Comedy Of Comedy Request

I want you! To pull my finger.
It’s carnival time again. But there’s no host. But instead of whining, pointing fingers at your notes and turning red in the face like a house-trailer-library-having-legacy-loser, I’m taking the high road.
The first person to email me at my email addy with the phrase “Bill Clinton is a whiny nincompoop.” will get to host the next Carnival Of Comedy.
C’mon you know you want to. If you don’t then you just might be a Bubba lover.
Update: No response yet.
Update 2: Thanks to Chris at Platypus Society for hosting last week.
Update 3: SteveO at the Acme Anvil Company has graciously called Bill Clinton a whiny nincompoop. Go SteveO! He’s no Bubba lover, unlike the rest of you.


  1. Did my stint as host set the expectations too high? Is there no one willing to take the challenge of hosting? Is there not one brave soul among us willing to take the reigns and get this wagon train a rollin’?
    Cowards, all of you!
    Sorry for breaking the carnival spacemonkey, I tried to do good, honest.

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