It’s Like Those Monkeys at the Beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey Trying to Figure Out the Black Obelisk

There is a sign available for Democrats who support Michael Steele that says “Steele Democrat.” You have to see this discussion of it at DailyKos; it’s priceless.
When a couple of the monkeys figure out it’s meant to be a sign for Democrats for Steele, one of them asserts it’s too confusing because “Black guy + Democrat + Blue logos + Steele => Steele is a Democrat”
Yeah, the Democrats own the color blue and being black. The Kos Kids really need to venture out of the echo chamber every so often, because, reading this discussion, you’d swear all of them just stepped off of the short bus.


  1. Moonbat says: “He even drew a $5,000 monthly salary when he was running for Lt. Governor with Bobby Bush-Ehrlich, his mentor in sucking up to Bush.”
    I am ABSOLUTELY certain said moonbat had NO problem when “the poodle” drew his salary and was practically non-existant from the senate during his presidential run.
    Oh, and first.

  2. How funny. If you read through the comments (I only made it so far before I couldn’t see from tears of laughter).
    They are all worried that, “What if they start putting them up as yard signs. Will people make the distinction at 30mph?? NO!”
    Their own people are too stupid to know who to vote for? They are relying (and scared of) the stupidty of their own voters.
    Maybe if they ran on an actual platform instead of hoping the paid and bussed in homeless people (yes I am from Louisiana) would be able to vote for the “BLUE” guy with a free bottle of Thunderbird in his hand. They could actually get elected.
    Naw. Don’t see it happening.

  3. I can’t believe they have their panties in such a twist over this.
    Geez, if we can keep them focussed on thsi kind of minutiae, the Dems will NEVER get organized enough to win dogcatcher, much less the Congress.
    What a bunch of maroons.

  4. Wellll, Frank. C’mon now. So is Steele a democrat or a republican. I called Joe Lieberman to ask him but he still has his tutu in a wad over the entire party bailing on him. What a baby. Really Frank. I mean, the dude is black, so he’s a democrat, right?

  5. I don’t often go to those comment pages because it makes me want to rip my hair out, but I took the bait this time. Some of the commenters actually sound like they’re trying to make legitimate points. You know, like they paid attention in high school English class.
    But then…inevitably…idiots.

  6. Would someone please teach me to read my own comments before I hit “post?)
    Reading my own comment, it made me sound like I was dismissing all commenters on Kos as idiots.
    I meant to say the sane ones were followed by idiots.

  7. I couldn’t stop laughing; what a pack of idiots! You have to go 3/4 the way down before someone remembered the ‘Reagan Democrat’ signs. Does anyone here think that a similar posting at a conservative site about a ‘Lieberman Republicn’ sign would have run into the hundreds before there was an inkling of what it meant?

  8. the dkos guys are the people that little howie dean was counting on to carry him to victory in his presidential race…then they forgot to vote and it all blew up in his face and he became the head of the RATS! Idiots!

  9. KOS does not surprise me. The Rats have a history of fearing the voters. this comes from the fact that when the voters want logical (as opposed to emotional) arguments, they can’t win. this is also why they count on the courts to give them the power they seek instead of congress.

  10. Here in Knoxville, I’ve seen plenty of bumper stickers that say “Tennessee Democrat” (like that’s something to be proud of). So, if I’m in the KosKiddiesKrowd, I assume that EVERYBODY in Tennessee is a Democrat. What a bunch of doofuses!!

  11. As a “Democrat” from Maryland, I find this highly offensive. I’m heading up to Baltimore now to pull some strings with some election judg.. I mean friends to see how many dead Democ… I mean voters we have registered.
    After reading this, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I am ssoo ashamed to be a voting member of this state. Honestly, can’t we have ONE election without dead people voting or a Kennedy running for office? Can’t we just be a normal state that holds elections every two years and lives with the winners for two years?
    Seriously though, I am SSOO gettin me one of thems, though…

  12. OMG. After reading these comments, I’m like.. I’m not sure what I am. It’s sad that these people have a party!
    “This is a violation of state law” (paraphrazing). To quote another one “WTF?” These people are truly living in some other world

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