Democrats Only Wish They Had My Genius for Negative Ad Campaigns

Glenn Reynolds wonders if Democrats are going to start channeling me for their negative ads. Wouldn’t hurt. I mean, who are they channeling now? A three-year-old with an ear infection?
Anyway, for the record, Michael Steele loves puppies.
I hear there is a whisper campaign among lefty blogs trying to spread the rumor that Michael Steele is black. They seem to think this will hurt his standing among Southern voters, but I think that plan may backfire.
Liberals have found out that the dog is Steele’s commercial IS NOT HIS ACTUAL DOG!
That’s right, IT’S A STAND IN DOG!
If Michael Steele loves puppies so much, WHY IS HE ASHAMED OF HIS OWN DOG?!
(I think that makes it official: The Democrats really do need to hire me to help with their negative attacks.)


  1. I think the Dims should do more b*tching and moaning. It’s worked so well in the recent past.
    They need to save the puppy blending smear for ’08. Why bring out the big guns now? According to the NYT’s, and other liberals, Nov 06 is done. Plan your victory parties now type done. So they need to hold back the ultimate WMD… puppy blending (for non liberal purposes) until ’08.

  2. I think that Steele ad is great. First, he comes off as a real guy. He’s very comfortable in front of the camera.
    Also, he’s got a GREAT sense of humor. Ending it with him holding a puppy! LOL
    Finally, it sets up a perfect rebuke to almost any attack Cardin throws at him. I can’t wait for the “See? I told you so.” ad.

  3. Wait till they find out that he borrowed that tie! Next it will be the revelation that he was wearing make-up while filming that commercial.
    Writer – That’s the most closely guarded secret in Ohio politics. Well, now you know why he’s prone to crying on the floor of the Senate…one size does not fit all.

  4. Well he ground up the last one for his evil conservative death ritual of war, so it is just as likely he just got a new dog.
    But that’s just stupid really, I think it’s Karl Rove’s dog. And I question the timing of having seen this dog as a puppy.

  5. (I think that makes it official: The Democrats really do need to hire me to help with their negative attacks.)
    Frankj, while you’re just about the funniest person on the interwebs, leave the Dems to make their own attack ads. You just don’t get much humor on TV anymore since the Simpsons came down with BDS and I don’t think you could make their ads any funnier. Somebody being totally clueless to irony, facts or decency is really pretty darn amusing.

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