It’s Like Trying to Use the One Ring to Fight Sauron

Bill Clinton was crazy. In a post from Dean Barnett about the upcoming ABC docudrama, he mentions this actual quote from Mr. Bill:
(WARNING: Contains a swear word, but I’m not altering it since it’s historical)

You know, it would scare the shit out of Al Qaeda if suddenly a bunch of black ninjas rappelled out of helicopters into their camp.

Can you believe we once had a man in the Oval Office so crazy as to consider deploying ninjas? As soon as America turns to using ninjas, that’s a path of evil from which there is no return.
Clinton may not seem as bad a Democrat compared to many we’ve seen lately, but I’m glad he and his ninjas are no longer a threat to America’s civility.


  1. I miss Bill Clinton when the worst thing we had to worry about was a fat intern! Oh well his administration created this mess…Ninja’s rule however…except a Bill Clinton ninja would probably lay down a cry like a school girl if you kicked him in the nads…

  2. Dean Barnett also said that he “bounced this off the Commander of the Joint Cheifs of Staff” at the time.
    Can you imagine the look on his face when he heard this come out of his Commander in Chief’s mouth? Dean even went on to say that the Joint Cheifs Commander denied it took place. He must have been very embarassed. I would be.

  3. No…it’s just that Bill Clinton had the opportunity to take Bin Laden into US custody but refused…being mired in a fat intern scandal and Bin Laden killed almost 3,000 Americans on 9/11! I’d say that squarely places the blame on our former Rapist in Chief!

  4. Perhaps this is an ignorant question, but: Why wouldn’t we just fire two or three of those big, expensive exploding devices into the terrorist training camp from somewhere off-shore, while our ninjas relaxed on the deck of the aircraft carrier, sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them.
    Missiles and bombs don’t care who’s shooting at them from the ground.

  5. Bah! Racist swine!
    This proves that Comerade Clinton truly was the first black Presidente as he so often claimed. The proof is that NO ONE risks a family member, thus the reason no black ninjas were ever deployed.
    How can your Reverunt Sharpton let this go unanswered? Black Ninjas everywhere – Arise! Do the manchu* back UP those ropes and throw down your imperialist masters! (* – Ninja lingo.)
    (Either that or corner Bill Clinton to see what kind of ninja moves a 60 year old ex-presidente can make just to avoid being forcibly re-mated with his “wife”.)

  6. What would’ve really scared the shit outta al qaeda would have been a president with more testes than his wife during the 1992-2000 administration, since that was the time they had not only a blind eye from America’s democratic “leadership”, but genuine support.
    Sadly, that failure of an administration not only nurtured compassion towards facist muslims while amputating our miltary abilities, but it also spawned a new culture of self loathing left-wing apologists who are eager to do the same.
    Was Bill projecting his own fear of ninjas or of black folks? I know he wasn’t too keen on having so many blacks in the service dept. of the White House, just as Hitlery was annoyed by the military personell showing up & going about their business in uniform. (Yeah, what’re the odds of that)
    As for ninjas, black or otherwise, al-Gore would have been in control; after all, he invented them too.

  7. Ninjas are cool. I like ninjas. Could I have been a ninja? I’d like to be a ninja. I could have been a ninja. At least an axethrowing ninja. Ninjas are cool. Even the word “ninja” is cool. I like to say “ninja”.

  8. yeah…they don’t really want to make a big deal out of the fact that had Clinton used his nuts for something other than Monica, he might have stopped Osama and his thugs long before 9/11. instead he sold our secrets to the Chinese and deserted our soldiers in Mogadishu and overlooked the atrocities in Ruwanda. i guess he didn’t have time for handling those issues because he was too busy having sex with interns and playing his sax or flute or whatever it was. Bastard.

  9. Yeah, Jimmy, because we know that Bin Laden was the only one responsible for 9/11. I mean, it’s not like someone else could have simply taken his place and carried out the attacks, since there were many other people involved anyways. And screw your anecdotal evidence of having Bin Laden. Also, we have seen how safe Iraq has become after eliminating of Al-Zarqawi, with the number of civilians killed in roadside explosions being at an all time high.
    Jay, you little trailer trash cousin f***ing whore. You meant to say you will TRY to do those things, but will be interrupted when a corkscrew will gouge your eyes, and then will proceed to rip them out. Then, a shit will be taken in each of your eye sockets, and any fecal matter that leaks into your brains will only serve to add to the fecal matter you currently carry around in your head.

  10. Ninjas are very cool so you are all just jealous Clinton said it. If Bush said it you would have been besides yourself with glee and begging Bush to rename you all turd blossom. You want to know what is really wimpy? When Bush sells out to Musharaff and Pakistan wants to just let Bin Laden go free. That’s what I blogged about today. Wimpy Bush being wimpy about Pakistan and giving away our F-16s for nothing at all.

  11. Jay,
    So, now you’re suggesting that tape of Bill Clinton claiming he could have captured Bin Laden, and that he was offered to him and why he turned him down is “anecdotal evidence?” I guess you must have been on the OJ jury.
    And, you’re saying that capturing Bin Laden wouldn’t have made a difference? Oh okay, then why don’t we just empty all the prisons, because if those murderers and rapists don’t rape and kill your family, someone else will, so what’s the difference?!
    Also, there are still less deaths in Iraq than there are in some major American cities each year, so why don’t we just surrender Washington, DC to some terrorist power as well?
    What a jackass.

  12. Fake Jay:
    You’ll have to catch me first! Hey, there is nothing wrong with trailer parks.
    As for you, I am sure you will have to go to the local kwik-e-mart to buy you a corkscrew FIRST since all you do is drink your red Franzia out of a box over ice.
    And you call me white trash.
    P.S… clean up your language. Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?

  13. “…you are all just jealous Clinton said it.” -Sarcasm “Man”
    Yeah, that’s gotta be it; we’re jealous of an emasculated traitor. Why do you assume we’d be in any way envious of your god? If Hitlery wins in ’08, he’ll just be her bitch again, only this time the title will be official.

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