Call for Frank Questions

When I get back to regular blogging next week, I’d like to take another stab at Frank Answers™. The procedure for submitting questions for Frank Answers™ has changed, though; just put them in the comments to this post.
And you better give me some good questions this time, or I swear I’m going to get some new readers.

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  1. After a long day of killing foriegners, communists and terrorists (or foriegn communist terrorists) how do you get your tactical gear clean? I mean, I can handle the guns and knives and cuisinarts, but I don’t know how to handle the BDUs and armor.

  2. Apparently the 10-most-wanted polygamist in Utah (Jeffs) is going to spend life in jail for arranging underage girl marriages.
    Will they declare Mohammed to be a 10-most-wanted criminal too? How about the Saudi king and a whole lot of Arabs?
    Would Jeffs be in trouble if he arranged marriages with underage boys? How about in California? Or would he get a commendation by Schwartzenkennedy?

  3. What do the promised 72 virgins really look like and do you think that once one of these pricks blows himself to smithereans will he will be happy or disappointed with the choice he/her/it made when presented with that turn in the road?

  4. if the birth rate of liberals is dropping and the birth rate of conservitives is going up, why does it seem to be only more of these smelly monkey faced libs running around????
    when will they cease to exist and will it be soon, i got to plan the big end of the lib bash with some tasty animals for dinner???
    oh yeah, why is there no word to rhyme with orange?

  5. Do you have any plans for nuking any of the other planets’ moons? I mean Phoebos and Diemos are puny little things that hardly have the right to be called moons anyways… hmmmm…. did I just stumble into the real reason for the NASA Mars plans?

  6. should we save the whales and nuke France?
    can we nuke both?
    why not just nuke OPEC?
    when will the UN finally realize its a corrupt and useless organinzation and commit suicide?
    do you want fries with that?
    freedom or french?
    If I was driving at 75mph, then a police officer, 30 seconds later, started chasing me with an initial speed 0 mph, accelerating at 30ft/s. How long would it take for the UN to condemn that officers actions?
    how many beers does it take you to get drunk?
    If I had one million dollars I wouldnt give it to you. How does that make you feel?
    Is Oprah Winfrey an evil organization worthy of the “Axis of Evil”, and should she be stopped? or allowed to continue her rampage of evilness?

  7. Shouldn’t there be a warning label on all boxes of Cap’n Crunch that read; “Caution, consumption of more than three bowls of this product in one sitting will scrape several layers of tender flesh off the roof of your mouth.”
    Followup: Think I should sue the Cap’n?

  8. You’re familiar with the twin paradox, right? One twin blasts off in a spaceship, cruises around at relativistic speed, and returns to find her sister has aged much more than she.
    My question is, if all motion is relative, how do you know that they weren’t already traveling at high speed, and that the spacefaring twin decelerated instead of accelerated? Shouldn’t she be the one who ages faster then?
    I’ve asked actual physicists this, and I’ve yet to get a satisfying answer. They all seem to cop out and invoke some sort of universal rest frame, which seems to me to belie the idea of relativity in the first place.
    If any readers are supersmart like Frank, feel free to chime in.

  9. If the only people having abortions are monkey faced liberals, then why are Republicans opposed to them? It would seem that they should just allow the species to die out through selective breeding…

  10. Frank J.
    Is it true that I am only a figment of your imagination?
    If you are me and I am you, is my longing to steal your (my?) wingnut butt from SarahK, narcism or Onanism?
    Will you ever admit that you are really a liberal who is running a leftwing parody of a rightwing parody of a leftwing parody of a rightwing humor site?
    I am not you, then why do MY ears hurt when you go shooting?
    Are you also Babs? Is it wrong that I am jealous when your Babs personality gets more attention than ME your MFL personality?
    If I obey my roveian mind control device, will it make the voices stop?
    Hail Chthulhu,
    Monkey Faced Liberal

    1. I am the only one that thinks Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looks like one of the flying monkeys from the “Wizard of Oz”? Does that make him a Monkey Faced Liberal? Is Mike Wallace his bitch?
    2. Does anyone else notice that Michael Moore bears a striking resemblance? To Jabba the Hut? Does he smell as bad as he looks? Why hasn’t he stopped eating the little children?
    3. KIM JONG IL, is a pot bellied pig, how 2 bout we cook him up and serve him to some “islamo-nazis” I hear they really like pork, would this be like killing two birds with one stone? .
    4. How long would it take for a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?
    5. Why does Helen Thomas wear so much makeup, you cant hide that much ugly? She should use some troll patch and spackle if she wants to get some real results.
    6. If Al Gore invented the internet is it plausible to think he invented global warming as well?
    7. Will Hilldabeest Clinton go on the Katie Couric Photoshop diet? And if you wave a red flag in front of her will she charge?
    8. Why does Helen Thomas wear so much makeup, shes got to know its going to take more than makeup to cover up that much ugly? She needs to get some troll patch and spackle compounds and try resurfacing the whole area.
    9. Why the hell do I have to select #1 for English?
    10. Is it true that Fidel been cast to play Bernie in
      “Weekend with Bernie III, Bernie does Cuba”?
  11. Is there anything remotely “real” about MTV’s Real World?
    Why would anyone ask Paris Hilton for an autograph?
    Was Bill Clinton really the President of the United States or were my friends just playing a really sick joke?

