Fun Trivia

How come President Bill Clinton never found Osama bin Laden?

He was too busy trying to first locate pants.


  1. And after he found his pants, he was too busy dodging indictments and of course Hillary. After what happened early in his presidency to Vince Foster, he’d have been a fool to cross her. (I wonder if he kept Holy Water and garlic on his person and wore a cross around his neck. I know I would have.

  2. I miss Bill Clinton! He needs to get on TV more and remind the American people why we threw the democRATS out of both houses in 1994! DerSchlickmeister strikes again! I’ll bet the Shrew will have his ass on a short leash for awhile…

  3. If we find Osama wearing Slick Willie’s pants:
    There are questions about how he got those pants that I don’t ever want to know the answer to.
    I think he’s going to have to give Ms.Rodman back her pants (yet again how he got them I really, really, really don’t want to know.)

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