It Was Rove Who Wanted to Sink “Path to 9/11” All Along!

Now the Rove plan is revealed! While the anti-Clinton part of “Path to 9/11” will air on Sunday, President Bush will pre-empt the anti-Bush part with his primetime 9/11 address on Monday, effectively quashing the miniseries without saying a word about it.
So the Democrats get to look like pro-censorship Stalinists as they throw their hissy-fit, and Rove actually suppresses the miniseries without saying a word. It’s pure Rovian genius! I bow to our secret Emperor!


  1. Does anyone else find it ironic that the democrats are all screaming for censorship of a mini-series – which is airing the same night/time that Ted Koppel is going to be on Discovery Channel with a “documentary” on “our eroding rights under Bush since 9/11”?
    Or hearing Clinton bitch about the miniseries after celebrating FarenHype 9/11 and ignoring “Death of a President” – which is the intellectual equivalent to Michael Moore filming George Soros getting himself off to a terrorist snuff film?
    Someone needs to have fun with making political commericals on this week’s footage. They just took the civil rights issue and gave it an all-Clinton firing squad treatment.

  2. When I first heard of the docu-drama “path”, I thought I would avoid it since I am generally unimpressed with docu-dramas. Then Clinton asked for changes, and I started to get interested. Hmmm… must be too close to the truth to be comfortable. Maybe if I watch close I can figure out what documents Burger stole from the National Archives. Now the Dems are screaming to get it blocked. Wow!! I am really in favor of that, Cause my imagination will make it look much worse for them than anything Disney could come up with. Of course, if they do succeed, there will always be the nagging question of whether there really was a Movie or if it was just a scheme of Rove’s. Put out the story that there will be a movie and watch the Democrats demonstrate insanity. Yep, I believe he’s that clever.

  3. So a lib is admitting that all the libs want to ignore 9/11. Finally.
    Probably. I remember what happened so I don’t need 20 hours of docudramas, special features and replayed footage to remind me. But if you obsess over watching people die over and over again then by all means go ahead and watch. You can get really, really angry again too and then REMEMBER how Bush never captured or killed Osama Bin Laden.

  4. We can only hope that there was an advance copy of this thing that will get posted on the internet for us to see because ABC (All Bout Clinton) and little Georgie Steponopolis and the rest of the Clinton butt boys will never let it see the light of day… Not that I give a rat’s ass…other than watching some golf, my Vikings (sigh) and my Iowa Hawkeye football team I Never watch ABC! Go Hawks, by the way!

  5. Are you people still talking about 9/11?
    Let it go.
    It was 5 years ago for chrissakes.
    Liberals don’t care about 9/11.
    First, they didn’t want to create a commission to look into what happened on 9/11 and how it happened.
    Then they underfund the commission.
    Then they wanted a known war criminal to lead the commission.
    Then they wouldn’t let people in their own administration talk with the commission under oath.
    I’m with George W. Bush and the other liberals.
    9/11: Yawn. Big F’n Deal!!.
    Who could possibly care?
    A few American citizens die, and I’m supposed to get all excited about it?
    I (and my liberal friends–Bush, Cheney, etc) don’t think so.
    Life goes on (for us) you bunch of babies.
    Get over it.

  6. Condi blew her testimony which was full of lies. Oh and remember when she kept trying not to mention the name of the PDB but eventually had to!!!! That pointed out to the whole world that the Bush administration was well aware an attack was coming yet did absolutely nothing. They just let Bin Laden get us.

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