IMAO EXCLUSIVE: President Clinton’s Comprehensive Anti-Terror Strategy He Left for the Bush Administration

Former President Bill Clinton, while getting angry at Chris Wallace for being a monkey, claimed that he “left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy” for the Bush Administration. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice disputes this. Despite the denial, IMAO has obtained a copy of the plan:

This plan was mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, so it’s hard to believe the Bush Administration never heard of it.


  1. Of course he wanted ninjas. His hatred of the military heavily skewed what little decision making he ever did. As far as he knew, ninjas were apolitical and therefore relatively trustowrthy. Plus they were more easily prepared than his first choice, irritable chimpanzees with high explosives and full diapers.
    I hereby credit IMAO, in my own way.
    You’re welcome.

  2. Of course he wanted Hinjas, they are purely mercenary. As a good Leftie he not only hated the Military, he resented paying them when the country is not at war (another reason the Lefties want the GWOT to be treated as a criminal enterprise instead of a war).

  3. Frank your journalistic integrity is amazing. Even though you know that this damning pice of evidence will clearly demonstrate that 9/11 was Bush’d fault, you brought it to light nevertheless. Bravo, bravo.

  4. The ninjas are obviously fake! Everyone knows that BJ got very large campaign contributions from the Chinese. Ninjas are Japanese! So why are these sly little yellow devils from China…obvious commie pinko kung fu pussies dressing up like Japanese warriers? To get all the Christians! That’s why! This will make BJ happier than Rosie O’Donnell at a tittie bar!

  5. I dunno, Bill. Them Episcolopian types just got back from Madrassa Lambeth, and their vergers got extensive bo-staff training at the hands of visiting masters from southern Idaho. Besides, the helecopter training in classical ninjitsu is several hundred years old. Can’t we just get Reno to take care of it? What? Ordained? When?

  6. You people are amazing. The proof that Clinton haters/Bush lovers are mental midgets seems endless. However, the thing that truly disappoints is that sad sad lack of anything resembling origonality or creativity. A stained dress joke even. How did you ever think of that?

  7. Hey, Joe. You pinkos never have anything funny to say, so why don’t you go and comiserate with your comrades at some collective coffee shop and come back when you have a sense of humor and something of substance to say. Now, bugger off!

  8. Is there anything you people “don’t” blame Bill Clinton for?
    I mean its been 5 years, let it go.
    If you can’t be respectful of the man at least be respectful of the office he held.
    Blaming Clinton for 9/11 is like blaming Woodrow Wilson for WWII (oh wait I do that) well you know what I am saying.

  9. //Is there anything you people “don’t” blame Bill Clinton for? I mean its been 5 years, let it go. If you can’t be respectful of the man at least be respectful of the office he held.//
    LOL!!! “Respectful of the office he held.” Why would we? HE wasn’t. Also, it’s been 13 years since his corruption became a national problem, and that’s a legacy that also lingers on with al-Gore touring the world talking sh*t about America to Muslim heads of state.
    But hey, thanks for coming here to disrespect people on a site that you don’t agree with. It makes all the sense of someone going to a PETA rally to vend fried chicken.
    Actually, THAT would be funny…

  10. No, I’m not Ann. I’m Alan- that’s A-L-A-N. A good anagram of Alan is A-N-A-L, as some other trolls have very cleverly pointed out.
    Now, do you like white or dark meat? I prefer dark myself.
    BTW, what is “so sense”? Did YOU drink the kool-aid you were talking about?

  11. I am a white meat kind of guy but I dont think there is that much dark meat on chicken.
    It was suppose to be “no sense” (damn you edit button)
    When I was younger I was filled with Kool-aid and drank it gladly however as I became older I realised that even though it tasted good it had no real substance.

  12. Hey, Giovanni,
    Most trolls on this site usually try to show us how “intalectually superior” they are to us poor, gun-toting, racist, red-neck conservitives. We usually get a good laugh when they miserably fail. All you seem to be is a little winer, with no sense of humor what so ever, and not entertaining in the least bit. Ergo, you are batting 0, so please go back to Kos where your brand of right-wing hatred will be apperciated.

  13. To Wolfman Dan:
    Umm… no.
    Lets see I have not called you racist, I dont think you are rednecks and I think we need more gun-toting in this country.
    I sure as hell dont find anything funny about the way the security of this country is being handled. If you do I suggest you stop being part of the discussion because this is time for serious people. So sorry I dont have time to chime in my baseball metaphore and put it so that your small brain can understand why it is not funny.

  14. Considering the amount of vile comments left here by, for lack of a better term, anti-republicans/ conserveratives/ Christians, etc, Wolfy’s response isn’t without merit. It’s a group blog, and while humorous comments and counterpoints are welcome, there are those who post little else but hateful comments. Not that I am an administrator here, but it’s the impression I get from this site’s proprietors.
    That having been said, enjoy your visit here while having a juicy lemon-pepper chicken breast, as I figure you like the white meat best from a later comment topic.

  15. Don’t pick on Giovanni too much, guys, he’s a closet Republican and won’t admit it and I know this because I recognize his moniker from an earlier post.
    The thing is he’s trying to make a point that we have no more right to pick on ex pres Slick Willie than the left does on Bush, but the fact is that Slick Will put himself out there to be picked on when he threw a hissy fit on National TV, plus this is humor site that likes to poke fun at demoncraps, therefore, we WILL poke fun at demoncraps, Gio. That’s just the way it is.
    Thanks for supporting the war effort though, and remember that Olberman is a MACACA!!!

  16. Closet Republican? I thought only Log Cabin Republicans were able to use that term.
    I am not differ in too many issues. Plus I am registered Dem. Plus I support Democratic principles even if the party it self has forgotten what that means.

  17. //Plus I am registered Dem. Plus I support Democratic principles even if the party it self has forgotten what that means.//
    Sounds Like Zell Miller to me. Just because you register Dem, doesn’t mean you have to vote that way. In fact that would be a hilarious fun thing to do…about a million of us register as demoncraps, then vote Republican, making the point that some Democrats no longer support the demoncrap party that it has become. The Republican party sees that it no longer has a million members registered, maybe they will stop recruiting RINO’s like Mark Kennedy and Tim Pawlenty.

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