IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Have Captured Their Greatest Threat and Placed Him in Gitmo!

World is now declared safe.
(fauxtography by cadet happy)


  1. The Bush administration runs Gitmo so you must be saying that Bush thinks Mickey Mouse should be thrown in Gitmo for fictionalizing 9/11 in their docudrama. But Mickey isn’t a terrorist-just a little greedy.
    Why are cruel conservative blogs calling Mickey Mouse a terrorist?
    You know who should really be in Gitmo? Osama. But Bush sucks at terrorist capture and failed to get him. He even gave sweet F16s to Pakistan in hopes they would help us but then Pakistan just recently said they will let Osama go if he promises to be peaceful. Bush is wimpish and can’t stand up to Musharaf. Meanwhile, Bush lied about the relationship between Saddam and al-Zarqawi. Saddam saw him as a threat not an ally like liar Bush told us.

    Saddam Hussein regarded al-Qaida as a threat rather than a possible ally, a Senate report says, contradicting assertions President Bush has used to build support for the war in Iraq.
    Released Friday, the report discloses for the first time an October 2005
    CIA assessment that before the war, Saddam’s government “did not have a relationship, harbor or turn a blind eye toward” al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or his associates.

    Bush = Flat out liar to America. Iraq was a bugus war. Incompetent Bush has let American troops get killed for no reason.
    The Bush administration’s Turd Blossom is desperately trying to make America focus on 9/11 fiction and forget there is a poorly managed war going on in Iraq which was based on Bush administration lies and misleads. But Americans aren’t going to buy it.

  2. Gee Sarcasm Man, Saddam was SUCH a nice guy! He never, ever payed terrorists to kill Jooos. He didn’t lock his own people up in prisons to be tortured, then promote the torturers, or anything nasty and evil like that. We didn’t find any nasty diseases in a refridgerator waiting to be weaponized and used against the infidels. And he was so nice allowing the UN inspectors to inspect everything and make sure that he both had no WMDs, and was not retaining/seeking any capacity to make WMDs, like they were supposed to BY INTERNATIONAL LAW.
    Bush is so evil for taking down poor Saddam. Thank you for helping me see the light about the great Iraqi leader, and our terrible leader, Bushilter!
    I feel so unsafe with Bush as president. I mean, yeah, we haven’t been attacked once since 9/11, while we were repeatedly attacked, just smaller scale, under Clinton. But Bush is just…Bush! We’re unsafe! What do we do! Ahhhh!
    Thanks again Sarcasm man!

  3. This should be the disclaimer shown before the mini-series:
    The scene of one attempt to kill or capture Bin Laden being screwed up by Clinton staff is fictional – it is a compilation of nine other screwed up opportunities that occurred in fact.
    A scene depicting people not communicating intelligence between the FBI and CIA passively is fictional – it is a toned down version of the active failure imposed by Jamie Gorelick by design. Why she appeared on the 9/11 commission instead of before it remains a mystery.
    Attempts by Sandy Burger to claim that we pulled things from our ass should be tempered by the fact that this is the man who shoved evidence of Clinton Administration incompetence in his underwear never to be seen again. We just followed the 9/11 commission evidence where it lead.
    We apologize for making the Clinton administration look incompetent in fiction rather than ragingly and deliberately stupid as occurred in fact. This is due to the fact that we only have five hours to show what happened. For this we apologize.

  4. I dunno… I think Sargasm “Man” may have a convert here. He seems to have ALL the facts & come to think of it, why would he lie? I’ve never known a liberal to lie- under oath- about anything, not even a former presnit. It’s not as though they would go out of their way to make one person look bad in order to make themselves look less incredibly incompetent… would they?
    No, that would just be stupid. It’d be like a fat moron wasting everyones time making a fictional “documentary” about 9/11 & glorifying the previous administration that not only ignored the threat, but actually facilitated it.

