It’s Play Tiiiiime!

Why do they hate us?
I stay up at nights wondering that. I mean, America is the bastion of diversity, so shouldn’t we be able to get along with other countries? Espcially those in the Middle East?
In the interest of reaching out and understanding other cultures, IMAO will be presenting a special series. We have gained special permission to re-post many of the thought forming, character shaping shows that are presented on Middle Eastern Public Television.
We hope you are entertained and can better understand the other side of the issues. Remember, this is the stuff that shapes young children and helps them to become happy, well formed little peaceful citizens of the world.

I’m Mohammed Al Lakyu and it’s Plaaaaaaaaay Time.
Gather round children. I seeeeeee you.
Hi Khidrah
Hi Khaleem
I see Mustafa playing soccer. So much fun.
I see Khalid
Hi Najeeb
I see Assan playing and striking a blow for equality. Good job Assan. Don’t mix the red wire with the blue wire.
I see Afsana. Cover up your legs you little slut or we’ll have stoned. Hee hee. Mohammed Al Lakyu is just kidding.
Hello MIkal
Najeeb! Shalom.
Ooh. There’s Nura
I see Abdul in Guantanamo Bay, locked up and tortured. Remember, waterboarding only FEELS like you’re drowning.
Oh, look in Lebanon. I see little MoMo standing on a roof. Don’t fall off. That roof is almost 2 feet high. Curse those filthy Jooooos.
Hello Nasreen
Hi Ashira
Hi wish you all peace. Peace to you!
Welcome to Allah’s Fun House.

Cut to sponsor’s plug..
Today’s episode of Allah’s Fun House was brought to you from the people at CITGO.
CITGO. Fighting the Devil Named George Bush.
Never giving up. Never giving in.


  1. RightWingDuck you just re-used the angry Islamist graphic we have seen several times already? What’s next are you going to just cut and paste your old posts and pretend like they are brand new? What the hell is wrong with you? Why don’t you ever have any cool SF references like Frank?

  2. Sarcasm Ma’am-
    You’re really not one to talk. You just reiterate the same old theme every time you come around, not unlike another troglodyte who became conspicuously absent around the same time you started to grace us with your immaculate views.
    Oh you; you’re so sneaky.

  3. Sarc: In comedy, it’s known as a “Callback”. Time to break out those “Seinfeld” DVDs, eh Sarc? Now please report to the local free clinic for meds and your humor transplant.
    Alan: Troglodyte, hmmm? But according to Odor-mann, isn’t this more appropriate for us right-wingers?
    Just ignore Sarc, he’s channelling Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys

  4. Okay, kids. The alphabet letter for today is Hamza, the glottal stop. We hear this sound every time an infidel is hanged. To demonstrate Hamza, lets listen to our good friend-of-the book, Rabbi Rosenberg, as he gets choked by our Islamic brother Mr. Red Rag.
    Wasn’t that inspiring? Okay, kids, now it’s time to practice with our old Russian friend, the AK-47. Now carefully remove your weapons from your backpacks, insert the clip and . . .BLAM!!! . . . now look, kids, at what poor Abdullah did. Never, ever, look into the barrel to watch the bullet come out!!! Mohammed, please get the bucket and clean his brains off the wall. Remember, children, it’s just like we learned in bombmaking class — you only get to do this once! KAREEM ABDUL! Are you laughing again? Do you want me to take another finger off?
    Okay, lets put away our weapons. Let’s pay our respects for our fallen martyr hero (Alalalalalalalalalalala!). Now kids, do you know what a virgin is?

  5. You’re really not one to talk. You just reiterate the same old theme every time you come around, not unlike another troglodyte who became conspicuously absent around the same time you started to grace us with your immaculate views.
    Oh you; you’re so sneaky.

    Go ahead and confuse me with whoever you want AnalBBQ it doesn’t change the fact that RightWingDuck’s regurgitation of previously used humor isn’t very funny.
    I won’t change my Bush sucks at fighting terrorist theme until Bush actually does something right. Instead, he starts a War in Iraq for no reason and allows the Taliban to make a comeback and grow a huge poppy harvest in Afghanistan. Maybe you can explain how having a massive poppy harvest with money going to the Taliban helps us kill terrorists?
    Sarcasm man, you just rearrange the same old 26 letters everytime. Loser.
    🙂 Spacemonkey’s comeback is much better than Alan’s. See ya later opium lovers.

  6. By golly, he’s right! I never thought that the opium trade could happen there… oh, right, it was there & sanctioned by the Dhimmocrats for a couple of terms before Dubya.
    True, the poppy harvest doesn’t help us kill any terrorists (unless they use too much themselves), but it sure would explain the bizzare comments & attitudes from the liberals on university campuses & protests all over the nation.
    //Spacemonkey’s comeback is much better than Alan’s.//
    That’s very true. That’s why he makes the big bucks (LOL!) from FrankJ.

  7. When did lefty panty waists start complaining about drugs? Every time I turn around they are either trying to get them legalized or they are fighting against long-term prison sentences and/or capital punishment for dealers? So what gives? Oh…sorry…BDS! It’s all Bush’s fault!!!

  8. Bush was wrong on Iraq = excused savagery by the barbarians.
    If we only had Mike Wallace as president, muslim Barney wouldn’t be wearing a dynamite belt. His openmindedness would spread like wildfire in the Middle East.

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