Islamic Pinocchio

As if Disney’s perversion of the Carlo Collodi classic wasn’t bad enough.
From Turkey, the same country that keeps Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in their Bestseller’s list, civilization is further lessened by their recent bastardization of Pinocchio and other classic Western folk tales:

The wooden puppet in Carlo Collodi’s classic book that wanted to become a real boy was blessed with many interesting features and never ceased to amaze his father, but it now turns out he was also Muslim
In a new version of the book, that was released in Turkey, Pinocchio turns to his father and emotionally announces: “In the name of Allah, give me some bread.” Along with dozens of other books that were included in a list recommended by the Turkish Ministry of Education, “Pinocchio” was forced to become Muslim.

Just take a look at the top ten changes they made to the classic tale:

  • Pinocchio is carved from a Jew’s coffin left over from a late-night cemetery desacration party.
  • Gepetto’s workshop is used for making wooden rifles for Palestinian security forces while they sell the real rifles to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
  • The Blue Fairy wears a Blue Helmet and is pretty much useless throughout the whole story, spending her time sipping tea with Hezbollah snipers to provide them international peacekeeper human shield coverage.
  • Jiminy Cricket is now Hassan Locust, Pinocchio’s symbolic outrage against Western Imperialism and support for the Zionist cause.
  • When Pinocchio lies, the fuse on his C-4 vest gets longer.
  • The Marionette Theater is really just a front for a Saudi-funded madrassa that preaches Wahhab extremism.
  • The Farmer’s chicken coop that Pinocchio is forced to guard is a Qassam launching site.
  • The Cat and The Fox are Mossad agents, trying to make Pinocchio reveal the location of terrorist cells and weapons factories.
  • He’s not turned into a donkey. He’s turned into a camel.
  • Who’s ever heard of whales in the Mediterranean? It’s more likely he’s swallowed up into an Israeli detention center and reunited with Gepetto the terrorist there.

Of course, once he’s a real boy, Gepetto can still circumcise him with a pair of rusty pruning shears.


  1. I guess the 1001 Nights weren’t enough for them that they’re taking our Grimms fairy tales too…Cinderella loses the veil of her burka instead of her slippers. Snow White is beaten to death by the dwarves for not keeping their house clean enough; in the Three Little Pigs the Wolf would actually blow up the brick house with a suicide vest.
    Pretty funny Laurence but this part Of course, once he’s a real boy, Gepetto can still circumcise him with a pair of rusty pruning shears. even though I’m a chick that one still made me cringe…ouchies even!!

  2. Bah! “Debbie does Riyahd” will be the real show-stopper at the Meccaplex Theatre chains.
    Rewriting history and literature then restricting access to accurate information is the defacto means of social engineering. It is done in all societies to greater and lesser extents and for varying motives…
    The jihadi’s are rewriting the views of world society for their own people and to aid expansion of their social power base so ladies & gentlemen you’d better be very much awake and aware. These “fairy tales” being rewritten are not a small, meaningless step.
    But don’t focus on this small item – zoom your focus outward to the broad spectrum of the entire society… this rewriting of something so mundane as fairy tales is just a drop in a bucket but the bucket is damn near full. Think back of all the stupid example of this crap!
    Gentlemen – you’d better be ready to start punching holes in that bucket.
    We’re no Holy Roman Empire… and we don’t have a Constantine any where in sight… but the modern day Huns are inside the gate with the advice and consent of our political leaders and beaurocrats. This is just another freakin’ symptom – and yet who is taking any serious action?
    No one. There is not one serious contender opposing world wide Muslim extremism. Why? Is it “Neville Chamberlain” syndrome or just outright Saudi cash in their pockets and a promise they won’t get a scimitar across their fat necks?
    Fairy tales? Crap – I’m wondering how the US Constitution would look rewritten…
    We happily inventory our ammunition and resume our usual repressive regime.

  3. SpongeBob, BombVest
    SpongeBob, BombVest
    Infidel Tom and his Zionist conspiracy against Muslim Jerry, peace be upon him.
    The Little Mermaid who was stoned for wishing to be like the infidels on land who don’t wear burkas.
    72 Virgins and the Beast.
    Popeye the Suicide Bomber Man.
    The Islamic Justice League – superhero jihadists fight the zionist conspiracies of The Legion of Joooos and their infidel friends in Great Satan America.
    Islam Bears – Suicide Bomb Bear, Jooo Killer Bear, Riot Bear, Nuclear Weapons Bear, Hijack Bear, Kidnap Bear, Burka Bear, Infidel Torture Bear, Terror Bear, and everyone’s favorite, Religion of Peace Bear.
    Transformers – Islam bots, led by Mohammed Prime (peace be upon his CPU), wage their battle to destroy the zionist forces of the JooooCons, led by the evil MegaJew.
    Jihad Patch Kids – get your own special, one of a kind Jihad doll, complete with its own tiny Koran and a weapon of Allah, such as bomber vest, sword, machine gun, or nuclear warhead. Play suicide bombings and terror attacks with your doll. No two look, or kill infidels, alike!

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