In the Mail

Being the big league blogger that I am, I get offered free copies of new books all the time in hopes I will promote them. I’ve stopped giving out my P.O. Box for the books, though, since I find I never read them since I just don’t have the time and because reading is for dorks. But, when Blackfive said he had a book coming out, I had to get myself a copy. When I got home from my vacation, I found a package from Simon & Schuster. Not knowing who they were, I put the package out in a field and used a remote control robot to open it. Luckily, there was no bomb inside, but instead there was the book Blogs of War.
I’ve only had time to read the intro where Blackfive write about what drove him to blog – mainly finding out that a friend died heroically in Iraq but no one, including a reporter who witnessed the event, bothered to write anything about the incident. Now, Blackfive has a whole book of real stories from our troops as taken from the many milblogs that have sprung up over the years. You can read all about his book here. Go check it out.


  1. I really don’t think you can consider one post a blog. I mean, maybe you should get a myspace or something. I hate those things, but then at least you’d have some more information and a picture or two.

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