And yes, Jonag, there’s quite a bit of periwinkle in it. Actually, it’s gunmetal to be precise, but it’s shiny and pretty. Anyway, I got inspired and decided to make a tshirt instead of working on that In My World compilation that’s going to make us the real money. So you ladies should buy lots of these t-shirts so Frank doesn’t yell at me. Anyway, here it is.

Continue reading ‘New t-shirt JUST FOR THE CHICKS!!’ »

Now We’re Outsourcing Our Moral Outrage

You’ve probably seen this on the news already today, but, if not, make sure to see this clip from HotAir of President Bush’s press conference with President Karzai (the end of the clip with Karzai is the most powerful part). Here’s someone getting morally outraged with good reason; compare and contrast to Clinton’s red-faced, finger wagging silliness.
For more anger about a much sillier thing, hear this clip of John Gibson reacting to the outing of Chirs Wallace as a monkey.

Free Book for Enlisted Military

Simon & Schuster is making Blackfive’s book Blogs of War availble for free to enlisted men and women. Details are here.

It’s Play Tiiiiime!

Why do they hate us?
I stay up at nights wondering that. I mean, America is the bastion of diversity, so shouldn’t we be able to get along with other countries? Espcially those in the Middle East?
In the interest of reaching out and understanding other cultures, IMAO will be presenting a special series. We have gained special permission to re-post many of the thought forming, character shaping shows that are presented on Middle Eastern Public Television.
We hope you are entertained and can better understand the other side of the issues. Remember, this is the stuff that shapes young children and helps them to become happy, well formed little peaceful citizens of the world.

Continue reading ‘It’s Play Tiiiiime!’ »

IMAO EXCLUSIVE: President Clinton’s Comprehensive Anti-Terror Strategy He Left for the Bush Administration

Former President Bill Clinton, while getting angry at Chris Wallace for being a monkey, claimed that he “left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy” for the Bush Administration. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice disputes this. Despite the denial, IMAO has obtained a copy of the plan:

This plan was mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, so it’s hard to believe the Bush Administration never heard of it.

Seattle haikus #1

My mommy is sick
Surgery is tomorrow
Ooh! Ooh! Space Needle!

Finally, Someone Speaks Truth to Primate

If you were wondering why Bill Clinton got so angry when Chris Wallace asked an obvious question, Keith Olbermann has the answer: Chris Wallace is a monkey posing as a newscaster!
I’ve long suspected that monkeys have infiltrated our media and our government, and finally we have someone with the courage to expose the monkeys posing as journalists and politicians before they have a chance to take over. Right now, Olbermann is far behind Bill O’Reilly (who, as far as I can tell, is a monkey-sympathizer) in the cable news race, but someone who is finally taking on the monkey menace deserves to be number one. Everyone, please write a letter to Keith Olbermann expressing how you support his crusade to expose the monkeys infiltrating our culture. Here are some e-mails:
I got them from a reader at the DailyKos. As many differences as I often have with the people at that site, at least we can unite on exposing the monkey menace.
So, write Keith Olbermann a letter of support for his crusade against the monkeys. It is your duty, ronin.
Here’s the letter I wrote:

Keith Olbermann,
I’ve long suspected that our media and our government has been infiltrated with monkeys posing as journalists and politicians, and I’m glad that finally someone out there has the courage to expose them for who they are. I was a bit surprised to find out that Chris Wallace is in fact a monkey, but I guess it’s always who you suspect the least. Please continue to expose more monkeys each day, and I will do all I can to make sure your show becomes number one in the cable news race like it deserves.
Frank J.

Put the e-mails you sent him in the comments.
Here’s the e-mail for FOX News Sunday:
I’ve decided to also e-mail Chris Wallace to tell him to either admit he’s a monkey or provide evidence against this charge.

Mr. Wallace,
Keith Olbermann charged that you are a monkey posing as a newscaster. This is a serious charge. I’ve long worried about monkeys infiltrating our media, and, if you are in fact a monkey, you should come out and admit it. If you aren’t a monkey, then please prove it on air to put these charges to rest.
Frank J.

Special Comment: Morning Drive

So, I’m just driving along, minding my own business, when suddenly a dog in car next to me sticks his head out the window and starts barking at me.
So I flip him off.
Now the dog looks all shocked like he’s thinking, “How can you flip me off? I’m just a dog!” Well, Rover, I’ll tell you why. It’s because you can’t even drive at all, so I really don’t need your criticism. It’s the same reason I flip off three-year-olds making faces at me.
Am I right?

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) One “Treehouse of Horror” story was written by Edgar Allan Poe
2) What does Mayor Quimby declare the funnest day in the history of Springfield?
3) What is Mr. Burns’ first name?
4) Mr. Burns ran for governor against who?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.