore, and that’s the first step to a solution.

New Report: Great Satan Not Defeated!

In a stunning setback to the Al Qaeda network, a new report by their internal departments indicate that the war against the Great Satan has only escalated.
“It was one of those Bin Laden myths that something like this would work,” said an Al Qaeda operative who insisted on being identified as Mohammed X.
This report is causing an uproar among the Al Qaeda intellectuals such as Osama Bin Laden and John F. Kerry (who served in Vietnam).
When asked for comment OBL had the following statement: “We apparently misjudged America. We figured that if we attacked them that this horrible Great Satan would somehow surrender. We are looking at our internal data reports to figure out what went wrong. By all rights, they should have thrown up their hands in surrender. At this point, we speculate that we grossly over counted the number of Democrats.”
Al Qaeda is currently analyzing all of its options including choosing easier targets such as the women, children, and the Pope. Other options available include converting Islam into a religion of peace. Unfortunately, all attempts at this have lead to violent protests.

Understanding Your Friends with BDS

Liberals these days can be quite hard for the average person to understand. While people see issues being influenced by many different people and factors, liberals will often draw everything back to President Bush – even if the President’s views are only a small part of the issue or no factor what so ever. People who see everything in terms of President Bush are often described as suffering from “Bush Derangement Syndrome” (BDS for short). Now, I’m against labeling someone “deranged” simply because he or she has a different way of perceiving things than is the norm (“derangement” is a subjective term – subjective as any viewpoint), but I will use the term “BDS” in this article for simplicity since it is the most accepted label for those who hold a viewpoint that see everything in terms of President Bush. Still, I hope through this discussion you’ll better understand those with BDS and see them less as “deranged” and more as people who see the world through a unique viewpoint.
Let’s start by looking at the most common view of our world:

Continue reading ‘Understanding Your Friends with BDS’ »

What Happened to E.D. Hill?

As the Official Girl of IMAO, I have the express responsibility of asking the question: why was E.D. Hill moved to Fox News Live from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.?
And why was there no big farewell to E.D. on Fox & Friends (nevermind that you have to do a stinking google search to even find E.D.’s bio on the Fox site)? It makes me think that Brian threw a big hissy fit or something and they didn’t want a big farewell, or E.D. didn’t even know she was moving to FNL. E.D.’s bio was updated as of Friday. She is officially the anchor of Fox News live 10 to noon. BTW, there was a big smirk on Steve’s face when E.D. threw it to him for the weather for the first time during FNL. Almost like, “Hey, E.D., how ya doin’? You and I know why this is crazy, but we can’t tell.” And E.D. did not smirk back in kind. So my theory is still that Brian threw a hissy fit. That’s my official rumor that I’m starting.
And Gretchen Carlson is officially the new Fox & Friends girl. My only official opinion on this replacement is this: She’s been with Fox News for like 5 minutes (a little over a year). She’s too cutesy and nice for my taste. I just don’t see her being opinionated and mean enough to suit me. E.D. has opinions and explodes like a big Roman candle, and Gretchen seems like she’ll just sit there and look pretty. And what’s wrong with all the pretty girls who have been at Fox for so much longer, biding their time and waiting for E.D. to have so many babies that she just couldn’t work anymore? Lauren Green, Juliet Huddy, even that liberal Kiran Chetry. But Gretchen Carlson? I’m sorry, but her demeanor makes me yawn. Not something you want from a wake up show.
Poor E.D. She’s trying so hard to look happy today. Well, E.D., I would have picked you over Brian. And even Steve (who’s the only Friend to ever answer my emails).
UPDATE: while I’m on the subject of really bad Fox moves, I abhor the new layout of the Fox website. It’s disorganized, ugly, bland, and disjointed. Change for the sake of change is stupid.


  • As you probably know, Bill Clinton threw a hissy fit on FOX News Sunday when he got asked some extremely obvious questions about his conduct in trying to fight terrorism during his two terms in office. I didn’t watch the interview because, oddly enough, I have no interest in watching the former President throw a hissy fit.
    Incidentally, the question labeled a “conservative hit job” was also asked by Chris Wallace to Donald Rumsfeld, who, presumably, didn’t throw a little tantrum in response.
    Tip for Bill Clinton: Your Presidential legacy is a stained blue dress; learn to live with it.
    BTW, Clinton says he was criticized for being “too obsessed” with Osama bin Laden. Can anyone come up with a single example of that criticism being used again Bill Clinton? Not only do I doubt any politician or pundit ever said such a thing, I don’t even think you could locate a crazy drunk on the street who ever spouted such a thing.
  • The Arizona 9/11 Memorial consists of a bunch of America-bashing talking-points, but somehow I just can’t get worked up about this. Maybe I’ve just come to expect this sort of thing now and am a bit outrage-fatigued.
  • One thing I’m outraged about (because if I’m not, SarahK will hit me) is that Citgo is owned by Hugo Chavez. I’m supporting the boycott on them to avoid being hit and because I don’t want my money going to a Venezuelan thug. I know oil money probably goes to a lot of people I don’t like, but we have to focus on one at a time until America can handle all of its energy need internally.
    Anyway, has a shirt for the Citgo Boycott. Check it out… and then buy an IMAO t-shirt because we need more money or SarahK will hit me.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Lisa once offered up this dinner prayer, “Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub”
2) When the Simpsons go camping, where does Maggie spend her first night?
3) In “Moaning Lisa”, what is the name of the toothpaste Lisa brushes with?
4) Why didn’t Bleeding Gums Murphy ever go to a dentist?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.