I Like this Romney Guy

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was all over the news and talk shows yesterday (both Rush and Beck talked about him, O’Reilly talked about him, and I think Beck was having him on today) because of the stance he’s taking on that nutjob former president of Iran Khatami coming to speak about tolerance at Harvard on September 10 and 11. Bravo, Harvard, y’all really are a bastian of civilization, you insert expletive of choice here, I just can’t pick my favorite, and I know Jesus would rather I didn’t use one. Anyway, Romney has refused to use state funds to provide security and has asked Harvard to disinvite. Of course Harvard is full of “intellectuals” (yeah, I can think of more accurate words) who just have to hear his feelings on being tolerant. And Boston has lovingly stepped in to provide security. They’re so sweet there in Boston.
I need to add that to my to do list: Write letter to State Department asking why they issued this lunatic a propaganda visa. I hear they gave one to Ahmadinejad too for an upcoming U.N. meeting. In fact, I hear we still let the U.N. meet here, in NYC, which is in the United States, for that matter. So I guess I have a really long letter to the State Department that needs writin’. I mean, who hands out the State Department visas?
Wanna come here as a “diplomat”? All’s ya gotta do is be tolerant. All you have to do is threaten that if the free world doesn’t convert to Islam, they will meet harm. You think America is the great Satan? Here! Have a Visa! You want to come be on a “Security Council” where you can vote for everything that stands against American values and vote for everything that moves toward world destruction, and do it on our soil? Here! Have a Visa! Who wants a Visa so they can take billions of our dollars and never vote for our interests and only against our interests while letting us prop up their teeny countries while they spit in our faces?? 5 for a peso!
Wait, this was a post about how much I like Mitt Romney, and somehow I ended up screeching about how the U.N. is worthless and does nothing but steal our money to funnel it to countries that evilly plot against us, when they’re not using it to deploy “peacekeepers”, some of whom murder and rape women and children for fun while vacationing in Sudan. And how we keep giving diplomatic visas to their “leaders” so they can come over here on propaganda tours, when they are terrorists and terror sponsors and should not even be allowed inside our borders. The second they get over here, they should be strung up by their toes and beaten like pinatas. Or something.
Anyway, I like Mitt Romney. He has a great presence about him, too. I would like to know where he got his first name, though. I know he’s a governor and potential future president, but at the same time I feel like I should use him to catch a baseball or take a pie out of the oven. I’m conflicted.

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  1. I was initially tempted to suggest a good punchin’ for the staff of Harvard being MFL’s and all but then I thought to myself–these are Harvard people! You can’t punch someone from Harvard! It’s just not even fair. A Bitch Slap–yes–a punch–excessive force considering the punks, wimps and weaklings at Harvard–

  2. Sarahk,
    That was a nicely written post but unfortunately I disagree with you about Oven Mitt Romney. I no like this Romney guy. He totally freaked and panicked like a little girly man after the recent terror threat and banned all electronics at Logan airport.
    [ Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney said that state’s National Guard has been activated to increase security at Logan International Airport outside Boston, the first such call-up since the Sept. 11 attacks.
    Passengers traveling through Logan may no longer bring aboard cell phones, laptop computers or iPods, as well as any liquids, Romney told a news conference in Boston. ]
    Travel with no iPods and liquids? No way. Romney sucks and will not win cause he has dumb ideas. Only vote for Romney if you want to have to travel in special airplane and train robes with Mitt Romney’s face on them and words that say, “All hail the Mitt Romney.” Mitt would do that because he probably has a huge ego.
    – Hey Dr. John Allan, Oven Mitt Romney is funnier than your catching on joke and you know it.
    – Sailor man Brian — stay on topic please. Your post was not about Mitt.
    – Frank please fix the True Patriot and Blogger Alliance graphics. They are fuzzy and look dumb.

  3. Sarcasm Dude,
    You do not want to take me on in an intelligence contest.
    I made an honest mistake and I’m sure Frank and Sarah will forgive me.
    And I’ll stay on topic whenever I [wicky-wacky] feel like it. Frank and Sarah will forgive me for that also.
    [this post has been edited by the lovely and talented SarahK, because her pretty little eyes just don’t like the F-word]

  4. While I dislike people constantly mis-pronouncing my name, “Braden” is actually #132 on the most popular names list, “Jaden” is #77, “Hayden” is #88, and “Brayden” is #80. So it is a little weird, but as more and more people hear about me, (that must be the explanation) they are naming their kids after me. I’m flattered.
    Baby Name Voyager
    PS – which is better? To be born in the bluest state in the country or in the reddest?

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