    1. The Bush administration continues to sort of try to amend the constitution to prevent gay marriage. But isn’t it pretty much inevitable that gay marriage will be legal? The younger demographic today has little problem at all with gays and eventually they will enter politics. So why does the right waste so much effort trying to prevent it?
    2. Who is your favorite liberal politician?
    3. Why do the posters on this site seem to be wanting to hump Ann Coulter even though she has an adam’s apple like other men do? Do you think Coulter is hot?
    4. Do you feel that you have a very intelligent readership or do you think they just have so-so smarts? Are you intellectually superior to your readers?
    5. Why do so many of the posters on your site support George W. Bush? He is supposed to be Republican yet he has enlarged the government, increased immigration and created a massive deficit? Those are not Republican things. They are crazy things.
    6. Why do so many posters on your site believe George W. Bush has made things safer when in fact he has made them more dangerous by losing the War in Iraq and not providing security where it is needed like at the borders and in the ports?
    7. What do you think will be the next important American landmark Bush will sell next to arab nations?
    8. I understand why you don’t like the far-left but why are you so anti-Republican values? Have you Mr. Frank embraced some new form of Republicanism that favors illegal immigration and giant deficits? Did you want our country to go bankrupt and be filled with illegal immigrants? Is that why you voted for Bush?
    9. Your site is supposed to arrogant and opinionated but really aren’t you just blindly supporting the administration no matter what they do? Shouldn’t you delete that dumb Blogs for Bush button?
    10. If the Iraq War is not being won then isn’t continuing to support the war actually killing our troops? If you really want to “Support the Troops” shouldn’t you be more in favor of them actually living?
    11. How come more coalition troops are killed in Afghanistan each year? This year the total coalition troops dead has already passed last year’s total. Is Afghanistan headed towards total chaos just like Iraq? Bush could easily go down in history as having led to failed wars.
    12. Why is George Bush’s nickname for Karl Rove Turd Blossom? Isn’t that a nickname usually given to a gay individual or by a gay individual?
    13. How do you explain the fact that removing Saddam from Iraq freed the Shias in Southern Iraq who basically support Iran and Hezbollah. How was this a good move by the White House and what do we do with all the shias who now want an Islamic State?
    14. Should the new tower in New York City really be named the freedom tower? Technically, Bush’s idea of freedom just continues to get us into trouble. In Iraq they want to create an Islamic State with their freedom. Isn’t really Freedom for Women and Women’s Rights that makes the west so different? We don’t really want the Shias to have freedom because they just create an Islamic State. What we really want them do is free their women and let their women have more rights and power. How about calling it the Women’s Rights Tower instead?
    15. Why did the Bush administration insist on selling our ports to Arab countries?
    16. Why is the Bush administration letting arab countries own companies that make our weapons and bombs?
    17. Why did George W. Bush hold hands with the Saudi leader? Are they both gay or just good friends? Why does Bush put big oil, big government and giant arab companies ahead of everything else in America including supporting the middle class?
    18. Why has Osama never been captured?
    19. Why won’t Dick Cheney release his medical records? Is it because he has had some strokes as a result of all those heart attacks?
    20. IMAO is a great name but if you could rename the site what would you call it?
    21. You are getting old fast now but when you were a kid did you think you would grow up to have arrogant opinions or did you always have them even when you were young?
    22. What is your favorite movie of all time?
    23. If you were watching your favorite movie of all time with George W. Bush would you get mad at him if he kept making those fart jokes they say he makes all the time? What would do if Bush choked on a pretzel?
    24. If you had to fire Rove, Cheney or Rumsfeld who would you pick and why?
    25. Should we rebuild New Orleans? Should we rebuild Fallujah?
    26. The Bush administration has done a great job of tagging words like liberal so they are also associated with the far left even though liberal does not really mean the same thing and being liberal does not actually mean you agree with the far left does on many things. What other words would you like to brand as being far left words just for fun?
    27. If George W. Bush gave you a nickname what would you like it to be?
    28. If you publish a book will you go on one of those author tours? If so what cities do you want to see?
    29. Do you believe global warming is occuring and if so do you think it is at least partially man’s fault? Bush recently called it a seriously problem but insists it is not our fault.
    30. Do you ever worry that some of your commentors will launch blogs that are better than yours? Does the threat of possible competition from your commentors give you freakin nightmares man? Or do you just know deep down that you are so much better than the people leaving comments on your blog that you never ever worry about it at all? Reading the comments today I can tell you don’t really have much competition here. It’s mostly idiots posting really stupid questions. These people all seem to have rather low IQs. I’d say you are pretty safe Frank. You have a captive audience of people that couldn’t possibly compete with you even if they wanted to. What could be better than that?
    1. If I keep posting my inane attempts at making myself look smarter than the other commenters, would I eventually sober up & realize that I’m intellectually on-par with an austalopithecine?
    2. Can you see through my thinly veiled attempt to disparage your views & those of your contributors and commeters in order to prove to myself that I’m not a total loser?
  12. 31 and 32 are not mine. They belong to an unworthy Sarcasm Man imposter! Nice try Faker Man. I’m sorry you are embarrased for the stupid questions you thought up for Frank. He will be very angry with your dumb questions when he gets home but he will pretend to like them to fool you.
    P.S. you must spell commenter like i do — commentor. I call you all commentors because you torture poor Frank with your idiocy. i.e. commentors = tormentors. This word is my gift to all of you who are so much not very smart. Frank is very kind to put up with all of you as much as he does.