  5. On Closer analysis…
    One would think the Democrats would be in favor of this show airing in its entirety. That way they will have a “scape goat” to blame when they lose market share in the House and Senate come November. Pretty much the same way that 14 VietNam vets turned the whole election in 2004.
    If they lose with no excuses, they might have to re-examine their message and admit that lunacy does not sell well to the American voters.

  6. I think anyone who goes around killing innocents to claim his 72 virgins should get exactly what he deserves. He should be given to 72 virgins.
    No matter how sex starved someone is, an eternity giving to 72 women would get really old after a while. ( no matter what they looked like) I think this is only fair.
    As far as Sarcasm Man is concerned, he wouldn’t know the truth if it reared up and bit him on the butt. Why let the fact influence your thinking. Lexus Nexus search some of those “facts” you’re spouting, you’ll be horrified to find that your “Savior” slick Willy was up to his dyed locks in coverups. They covered up the Foster affair, the Rose law firm problem, the bimbo brigade, the Chinese mess, and the Bin Laden debacle. There is only one thing the Clinton White House could really do well and that’s cover up.
    That is what we expect from Libs and Dems however. A total disregard of the facts and a disconnect from the reality the rest of us are familiar with.
    What a maroon!

  7. I have not seen “Path”.
    I have heard from those who have, that it’s not so much about Clinton or Bush, but more about the threat of Al Qaeda, Islamo-Fascism, and other terrorist organizations. The question occured to me: “Who are Reid, Clinton, et al really trying to protect?” Maybe this Global War on Terror is more insidious than I first imagined. Yes, I know I am questioning someone’s Patriotism… But, If I am unsure of something, I have the right to ask.

  8. Algo,
    I question your patriotism and intelligence as well as many of the others here. Doesn’t patriotism include questioning your leaders when they are pathetic and killing our troops for no reason? If you truly love this country don’t you want to make absolutely sure our troops aren’t killed based on lies and incompetence? If someone questions the leadership in this country isn’t that patriotism? Patriotism is not worshipping the Bush administration and all that they do like some dumb sheep. Seriously, how incredibly pathetic and loserish are you if you think that is what makes you a good citizen. Doesn’t that just make you the lowest of the low. Doesn’t it just make you all enormously stupid and idiotic sheep-like morons? Do you have no thoughts of your own? Aren’t all you just echoes of Bush and Cheney’s thoughts — mindless drones who wander around chanting Bush and Cheney are heroic gods that we must worship and cheer on no matter how pathetic, incompetent, stupid and awful the Wars they get us involved in become? Aren’t you being massively stupid by supporting an administration that has allowed nearly 3,000 troops to die and nearly 20,000 injuries in Iraq all based on lies about WMDs and a pathetic postwar plan. And now Afghanistan is going south as well thanks to Bush’s Iraq distraction. You all are no different from the leftists who can’t see that illegal immigration is a problem no matter what the evidence shows. You are just as pathetic, dumb and blind as they are only about Iraq instead of immigration.

  9. George said: In the global war on terror, you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.
    I find it instructive to note how loudly and repetitively the liberals have proclaimed their allegiance.

  10. I remember an old essay by Harlan Ellison about the one day he worked at Disney. He showed up in the morning and went to lunch at their cafeteria with his friends who were also working there. At lunch he thought he’d be cute playing film director horsing around imaging directing a porn film starring Mickey, Minnie and the gang. At first his friends were amused but then they clammed up and decided that lunch was over. You see somebody had walked up behind Harlan and in Goofy’s voice asked if he could play too? and Harlan told him no but he could be the producer without even looking at him. This individual turned out to be Roy Disney. Harlan continued his schtick without realizing this and after lunch returned to his office. There on his desk was a pink slip. Harlan said the moral was “Don’t F*** With the Mouse!”
    Republicans have spent over a generation enjoying negative media bias in the MSM, Democrats seem determined to change that for us. First the Plame affair in which they convince the NYT to undertake a series of news stories that sends one of their reporters to jail and fails to uncover anything since the prosecutor had all the answers by the end of the first week and now these threats against ABC’s broadcast license. I remember during the brouhaha about “The Reagans” the worst Reagans admirers (mostly Republicans true) threatened was to change the channel.

