Crikey :(

I, like many people, am quite sad to hear about Steve Irwin’s passing. I’ve never heard of death from a stingray (I swam with them myself recently). Anyway, I’ve been getting a lot of google hits for this old IMW starring him, so I’ll put a link up to it as my tribute.
If there are crocodiles in heaven, I’m sure Steve Irwin is taunting them as we speak.


  1. It really is a fitting death. Rather than being killed by a croc or snake, animals who he was a master of handling, he was killed by something which is normally more docile, normally doesnt kill people. It just shows us no one is invincible, and that everyone has a time and means to go.
    What can I say, its a sad day…

  2. I always liked Steve, even when I thought he overdid the accent a bit. He epitomized the masculine Aussie, who is so much like the American cowboy. I mean that with the utmost respect. RIP, Croc Man.

  3. Steve epitomized the “manly” man that is almost extinct today in this metrosexual world where “men” wear makeup, carry manpurses, and are required to be thimpathetic and thubordinate. It a great loss to all of us who admired him, and to Australia in particular, but what a fitting way for a man to die in his element, doing what he loved. God be with you, Steve, and may He comfort your family.

  4. Steve Irwin had not a single wasted moment… He’ll be missed for sure but make no mistake – he was going at 110% and I would bet that he has far fewer regrets than 99.8% of any of us do. As far as motivation and living life most of us never make it past 10% of our potential – we should all be half as motivated and meet our end with 1 / 10000th as much enthusiasm for life. It’s always sad for those left behind… but I have a hunch that The Croc Hunter is one fella that this Infidel will meet after passing thru the ‘Eye of the Needle’. See ya in Heaven, Steve – don’t hassle any wildlife in the “Big Guy’s” backyard.
    The wierdness has already started: I just found this actual Google advertisement on an IT website:
    “Buy Steve Irwin dead on eBay!…” Bah!

  5. What a tragedy. Mr. Irwin seemed to be one of the best examples of what people could be. Someone who loved what they did, cared about the planet but wasn’t preachy about it. He used humor to make his point and seemed to be a loving father and husband.
    God bless his lovely wife and beautiful children. They can be proud of the name their father left them, and Australias can be proud of their native son.

  6. Dear Terri:
    My deepest condolences to you for your great loss at this most difficult time. Even though I never met Steve, I felt as if I knew him, and even you, through your appearances, with him, on “Animal Planet.” From the first, I totally adored and fell in love with the mischievous, playful “little boy” in Steve. He always had this twinkle in his eye and smile on his face that just won me over. A passionate animal lover myself, I was not only impressed with Steve’s knowledge, but also deeply moved by his passionate, caring love for animals, especially the reptiles: crocs, snakes lizards, and so forth. I found his avid enthusiasm not only contageous, but endearing. To say that I was shocked by the news of Steve’s death is an understatement. I found myself overcome with grief and wept, as if I’d lost my best friend. I am so grateful for this opportunity to connect with you, and also to pay tribute to Steve’s great and wonderful work. May the Lord bless you, your two precious children, Bindi Sue, little Bob and your respective families. As I truly believe in an afterlife, I know that Steve’s soul is closer to you than you think and will watch over you until the two of you meet again in heaven. All my love.

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