Don’t Answer the Door!

With the new torture compromise, I bet many of you are worried that federal agents will now be able to drag you out of your home, tie you to a chair, and beat you with a wiffle ball bat in the groin until you confess to crimes you never committed.
And this indeed will happen. Actually, if you hear a knock at the door, that’s probably them now.
You may think that torturing terrorists is a necessary evil to stop further attacks, but let’s see what you think when the bat connects with your groin.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’ve recently been to Andrew Sullivan’s blog and I think some of the hysteria rubbed off


  1. yet anuther stoopid unfunny post from the dum stoopid homo heelbilly neocon jues! y anywun cum heer i dunno. i guess dere r many dum stoopids i weel hav to hit with my poo!

  2. Gunga-
    Pike them on your front lawn. That’ll deter the next wave of the Watchtower Wackos. But don’t bet on it discouraging the Mormons.
    Scary Evil Monkey-
    Are you British? Just look at those teeth!

  3. Sorry – false alarm. They were just canvassers for some local politician. We can just leave them at the curb. Waste management has a program…
    fmragtops – let’s not bring my family into this…

  4. Gunga, just make sure they look “Awake!” You should have waited for the Mormons, because you get a free bicycle, and they get pretty nice bikes these days. As far as the bodies, drag them behind the nearest Kingdom Hall and pin a note on them reading “shunned”.

  5. Karl (he requested that I call him that) contacted me and funds will be directly deposited into my account. Goodness I love JOOOOOOOOOOO direct deposit! He did say someting about a trip to Venezuela before I could get the card, but I’ve got some vacation time coming up.

  6. 96Boiler,
    You’ll aslso be getting your official “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” membership card in the mail soon, along with a button that reads “Gulf War Veteren. Ask me what I think of the media.” Wear it, and the libs will avoid you like the plague…
    …Excuse me a minuit…
    Hah! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
    Whew! What a relief! For a minuit there, I thought it was the government agents weilding wiffle bats!

  7. If it’s the SE Monkey, just keep a bunch of bananas at the door along with a sledge hammer. When he goes for the bananas, let him have it.
    That hollow sound you hear is the vibrations echoing through the vast unused cavity that should have housed his brain. When you have a brain the size of a grass seed, there’s lots and lots of room for reverberation.

  8. catsgodot…good one…almost made me cut and paste! but then i looked at the URL at the last minute and now I don’t have to take a shower at 2:30 in the morning… no i’m not im-ing 16 year old pages while my wife sleeps…

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