Blogburst! BOOM!

Today is a day off for me, but I thought I should mention that Rightroots is having a blogburst to raise money for conservative candidates. The goal is to get 100 donations for each candidate and show that not only the blogs of left-wing loons can affect the elections.
Remember: It is important to make sure we have some good candidates in Congress this next year, because the Democrats are scared of terrorists and, if the Democrats control things, their strategy will be to hide America under a rock in hopes the terrorists won’t find us. This is a bad idea, for that large of a rock will crush many people. Instead, we need Congressmen who will help fund the hunt for terrorists so we can drop large rocks on them or shoot them or make fun of their excessive body hair. So, even if you only have five dollars to spare, think of donating to some the Rightroots candidates. Then come back here and tell us who you donated to and in what manner you hope he and she will kill the terrorists.
More from John Hawkins and Lorie Byrd – daughter of Sen. Robert Byrd.


  1. No one has ever hunted worse for terrorists than the Bush administration has. John Kerry slammed Bush with a zinger today and turned the dumb cut and run neocon talking point back on Bush.
    “The real myth is that Iraq, not Afghanistan, is the center of the war on terror,” Kerry said. “The administration has cut and run while Osama bin Laden and his henchmen hide and plot in a lawless no man’s land.”
    Pressed on why he opposed the idea of sending a large contingent of special forces to Pakistan to hunt bin Laden, Bush said his strategy was to work with Pakistan’s government.
    “First of all, Pakistan is a sovereign nation,” Bush said. “In order for us to send thousands of troops into a sovereign nation, we’ve got to be invited by the government of Pakistan.
    “Secondly, the best way to find somebody who is hiding is to enhance your intelligence and to spend the resources necessary to do that.”

    Right Bush — Pakistan is being soooo helpful.
    Bush did cut and run from Afghanistan and we are worse off for it today. They just had the biggest poppy harvest ever in Afghanistan this year and the coalition troops have already seen the highest number of casualties since we invaded the country. How hard would it be to destroy those poppy fields that help the Taliban make huge profits each year?
    Over five years since 9/11 and the Bush administration still has not explained how the twin towers and building 7 basically went for a free fall near the speed of gravity when they collapsed. Just watch the towers collapse. It’s like the top floors just fall into empty space. That’s only possibly with explosives. Maybe they are trying to protect Marvin Bush for being incompetent and letting al qaeda get explosive inside the buildings — he was in charge of security at the WTC at the time. Silly Marvin. Did you let Osama sneak inside the buildings on 9/10?

  2. Sarcasm Man… though I don’t agree with Bush on everything, he’s still done a HELL of a lot better than any of the alternatives.
    Most of the politicians out there, besides Condi and Rumsfeld, are pusillanimous wankers.
    And you are a F***wit. You are also the world’s biggest asshat for trying to perpetuate the myth that 9/11 was an inside job.

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