Congratulations to Sgt. Joe Foo’ the Marine!

Who is now his way to being Lt. Joe foo’ the Marine having just been accepted into OCS! He’s a bit old for becoming an officer, but that’s because his application got delayed because he was deployed to Iraq. Anyway, my brother has really been wanting this for some time, and I’m just so happy to hear he got accepted that I have to tell everyone.
That reminds me: My brother had some interesting things to say about the military and Iraq, and I should put what he said up soon as it will be illegal for him to express such opinions when he becomes an officer.


  1. God bless da Foo and Xeno. May He look out for both of them. Not to mention the poor NCOs that will have to wet nurse them after graduation. Amazing how America continues to turn out heroes when everyone knows how unpopular this war is. Congrats to both of you OCs and I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

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