He’s Crazy and He’s Local

Normally I wouldn’t pay any attention to who is running against my Congressman, Rep. Dave Weldon, since it’s a secure seat for the conservative Republican, but, since Allahpundit and Rusty Shackleford are both posting about his Democrat opponent, Dr. Bob Bowman, maybe I should look into this one. Apparently Bob is pretty sure that it’s Dick Cheney who was behind 9/11.
We have a live one here!
Again, my district is an extremely safe one for Republicans (our only locally elected Democrat is, appropriately, the tax collector), so you’d only expect a nut to actually waste the time running against Weldon. Still, maybe I could do some undercover work on this one to expose exactly how nuts many Democrats have become.
I’ll need one of those glue-on mustaches and a fake name. Too bad “Rusty Shackleford” is taken.
Here’s Dr. Bob’s campaign site and his views on 9/11.
More Views:
* CIA: It should be abolished.
* Crime: “If I were President, I would pardon thousands of nonviolent offenders and political prisoners.” (not sure who the political prisoners are, but he supports a surrender on the war on drugs)
* Defense Spending: He wants to end our occupation… of Germany and Japan. Time to finally put an end to WWII!
* Gun Control: “Until we can disarm the crooks — and the FBI and the DEA and the IRS and the INS and the CIA and the military — we MUST allow citizens to bear arms to protect themselves against tyranny.”
* North Korea: “Then why did we go to war against Iraq and not North Korea? Two reasons: (1) our leaders really knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, and therefore Iraq would be much easier to defeat militarily than North Korea, and (2) North Korea doesn’t have any oil.”
* Moral Issues: “I do agree that public servants need to set a high moral standard for themselves, as an example. As Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church, I’m used to having to do that. And I favored the impeachment of Bill Clinton — but for the right reason. Not over poor Monica. I would have impeached him for the bombing of Baghdad and the rape of Yugoslavia.”
* Violent Videogames: He’s against violent videogames because they’re used by the U.S. military to desensitize our troops.
I so have to be a part of this campaign…


  1. Are you PREPARED!!!! Bush said we should be prepared, and on the lookout. Get your SAMS ready everybody, because that plane you see in the sky could be slamming into a building near you. Get your RPGs ready, because that truck behind you could be full of terrorist dudes waiting to kill you. Are you prepared? That fog in morning, that could be a chemical or biological attack in progress. ALWAYS BE PREPARED!!!! ARE YOU F***ING READY AMERICA? WHERE’S MY PILLS!!!! WHO STOLE MY PILLS?!!! BUSH IS AT THE DOOR AND HE WANTS TO EAT MY LIVER!!!!

  2. You should definitely volunteer for his campaign, Frank. Explain to the folks that you’re an engineer, so you’d like to help them with the auto-dialed recorded message telephone calls that they make. They’ll be happy to leave you alone to program that auto-dialer, which is slightly harder than making coffee. You can then record your own message.
    Don’t ask me how I know all this.

  3. What is the United Catholic Church? I don’t know for sure, but it sounds like a repository for “cafeteria Catholics” who want to have abortions, contraception, gay marriage, goddess-worship, and nobody telling them what to do, but also really like Gregorian chant and candles.

  4. I clicked on the link, then on the YouTube link.
    I’ve got nothin’
    American nazi party? I’m a sailor, and my response isn’t allowed on Frank’s site.
    BTW, I’m pretty sure Jay was just being sarcastic. Lord, I hope so.

  5. “American nazi party? I’m a sailor, and my response isn’t allowed on Frank’s site.”
    I meant, of course, that the foul language of my response isn’t much appreciated at IMAO. Not that I’m not allowed to respond.

  6. I’ll buy the gun argument 🙂 And isn’t that about “they don’t have WMDs yet, but they will, so it’s better to take them out now” kind of the argument we used at the time about why Iraq and not Iran or North Korea? I mean, I know the best way to keep your top-secret conspiracy secret from the American public is to repeat it at speeches and press conferences and all that…. well, not the oil part. 🙂

  7. I went to his site and read his vision for the future, and I gotta say it sounds damn near perfect to me. He wants to give away free health care, free education, a “living wage” and he wants gas station workers to be able to live right along side of the sports players and movie stars. I can only assume that he is planning on tapping that giant new reserve of Oil, and plundering whats left of Canada and selling the loot at the incredibly high recycling rates we have right now to pay for all of this. Then as we live over here in our perfect world the terrorists will stay over in the ME and not want to destroy our socialistic and decadent (not to mention non Muslim) society. After all “That’s the kind of America our people deserve”

  8. Dude, if the US government wants free oil from Iraq, fine by me! It’s now cheaper!!!!
    I’m being sarcastic. I wouldn’t actually approve of stealing oil. Unless they had a really good reason………….. 😉

  9. “Until we can disarm the crooks — and the FBI and the DEA and the IRS and the INS and the CIA and the military — we MUST allow citizens to bear arms to protect themselves against tyranny.”
    Sadly, that’s probably the best Democratic position on gun control we’re ever going to get.

  10. Bah! Capitalist swine! Dr. Bob is merely exploring the realm of future-thought! Do you not recognize tomorrow’s CNN “journalist”? Dr. Bob is one newscast away from being the next Katie Couric! Reality does not matter… it does not matter WHAT you know… it only matters what you THINK you know!
    And besides! Do you know how hard it is for a dead president to run in a modern Democrat Party Primary? His site shows a chart indicating that he beat John Kennedy in the primary! What a glorious victory! (Unless you stop to think that people would rather vote for a dead guy than elect the DNC clone trying to shake their hand…) I suppose with all the focus on dead voters it was simpler just to dig up a dead candidate this go around…
    jdhays: Some Libertarians recognize the need to rid themselves of such nutcases and have actively been taking steps to do so. Much was recently done to rid the Libertarians of some of their platform’s nuttiness… though they are not yet stable enough to gain our support – yet. The Reagan administration’s upper echelon had many who were more “libertarian” than “R”epublican”. The hope is that the eggheads in the “L”ibertarian party will be completely pushed out.
    Until then – we resume our oppressive regime already in progress.

  11. I’ve got somewhat mixed feelings ’bout that gun statement of his. I generally got no problem with the FBI and DEA bein’ armed, but I sure’s HELL don’t see no reason for the IRS, the INS and the CIA to be armed. Especially the IRS!
    Strangely enough this is the FIRST time I find myself agreeing with a Liberal Whackjob on even a single point. I think I’ll go take a shower to get that nasty feeling off me. Aaargh the dirt! Its not coming off!!!

  12. thought came to me here. and methinks I might need to clarify my previous statements.
    The INS SHOULDN’T need to be armed. But in the real world, i.e. this world, it DOES need to be armed. So, in retrospect, I am FOR the INS to be armed.

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