A Post for People Who Don’t Like Terrorists

“I’ll slap you on the belly and insult your mother until you tell us everything you know!”
Actually, I’m not sure the CIA is allowed to insult the mothers of terrorists, but, with the new rules on interrogation, you can expect many pink bellied terrorists in the future.
Now, I believe many IMAO readers don’t like terrorists. If this is true, then you should buy the new IMAO Know Thy Enemy: Terrorists t-shirt (now shipping!).

If you do like terrorists, then the number one way to show that is to not buy the shirt.
Otherwise, you should buy the shirt. Remember, a good portion of the proceeds go towards feeding our dog Rowdi.

I’m so hungry, and SarahK beats me.

Since it keeps getting asked, we are still working on editing the first IMW compilation and it should be out soon. Editing is a bigger job that I thought, and SarahK is working hard on it as, obviously, I’m not very good at proofreading. When it is done, I will tell you and you can order it and give us more money.
Also, there are a couple new designs in the Cool Quotes section of the IMAO Store. We hope to do more with the store in the future (and finally get out another newsletter).
Remember: IMAO loves you and your money.


  1. Actually, editing isn’t that hard. Proofreading something written by Frank J. is really hard. Especially when Word eats and corrupts your file after you’re done with the editing and you have to go do it again and you didn’t have a backup copy. Yes, I learned my lesson.

  2. //Now, if this were CNN there would be a post entitled “A Post for People Who Do Like Terrorists” for “balance.”//
    If it were MSNBC there’d be a post for people who hate Bush for balance, no doubt read to you by Chris Matthews, with some editor from Rolling Stone magazine to back it up…

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