Just in case you have a few bucks to spare…

In case there are a few deranged folks out there that are here just for the Friday Catblogging…

I’ve been doing some fundraising for a replacement wireless webcam for my catcams site recently.
The last one… well… kinda bit the dust after it betrayed me horribly this past weekend. Frisky got loose, we had to leave for a wedding, and if it had run properly we’d have known he didn’t run off for good, but was coming back to the patio every few hours to get food and water placed in view of the flaky camera.
So I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude at everyone’s contributions towards the new catcam after I torched the old Sony for screwing me over during the time I needed it most. Thanks to everyone who’s Amazoned or Paypalled a few bucks to chip in.
We’re up to $245 so far, and I’m pretty sure I’ll hit the office supply store for CD mailers early tomorrow in case people want autographed burns of the 100 word stories collection. I’d offer a bootleg burn of the IMAO collection along with it, but I think Frank’s holding that back for the whole “Nuke The Moon” Fundraising project.
If there’s money to spare, I’ll put it towards a second catcam or some new scratching posts to put on camera that Nardo will most certainly topple over at some point during each day. Vegas might even take bets on when they get hauled down.
I’ll also see about posting a movie or three on YouTube of the Sony SNC-M1W piece of crap going up in flames in my 18″ Weber later today.
Thanks to everyone, and thank God for giving me the moment where I saw my wife walking around the corner Sunday evening with Frisky in her arms.
WARNING: In the process of torching this piece of garbage, I use a few words that will make SarahK blush and are probably not appropriate for people under 26.

You have been warned.
NOTE TO SELF: Stop by Home Depot for a new fire extinguisher.

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