It’s All About the American Spirit and Those Who Seek to Crush It

James Joyner notes the odd tendency of the left to make 9/11 all about President Bush. It’s pretty sad. When Bush leaves power in 2009 and the terrorists are still around, will they finally focus on the real enemy or find another American politician to get hysterical about?
American has never been its president, and the terrorists would have attacked no matter who was President– and we all would have rallied just the same. These guys really have to get out of the little box of BDS and see there’s a whole world out there that doesn’t all revolve around their cartoon caricature of one man.
Confederate Yankee has more on liberals’ responses to 9/11. One of these days they’ll grow up.
Here’s what Kos had up when I first checked his site this morning. He had enought sense to later change the image, but Kos still commemorated the day by the exact sort of the commentary you’d expect from the little turd any other day.


  1. It never ceases to amaze me the hate that comes from the Left, all while they spew on about the hate and bile that the Right supposedly is throwing.
    And also, why is “ilk” a word that liberals like to use so much? I had one of those once, or so I was told.

  2. unfortunately, they WON’T grow up someday! liberals have been consistently wrong about just about everything they believe in for the last 50 years…but that isn’t what it’s about…it’s about getting and retaining power! that’s all they care about and sadly 9/11 and our enemies don’t matter to them outside this goal!

  3. Right, like I want to grow up and be a right-wing wacko 🙂 I’m a liberal and I blogged about killing al-Zawahiri today. He keeps making horrid audio and video tapes. One of you tough gun-toting conservabloggers should go kill him — Bush admin is taking too long. My blog software went all ilky tho and put white stripes in places 🙁 I need kewl software like Frank has.
    Thanks for the word “ilk” Dr. John Allan

    • I’m a liberal and I blogged about killing al-Zawahiri today –
      Wow, how liberal. Gee, how daring. My, how helpful. Are you going to kill him with a moon-based death ray or a hyper-intense wave of your uncanny super-sarcasm? No, don’t suggest that I read your “blog”…what you do in private is none of my business.
      BTW Sarcasm “Man” – The hope that you and your sick co-ideologists would one day “grow up” has nothing to do with your political affiliation…and everything to do with your low emotional IQ. Five years after evil men attacked all that is civilized, you still think that it’s all about you. Not for a single day could you behave like a civil human being. Not for a day could you stop being a raging turd. Fine. Be further proof that liberals support the terrorists by sharing their contempt for civilization.

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