Foley once, shame on you. Foley twice, shame on me.

From Representative Mark Foley’s website:

WASHINGTON – Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL), Co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus, applauded Senate passage of legislation he authored and introduced overhauling our nation’s sex offender registration and notification laws.

I guess we now know what made him such an expert in the field to get a co-chairmanship of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus.
Speaking of which, I wonder how old the newly-former Congressman is. And what he wants for his birthday. None of that is in his bio on the site.
Oh, and does he have any recent photos? All of these look a bit dated.


  1. I’d be curious to see/hear/read the orgy that the DUmmies and Kossacks are enduring right now over this, but I don’t feel like wading into that cesspool at the moment.
    The comments at the ABC news website were bad enough. 8-P

  2. Bah! Our regime predicts that Foley will switch parties and immediately be nominated to run against Hillary in the Primaries as a 20:1 Dem/media favorite. Upon winning the nomination, he will choose McCain as his Veep and easily win the White House by sweeping the dead voter / hanging chad districts. Civil war will then erupt with Delaware seceding and nuking New Jersey for no particular reason other than “It smells really bad on warm, breezy nights and they keep us awake with those loud parties.”
    [The sad thing is – the moonbat contingent would actually ‘rock the vote’ for a MANBLA type candidate. And if he was a RINO… hey – so much the better. Two “mavericks” on the ticket.]
    ussjimmycarter – What we don’t know about??? With things like this that we DO find out about…. even the voices in my head get REALLLllllll quiet when someone asks that question… What’s worse – how long did the “media” sit on this information, rather than get law enforcement in on this? The thought that some media/political hack held this for political timing duing an election cycle instead of dialing 911 makes me wonder what he/she would do if it was THEIR KID on the other end of those perverted little IM’s?

  3. From:
    lublubs on issues
    foley gone wild
    statement from mf
    Washington –Congressman Mark Foley (FL-16) this afternoon issued the following statement:
    “Today I have delivered a letter to the Speaker of the House informing him of my decision to resign from the U.S. House of Representatives, effective today. I thank the people of Florida’s 16th Congressional District for giving me the opportunity to serve them for the last twelve years; it has been an honor.
    “I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lacrosse game to catch.”
    Are the chics in bikinis in Florida in short supply? Exactly what more does a man need than a great state in which to live, a great job, and a family? Oh yes, of course: a young, male page.
    Sick degenerate.

  4. WOW,
    You guy’s need to get a load of what is going on at Daily KOS.
    It’s like the mob of villagers in a Frankenstein movie. They talk like they’re going to string up every Republican in the land.

  5. USSJimmyCarter-
    I respectfully disagree most strongly with the sentiment in your comment.
    I mean why should a like that get away with the quick death afforded by a bullet? Even a gut shot is too good for those who would prey on children. I say let his family pay for his drawing and quartering.

  6. As someone on the ABC site pointed out…the libs want to legalize sex between adults and minors, so why are the libs getting their panties in such a wad over this?
    And they support a “religion” whose leader was a pedophile. I guess they don’t see the hypocrisy.
    That said, if Foley is found guilty, he should spend the rest of his miserable life in jail.

  7. Two missionaries were travelling in the jungles of the Congo. They were captured by a primitive tribe and taken before the chief. The chief explained that it was a crime for outsiders to travel in their lands and they would have to suffer their choice of punishments: death or “bunga bunga”
    The first missionary thought that anything would be preferable to death, so he chose “bunga bunga”. Immediately, all of the men in the village lined up and began to sodomize the missionary one by one, leaving him injured but alive.
    The second missionary decided that he didn’t want to go through that, and he said “I’ll take death.”
    The chief nodded, explained to the missionary that he would now render a decision on the method of execution, stood and bellowed out to the multitude….
    A more fitting punishment for Foley escapes me…

  8. “Today I have delivered a letter to the Speaker of the House informing him of my decision to resign from the U.S. House of Representatives…” The letter follows:
    Dear Speaker of the House,
    As I write this, I am naked. I am picturing you naked too, only in my fantasies you are much, much younger and not ugly. I have decided to resign from the US House of Representatives, as my position has begun to become an imposition. Like most of us, I entered politics in order to meet young male interns while holding a position of power and influence over them, enabling me to coerce some into sexual situations, however, it has come to my attention that others now wish to invade my private life.
    Some have even spoken harshly about my private sexual writings in public, and I find this disturbing. Can’t a horny, perverted dejenerate homosexual like myself simply chase some underage tail without being criticized? I am, after all, an elected official.
    And so, I have decided to pursue my dream job, tour manager for Clay Aiken. I won’t be back to clean out my office, so distribute my Barbra Streisand collection to whomever would like them but kindly forward my Tiger Beat magazines to my residence, as I have compiled the entire collection and believe it to be quite valuable, both financially and in other ways as well.
    In closing, say hi to the family (and don’t forget a big hello to that nephew of yours that plays soccer). Love ya. Tom

  9. Teen : Hi Congressman. I’m Joey Hammond. . .
    Maf54 : Well “hi!” Joey.
    Maf54 : You should come on up here, you can see me better.
    Maf54 : I have something here for my special visitors ( sends a JPEG image of a model penis to Joey ), would you like to have it?
    Teen : Thank youuuuuuu! Thanks alot!
    Maf54 : Sure. You ever been in a cock pit before?
    Teen : No sir, I’ve never been up in a plane before.
    Maf54 : I wasn’t talking about a plane. You ever . . . seen a grown man naked ?
    Teen : Do you want to talk to my Mommy?
    Maf54 : No, why don’t you take care of it. Joey, did ya ever hang around a gymnasium?

  10. Debbie Schussel had a dang good point that I’d forgotten about – The double standards that the media and libs / Dems had for Barney Frank?
    The Dem’s “LOVED” (use whatever definition you’d like…) Barney Frank and rallied behind him (no pun intended) when Frank had his live-in male lover running that male prostitute ring out of his home.
    Mind you, my comments are apples to oranges – My view remains that Foley deserves to fry for going after kids: THAT IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE POINTED OUT! Those libs who are squeaking so loudly about Foley in the media would be the same people wearing kneepads FOR Foley if he were a Demokrat.
    Sad thing is – there are fewer and fewer actual Republicans in Congress (or anywhere else) and more and more RINOs like Foley.
    Ya’ll who are still calling yourself Republicans had better rattle the GOP cages hard – this rot starts from the inside out.

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