  11. It is funny how liberals assume that if they say someone else is stupid often enough, they think this makes it so or somehow makes them correct. I don’t contribute this to the “big lie” of Nazism so much as the neo-pagan concept (echoed by the worst of the televangelists) of speaking things into existence by magic. And when they do cherry pick data, they present it completely out of context. For example, 600 troops die per year in accidents in peacetime, so maybe we avoid peace because it’s also dangerous in the liberal mind. We still have troops in Kosavo, Korea, Germany, Japan, and the southern and western parts of the United States. Are these quagmires to the liberal mind? Apparently quagire is Liberal for “war that happens under Republican president”, even if that president didn’t start it (Vietnam).

  12. George said: In the global war on terror, you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists. I find it instructive to note how loudly and repetitively the liberals have proclaimed their allegiance.
    “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” — Therefore, blind submission like that followed by dumb Burt is the lowest form of traitor scuminess there is.
    Of course that’s Bush in your quote Burt you idiot. He said that because he doesn’t want any dissent. How convenient for Bush. If you disagree with the administration you are a terrorist? What a crock of poop. That goes back to my point about Bush supporters being a bunch of mindless drones that don’t think for themselves. Oh I’m such a little puke that I have to believe every single word Bush says. If everyone who disagrees with Bush is a terrorist you are going have to put at least 60% of the U.S. population in jail.
    Those of you who are Bush/Cheney worshipping morons should look at something Cheney said about Iraq in 1992 before he had all the heart attacks and probable strokes — we can’t be sure he had strokes because the lying freakoid won’t release his medical records.

    “And the question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam (Hussein) worth? And the answer is not that damned many. So, I think we got it right, both when we decided to expel him from Kuwait, but also when the president made the decision that we’d achieved our objectives and we were not going to go get bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq.”

  13. I don’t contribute this to the “big lie” of Nazism so much as the neo-pagan concept (echoed by the worst of the televangelists) of speaking things into existence by magic. And when they do cherry pick data, they present it completely out of context. For example, 600 troops die per year in accidents in peacetime, so maybe we avoid peace because it’s also dangerous in the liberal mind.
    Wow, Kent that has to be the most pathetic and cruelist argument ever made in defense of the Iraq War. Is that something you would want to write on the dead Iraq soldiers tombstones?
    Kent’s brilliant tombstone idea: Here lies Soldier X. He died in the Iraq War but seriously he might have died from a peacetime accident anyway so what’s the big deal?
    Seriously, Kent that was a really stupid defense for the Iraq War. The Iraq War casualties I cited, which are far above anything that occurs during peacetime, are from this website which sources the Pentagon — the are not some magic numbers I made up you massively ignorant poophead.

  14. I believe you have made it abundantly clear which side you support in the GWOT. You really don’t need to repeat yourself, or call names to convince us of where you stand.
    And you have made it abundantly clear that you are a mindless Bush drone.
    I’m against the Bush administration’s lie-based Iraq War and Al-Qaeda Burt. You are dumb ignorant moron for not understanding people can be against both the Bush administration’s Iraq War policies and the terrorists.

  15. Stoned-gasm “man”,
    You demonstrate again why logic and rhetoric are lost on those whose mental growth was stunted during the terrible twos. I was pointing out the false logic of the left, by demonstrating that if the following is true:
    “War is bad because soldiers die”
    Then the following must logically also be true:
    “Peace is bad because soldiers die”.
    Since “soldiers die” is the KPI of “bad” in the previous argument. But you simply demonstrate my point that you don’t get rhetoric, logic, facts, or reality. You simply parrot the hate spew of your masters George Soros and Michael Moore. Worse yet, you are even dumber then these propaganda twits because they are at least clever enough to come up with false arguments and strawmen. You resort only to insults and links to propaganda sites. You are your own worst enemy – your own arguments are irrational, based on hatred, and the hatred is built on propaganda. What more proof do we need to prove you are wrong than you yourself? It is self-evident that you are not someone one would trust to walk a dog, let alone tell anyone what to think.