  13. Does Sarcasm Man have too much time on his hands, way too much time on his hands or is he just another unemployable leftard posting from the public library while mumbling about freemasons and/or the Joooos?

  14. “Why do so many posters on your site believe George W. Bush has made things safer when in fact he has made them more dangerous by losing the War in Iraq…”
    WTF?!? When did the US withdraw, the terrorists topple the elected government, and al-Qaeda declare an Islamic theocracy in Iraq?
    (checks news sources…)
    We didn’t lose. Yet. And we won’t as long as the leftards don’t force another cut-n-run Vietnam on us.

    1. Am I just bored because my gay lover is out of town? Should I stay home and post more stupid questions on your blog, or go out and have a one night stand with a biker dude?
    2. How many poor attempts at sarcastic questions must I make before you find me and kill me with a .45? Will your readership take me out before you can reach me? What are the odds that ninja monkeys will be dispatched to destroy me today? Will they then proceed to Michael Moore?
  15. //P.S. you must spell commenter like i do — commentor. I call you all commentors because you torture poor Frank with your idiocy//
    You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who actually wants to do anything like you do, except maybe pedophiles. I do agree that our run of the mill idiocy pales in comparison to the runaway idiocy you displayed in just a few short words, monkey face.

  16. Frank,
    Does Sarcasm Man not know that the term is “commentator,” and that a commentator commentates during his commentations? Irregardless, I am alright with his condensing attitude towarst us dumb IMAO fans. I mean, ain’t we all, acrost the county, just productions of are real good pubic education thingy that the Democrats are so proud of?
    Oopsy, ended a sentence with a perspiration.

  17. No one can question my patriotism, but…
    I believe that the racist war Bushitler has waged against the oppressed muslims in their own sharia controlled vicinities & beyond is mean. After all, the whole earth was allah’s, despite his absence 600+ after Christ’s ministry, not to mention ALL human generations prior to Christ’s arrival. We, as Americans, have no right to confront anyone who intends to eradicate us for giving us for being right & exercising the liberty to speak out.
    I mean, if the Brits had the spine to follow through during the real Revolution, we might have been paying homage to the queen! We do, however, have the right to submit to islamists when they start whining like a room full of adolescents about how constrained they are by the Zionist Bush Administration’s nazi agenda…
    That sounds like a contradiction, but it’s all Bush’s fault! I stubbed my toe the other day, and I knew that was Bush’s fault, too; if I hadn’t been thinking about how Bush was such a Zionist nazi, I would’ve seen what was right in front of my own nose!

  18. This is kinda fun 🙂
    Ya know, I’ve dropped in on some left wing web sites now and then. And if they’re not hate-filled, I’ll leave a comment.
    Seldom do I get vicious response.
    Why? Sarcasm Man?
    I don’t leave a 9 page response, that’s why.

  19. And you better give me some good questions this time, or I swear I’m going to get some new readers.
    Oh yeah, just for that I’m not going to ask a question. There is absolutely no way that I’m going to ask you a question. No way at all.
    And anyway, where are you going to get new readers?

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