Ah, Those Peaceful Blackouts

Ole Blinky (also known as Florida Power and Light) decide to give out again, so I was stuck at work in the dark. Luckily, with my cool PDA phone thingee, I was just able to sit back and listen to music while reading Jim Baen’s Universe. I decided to finally get to the serial John Ringo is writing in it as I’ve been quite interested to read some of his work as I know my brother is a fan and he was nice enough to write me an e-mail when I first showed some interest in Baen’s Bar about writing science fiction. He’s known for military SF, but his serial so far is more about a boy adjusting to a new school – but still a good read. Anyone can draw your attention with explosions; it takes skill to make the mundane interesting.
BTW, as for the progress of Hellbender, I’m having trouble getting it restarted. I know where it goes, but the beginning is giving trouble. Still, I’ll power through, and, when I have the first couple chapters done, I’ll put those up for preview and critique for those interested.
I have ideas for a new In My World™ (the political season is heating up, and there’s just so much material), but I also have some number theory to play with – and that I get paid for (well, more than blogging). You’ll get teh funny soon, though, so keep reloading the page like a madman until new posts appear.
Be honorable, ronin.
If you’re interested in the issue of digital rights management, Baen’s Universe editor Eric Flint has three editorials on the subject all free to view (part1, part2, part3). He doesn’t like Disney – but not because they made a miniseries that reflected poorly on Clinton. As for me, I just want to know when I can steal music and not feel guilty about it.
Oh, wait, I can do that now! Ah, the joys of an underdeveloped superego.

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  1. If you’re truly interested in Ringo’s work, try:
    from which you can browse the contents online or download it as one big zip of 162 MB (broadband connection required). It contains 19 novels (16 by John Ringo, 2 by Travis Taylor) and Heather Alexander’s “March of Cambreadth” (mp3 file).
    http://baencd.thefifthimperium.com/ has links to 9 of the 11 CDs of books baen books has released as part of their evil marketing campaign. Novels by David Drake, David Weber, Eric Flint and others. “The first one’s free.” — the late Jim Baen

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