His Comments Are “Special”

I’ve seen a number of blogs post about Keith Olbermann, and he really does sound like a tool. Places like DailyKos and DU seem to be worshipping him as their new god for his – their words – “speaking truth to power” (can people actually type that with a straight face?), but all he has said is the regular nitwit commentary you’ll find on left-wing blogs… the only difference being he’s on MSNBC. Now, as far as viewership goes, being a commentator on MSNBC is just a step up from being a crazy standing on a city sidewalk shouting at people (which is just a step up from being a poster on DU), and thus I haven’t bothered to pay him much attention. Still, I ask you, my readers, whether you think he’s worth my attention and mockery. Say what you think in the comments (if you haven’t heard of him, say so and I’ll take that as a “no” on this question).


  1. Bah! Capitalist swine!
    I, too, speak “truth to power”!
    I shall shout loudly into my electrical outlet and make my demands heard! Your objections shall not prevent me! Free the Electron Seven! Power to the People!
    grumble le idiots

  2. Bah! Sorry – my keyboard went off prematurely. (The pressures of leadership performance anxiety sometimes do that… ) Yes… He is a tool. Unfortunately, a dull, rusty one which has been left outside in the rain – not quite the thing for a “power tool” but somewhat fitting for a DNC lackey and in particular a MSNBC drone. Think Max Headroom without the personality, or sense of humor or artificial AI – the libs can’t help but be drawn to him like doomed moths to the left-wing bug-zapper of humanity.

  3. You know that uncle that everyone seems to have? You know, the one with a motorcycle that works… most of the time, two ex-wives, a job at the lumber mill, and a crush on the countergirl at the Amoco, that uncle. He wants a better life, knows other people want a better life, and heard somebody once say the government whould do something about… it. So that what he wants, too; the government to do… something about… it.
    Olberman is like him with a shave.

  4. Isn’t this the same Keith Olbermann that used to read baseball scores off a teleprompter at ESPN? My son reads the morning announcements over the PA system at his junior high. Maybe he can get a job at MSNBC discussing important topics such as foreign policy, immigration reform and what’s for lunch at the cafeteria today.

  5. I wouldn’t expect much depth from a former jock-sniffing sports reporter. People keep confusing a moderate talent for conjuring ribald sports analogies with an ability to formulate serious opinions about anything remotely relevant.

  6. I thought had something witty to add until I read the comments.
    Damn you Frank for having smart readers!
    Still, apparently Mr. O has some people who take him seriously (chuckle) so he is worthy of your scorn.
    Did you catch that latest rant he went on? What a loon!

  7. Never heard of him, but I’ve also never heard of most of the high-profile news people they always talk about, other than the major Fox News-ers. Honestly, I wouldn’t know what’s going on in the world except for Fox, IMAO, Cox&Forkum and Michelle Malkin. Mostly news makes me angry and fills me with wrathful vengence aimed at all the pinkoes.

  8. I have had to listen to useless libs rant and blather on about this toolbox and how smart they think he is. Unfortunately I have not gotten myself banned from that site yet and continue to go there and tell them they are all brainless go-tards.
    I can always use more ammo, he is worthy of your scorn.

  9. Brian the sailor, enjoy that leave! I know you guys don’t spend all your time at sea, but after a week in the Gulf of Mexico chasing Hurricane Rita on a little LPD ship, I’m glad I didn’t join the Navy.

  10. You guys are the best!
    I’ve got nothing better than your comments. Nothing better than kicking back on leave drinking too much wine (I graduated from beer years ago…does that make me gay?) and reading funny thoughts from good Americans.
    And thanks for the shout out spacemonkey! That made my day…well that and a few glasses of chardonnay 🙂

  11. Brian the Sailor,
    We here at IMAO love to honor people like you for… wait, what did you do?
    Kidding. Thanks for serving, and I’m glad your getting some enjoyment from your leave even if it’s just from this pathetic site and by drinking a gay beverage.

  12. “”speaking truth to power” (can people actually type that with a straight face?)”
    Man, I am so glad I’m not the only one who thinks that whenever I see that stupid phrase! What the heck is it supposed to mean anyways?
    Haha, great one, Frank.

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