  16. Woah look what illogical Kent dork came up with all by his little self…
    “War is bad because soldiers die”
    Then the following must logically also be true:
    “Peace is bad because soldiers die”.

    You should really say “accidents are bad because soldiers die” because logically it is the accidents not the peace that kills the soldiers. You could also continue with…

  17. More soldiers die at War than at Peace
  18. Therefore, War is worse than peacetime
  19. Soldiers killed in Wars based on lies die for no reason
  20. Therefore, Wars based on lies are very, very bad.
  21. Bush ordered a War based on lies therefore Bush is very, very bad.
    The site I mentioned uses Dod numbers. It is not a propaganda site. The numbers can also be found here
    on the DoD website which shows 2662 dead soldiers and 19,945 injured soldiers. The DoD site is also not a propaganda site. What it doesn’t say is that all those dead and injured soldiers were
    killed based on lies supported by morons like you Kent.
  22. Bah! Capitalist swine! Do you not recognize the brilliance of the proletarian Sarcasm Man? You should be ashamed of your unworthiness to read his near Manifesto quality discourse!
    Bravo, Comrade Sarcasm Man! Bravo! Do not let their vicious veracity slow down the pace of your determined, and resolute series of well-reasoned and insightful Party Propaganda! Do not flinch in the face of their dastardly onslaught!
    Forge ahead (but not from a Kinkos in Texas) and be ever raucous even in the face of their dastardly onslaughts of logic and capitalist usage of fact! (DAMN THEM!)
    You can do it, my proletariat comrade, you CAN DO IT! Like an Lenin addled moth beating it’s head intently against the porchlight of freedom… YOU MUST DO ALL YOU CAN TO EXTINGQUISH THE BRILLIANTLY GLOWING LIGHT OF A FREE AMERIKA!
    –We are counting on you.–
    Rejoice, Comerade! Though they now loom in silence (like a metaphorical can of Raid) , The Masses stand behind you waiting for one voice to utter such treatises openly and publicly in the town square! Rise up! Go out! Speak! You’ll bask in the roar of the crowd’s enthusiastic response!
    The masses are waiting!
    And if the masses happen to be friendly, try outside Berkley.

  23. Infidel,
    What does complaining that Bush took our country to a War based on a lie have to do with communism? Communism is about blindly supporting the government like a lot of the commentors on this blog desperately do on a daily basis. In fact they can’t shout loudly enough about how patriotic they are and about there blind allegiance to the Bush administration. Isn’t that a lot more like communism than complaining about the Iraq War?

  24. Sarcasm Man,
    Yeah, yeah, Bush ‘lied’. Right.
    The fact is, he beleived Saddam had WMDs. Saddam told his own people he had WMDs. And he had mustard gas and all that.
    But the point is, I beleive in what we’re doing, and I AM a soldier.
    War is a terrible thing, but I’d rather fight war than be at peace with people who want to murder us.
    Oh, and by the way… you’re welcome. 🙂

  25. There is only one thing the Clinton White House could really do well and that’s cover up.
    Heh, yeah…I don’t think he did this that well with regards to a particular chubby intern.
    Anyway, as far as Kent’s argument, I believe Billy Graham said the same thing. The odds of death are 1:1 (per Final Destination, part 3). If someone dies defending all of our country including the liberal whiny civilians who can’t get it together enough to declare their own coup (mainly because they’re too wussy to be rebellious), then that person died defending a noble and worthy cause. Freedom. Freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom to be an libtard or not.
    Seriously, libtards, if you hate the way things are going in our government, please do rebel, I dare you. That or move your whiny asses to canada.
    If you don’t appreciate this solution maybe you should stop visiting right wing blogs that use your nonsense blather for ammunition to laugh at you as you deserve.

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