Hugo Chavez doesn’t just stop with cheap, tained heating oil…

So we’re all familiar with Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez’s use of gifts of cheap gas and heating oil to poor Americans through Citgo, but did you realize that he’s also using Citgo for even more nefarious attempts to win the hearts and minds of unsuspecting dupes?
That’s right. For instance, Saturday’s game at Minute Maid Park in Houston is running a special promotion:

Fan Appreciation Day: Roger Clemens bobbleheads for the first 10,000 Fans
And it’s sponsored by… CITGO!
Take a big whiff of these wobbly-necked Satanic icons, people. I bet you’ll smell the infernal reek of sulfur.
I refuse to accept such cheap trinkets from a petrofascist scumbag. Especially when it looks like Roger’s been given the Mary Kate Olsen treatment… not even Randy Johnson’s that thin.

It’s only all-American fat Roger Clemens bobbleheads for my kittycats.


  1. Long ago in a gas station far away I too stopped patronizing Shitgo. I have no idea if it does any good but my family and I eschew Shitgo, and our gass guzzling, polluting behemoths seem happier for it. And Chavez is a doo doo head.

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