Atlantis Can’t Land, So Protect Your Blood!

As you all know, a mysterious object is keeping Shuttle Atlantis from landing. Can one conclude that this mysterious object is in fact an alien craft?
Yes, there is no other reasonable conclusion.
Also, are we to conclude the aliens are here to harvest our blood?
Since there is no evidence the aliens have purchased tickets to Disney World, the only reasonable conclusion is that they are here to harvest our blood.
Thus, we should all prepare for an alien attack. As for my preparations, I will stock up on firewood. Since I live in Florida and have never had a need for firewood, I have none and thus need to stock up.
All in all, I am very disappointed in President Bush. He was supposed to build a wall to the south to keep Mexicans out and a wall to the north to keep Canadians out and a large dome to keep space aliens out. He has failed. When the aliens land and begin to harvest our blood, there will be no one to blame but Bush. It is unreasonable to blame the aliens, because they know no of nothing else than blood harvesting.
And I am reasonable.


  1. Completely.
    I am going to stock up on longjohns. As I am in So Cal surely the aliens will alter our atmosphere to match theirs. It is going to get cold.
    For you see Hamiburton was working with the oil companies to create Global Warming in an attempt to protect us from the aliens in case the dome wasn’t built in time.
    No Dome, not globally warmed enough. We are doomed. The only answer is to drink more, Aliens don’t like blood with too much alcohol in it. Bottoms up!

  2. I have it on good authority from a Raelian that visiting aliens love blood for dunking Krispy Kremes. Never thought I’d go out as the topping for a cinnamon bun. Maybe I’ll go on a high-salt diet…HA HA, that’ll ruin their snack.
    Well, I’m definitely going to watch Independence Day, Aliens versus Predator, and Mars Attacks again to get some pointers on defending my stuff. Maybe I can borrow a friend’s copy of X-Files.
    Oh, and of course, I have plenty of duct tape.
    BTW, if they show up with a book entitled “To Serve Man”…IT’S A COOKBOOK! IT’S A COOKBOOOOOOOOOOK!

  3. Maybe we can make a positive out of this. I bet GWB can get the space aliens to hire the Mexican aliens to do the harvesting for them. They seem to be quite adept at that. Then the Mexican aliens will have to go with the space aliens to spend the alien money they get paid with. Win/win?

  4. It’s Thetan recon mission for the evil lord Xenu, come to coordinate the alien invasion with their collaborators, the Jooooooooos!
    Quick, somebody alert Tom Cruise.

  5. As a blood-harvester, I’m offended. Why must you all jump to conclusions and “assume” that any alien must be a blood-harvester? I mean, really, aren’t we all above species profiling?
    If, instead, they turn out to be a crew of alien brain suckers or skin collectors, you’ll all be pretty embarrassed wont you?
    Besides, if you’re really that worried, stop speculating and just ask Tom Cruise or John Travolta which aliens are scheduled for arrival at the center.

  6. IllTemperedCur,
    Curse you for beating me to a Tom Cruise joke.
    As for it looking like a jellyfish, it’s probably just motion blur on a rope-like object. so probably not a heat tile thing, but would have been nice if they chased it down and checked it out up close. Could be that thing from the premiere of Star Trek TNG or some other space alien bit.
    Damn cool picture, though.

  7. Bah! Quite reasonable since space aliens will do the work that illegal aliens won’t do.
    Have you ever tried to get an illegal alien to go out and harvest blood? They lazily claim the blood rusts their gardening tools whereas the space aliens enthusiastically will drain the life from any human and have plenty of titanium and plutoninonium plated stuff handy. (Plus they’ll work for little more than the price of a few harvested organs now and galactic domination later.)

  8. The illegal aliens don’t need to harvest blood because the chupacabras do it for them. The chupacabras work for the Mexican PRI party, and harvest the stem cells from the blood, after taking their pay in goats. The blood is given to the space aliens for a nice little mordita and the stem cells are cloned by the evil, Lenin-like beastmaster Salinas de Gortari into more PRI voters, who then get dissatisfied with the PRI and sneak into the USA to perpetuate the cycle.

  9. I guess you guys forgot that we are endowed with certain inalienable rights; life, liberty and freedom from blood harvesting. I am surprised at all you Marys up in arms about this. Tsk. Tsk. (Besides, isn’t the blood harvesting season in late spring?

  10. Opps… posted in the wrong comment section (damn Tabs in Firefox! DAMN THEM ALL! KHAAAAAAAN!)
    I think it’s clear that the object floating around the space shuttle is nothing more frightening than a JOOOOO!
    Oh wait, there is nothing more frightening than a Joooo.

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