It’s Official

Not only can Democrats not stop terrorists, they can’t even stop movies about how they can’t stop terrorists.


  1. The Dems have risen to a new level of incompetence. Sometimes it seems unfair to fight intellectually with people who are so woefully unarmed. Then of course they do something so stupid, ridiculous and unbelievable. I don’t know how to express my gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. I “love” how Dems keep claiming Farenheit 9/11, a supposed documentary, was anything close to accurate. All the while, the mantra of “Path to 9/11,” a fictional DRAMA (based on true events), is a lie spreads before any of them have even seen the thing. I’d be interested in seeing exactly where the “LIES” are once the mini-series has aired in its entirety. From what I’ve heard from sneak-previews, the film isn’t exactly kind to Bush, either.

  3. They can kick, scream, complain and throw all the temper tantrums they want…we the American people know that Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, Sandy Berger and rest of this administration was dedicated to one thing. Covering up the fact that BJ was getting BJ’s in the oval office of the United States White House by a fat intern and they didn’t have time to deal with these Islamic pricks who then killed our people and took down the towers in NY city!!! They can spin it, dance around it, try to cover it up or try to change history but we remember and know who is responsible for it!!!

  4. “Ah, the Republican answer to Farenheit 9/11, except with even fewer facts.”
    Posted by: Dem on September 11, 2006
    I really can’t imagine how that could even be possible. ‘course I’m just a bushdrone with no imagination. so…y’know. Well, back to watching the right-wingest of all TV networks, ABC!

  5. Dem and other liberals should really look at the way Clinton dismantled out intelligence gathering ability and handicapped the HUMINT side of the anti-terrorist community. Working in intel for the NSA at the time, we were shocked at how much damage Clinton did to our intelligence gathering capabilities. He is as much to blame for 9/11 as anyone, including Osama.

  6. Personally, I can’t see what the Dems wanted to censor. So far, I think it’s been an accurate portrayal of Sandy Tofu-burger (looks like the real thing, minus any meat), Madilane Ain’tbright, and all we’ve seen of Commie Bill are clips of denying staining an intern’s dress. Isn’t it funny though, that the lefties always accuse the right of censorship, but when even the Communist Broadcasting System airs something that portrays them for what they are, what is the fist thing they try to do?
    From the Leftist Dictionary:
    FREE SPEECH: The ability to say anything you want only as long as it corisponds with Leftist views.
    The other funny thing; a few days ago, the censorship was being blamed on the FCC. I guess FCC now stands for “For Clinton’s Comeback!”

  7. “Ah, the Republican answer to Farenheit 9/11, except with even fewer facts.”
    Wow, the stupid just get stupider. “The Path to 9/11” was advertised as a drama, while “Farenheit 9/11” was advertised as a documentary.
    drama, from
    a. A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.
    b. A serious narrative work or program for television, radio, or the cinema.
    documentary, from
    1. Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
    2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
    Looks like the fellas at ABC had a better idea about what they were producing than Michael Moore.

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